TestOfOath's Happy Place

Yesssssss! That sir is epic news! I’m in!


@TestOfOath Great future ahead!! Kudos!


Man that greenhouse is HUGE! I’m jealous bro! Man that’s gonna be epic! Don’t kill yourself in the process! I was imagining like 1/2 of that in my head. Wow so dope!


Nice to see the greenhouse coming back. I’m looking forward to seeing you grow some nice plants in it again. Hoping you get some free time and nice days ahead. I might have to build myself a little one to fit in, lol, I’m moving to the greenhouse capital of Canada :laughing:


Do it brother! I can live vicariously through you guys at least, may go back to my roots with some guerilla this year. Been a long time but I used to love that stuff in my youth. Greenhouse is a breeders dream


He was passed out yesterday. I seen you over there on discord sleeping. Lol that was a big olef. Adam would’ve been proud.


Lmao, yes yes I was. Also realizing my luck is not NEARLY what I thought it was lol. Haha thanks bro :sunglasses:


Did you see me I kept saying Hemp. I know lemon Joe told me I was registered but I was like there were so many prizes I felt like we all should’ve won something. We really do I mean we trade with people. It’s a win-win anyway. Free stickers would’ve been cool. Especially for the supporters. Lol it would probably cost more to send it out. Lol


Hey if it makes you feel better I didn’t see my name a single time in the Discord at all, pretty sure I only had one entry per and didn’t understand who was what number but it is what it is, would’ve been cool to have some new free stuff but I’m setup pretty good at the same time so just gotta be thankful I guess


I was there to see the fun. It was pretty cool. Some people made out pretty good. I’m happy for them. To me the seed trading is a pretty good deal. People like you and so many others don’t mind passing some around. Press machines where a great deal. A few Vape pens. I have a dry vap one. It’s ok. Slow. It works. Comes with a grinder. Which I do not need. It does a few other things. Dabs and has a water attachment. I haven’t done that.


. Your autos. Very nice. Thanks again.



So glad to see that it’s all coming together and I am excited for u to have this for all sorts of goodies that you can grow now and tents looking :+1:t2:


That’s what I’m talking about. That is a room.


Thanks for the kind words guys I’m real happy everything is recovering so nicely.

Showing off my love for Michigan breeders here’s my 4/20 shipment from Master Sensei Genetics, I been trying to get him to come be a sponsor he’s auto flowers for the most part


Just need some self tappers at all the pole joints, get the earth anchors in the ground and tarp on and she’s ready to roll, fucking thing is STURDY let me tell ya. Only like 13.5 hours into building it so far, figure it’ll prolly take 20 total to completely finish. Feels like such a giant weight off my back to get it this far, it’s basically done now.


Is that a new one from last year? Or do you take it down in the fall?

:green_heart: :seedling:


What a monster green house I like your tote is that going to be the mix tank?

Shouldn’t be short of room in there good luck with the rest of the build.


It’s that a hoodie?
It looks dope! Dig that logo; and they oughta give you some free beans now cuz now I’m interested in checking him out. :bear::sweat_smile::+1:
Edit: any recommendations?


@G-paS it’s a brand new one my buddy and I went almost halfsies on, 1.66in galvanized pipe vs the like .5in hoophouse. 2600$ investment with delivery but its already so worth it, feel like a tornado would have a hard time moving this thing it’s so sturdy and I over engineer for our wind too, hence the big red earth anchors I gotta put in.

@ShiskaberrySavior originally I’d gotten it just for watering but don’t have the right pieces to hook a hose up on the bottom and it’s kinda just sat off to the side for the time being. I’ve been meaning to get the gutter hookups to catch rain water to fill it to save the stress on my well but I’m going to put in an irrigation system in the greenhouse so all I gotta do is turn water on and everything gets well water. I’ve got a buddy at work that runs our irrigation division and another friend at another company who’s done tons who both offered to help install one so I figured why not be super legit.

@HeadyBearAdventures it’s a thick ass hoodie at that like late fall in Canada/Midwest kinda thick but someone in the Facebook group said the logo doesn’t hold up the best in washing, least of my worries though.
Kyle always treats me real good though I been buying seeds off him for a few years now, my Dosi Walker that’s around was the White Walker from him and if you go here I think that’s about the last picture of my White Walkers. Honestly they were my first good auto run cause I switched to hydro for em so I took out the possibility of my overwatering and stunting as is ALWAYS my habit with autos so I don’t have enough info as I’d like to give you… If you look at his page or the Grow Talk group he started there’s tons of pics of his genetics through those. After this Pure Michigan F2 seed run I’m gonna get the buckets back out and start growing his autos and trying to S1 a plant from each batch of seeds. Maybe keep the reversed plant in a separate room except for pollinating time, keep seeds to a minimum but still have enough to spread around.
Oh, I did do his Green Rose, Supernova, and GG Express outdoors this past year, GR and Supernova were medium sized and bushy, I hated trimming the Supernova honestly, the structure was not ideal for outdoors but the buds were good. Green Rose had a short and tall pheno both real good smoke and relatively easy to trim. GG Express was short and squat but 100% finished a month maybe even two early and had some gas for smoke, extra stinky and sticky I honestly meant to get a few more of that one and forgot