TestOfOath's Happy Place

Beautiful work @TestOfOath. You’re hard work and determination is paying off with dividends (to your plants)!


Up top he has a add for work for food. Or intern for U of Weed. Dank School. Free lesson with trade. His knowledge for your work. Sounds good. We had a trade work for weed. He said I smoked to much. So he changed the rules. I was so high I didn’t remember. I was like Dude I lost my job.


@Abbbian if you keep the plants happy you can definitely live in there :grin:

@Hemp I’m hoping everything comes out decent, I’m starting from a defecit as usual :joy: they got fed bleach water and got pissed off while they were being sexed. I’m sure they’ll all recover just fine… Hopefully lol. I would both pay someone with weed to live in mine and get paid by weed to live in someone’s greenhouse and take care of it :grin:

@Pigeonman thanks a bunch bud I’m still a bit embarrassed showing it not completed with shit all over the place but damn do I feel one big sense of pride every time I look at that whole thing! I’m always a realist, expecting the worst cause that’s usually what happens and hoping for the best for when I don’t have my normal luck. If this year doesn’t turn out exactly like I want I’ll just have to prep better for next spring, lots of circumstances I’m not the fondest of over the winter led to the situation I’m in, which is far from the worst but I also could’ve done better, I’m always my hardest critic :joy:

Thanks for the love guys, I’m sorry I’m not able to be active like I want to be. Once this Pure Michigan seed run is over (and I shuck 30 plants…) I’ll learn from the mistake of having 50-80 plants and stop fucking doing it, which will leave me SO MUCH extra time in any given day so I’ll have the energy and time to post more again.

Bubble buckets are gonna be coming back out soon as I chop this run down, gonna run some Master Sensei Genetics autos again and get my stash back up!

Can y’all believe I’ve been here for almost a whole year now? Man has this place changed my whole growing life, love each and everyone one of you crazy stoners


Who else has the “problem” of random weed growing all over your front yard from washing seeded trim? :joy::joy::joy::joy:


Hey @TestOfOath how you doing ?
I thrown 3 more ICC on the water and its reached 100% of success rate until now… :slight_smile:


Shit!! Someone’s been rolling joints in your backyard, and as they’re breaking it, not careful about them seeds, throw them in the ground!! It’s gonna be a heck of a problem finding out which strain it was… after the fact!!! :joy:
I’d be curious to let them go just for curiosity’s sake!! Kudos!! :man_farmer:


@LionsNaughtyBeans You mean they submerged!! ? :flushed:


Never had a problem with his seeds.


They popped already @Abbbian, 5/5 has popped!


Damn!! :sweat_smile: You’re gettting me jealous!! Congrats!! You rock!!! :pray: :clap: :clap: :clap:


Yes but also no. There’s been no seeds near this barrel but here is this little :seedling: below my mailbox :thinking:

It’s been dug up and is now in a 1 gal pot to see how it goes lol.


Hey mate, the 3 ICC#5 is already on the coco. :slight_smile: and the first ones I grew is almost ready to harvest :slight_smile: more one or two weeks.

Thanks for the gift <3 they are smelling good!!! I cant wait to make some bubble hash with them.


Collecting pollen slowly, don’t mind the ugliness of some of the plants… I’m just trying to get through this at this point :upside_down_face:

Also, the last two are a plant showing nuts at 4 nodes, still blowing my mind cause I’d heard 5 forever ago and it just stuck in my brain with no experimentation or anything to back it up… I’ll get over it :rofl:


Pretty much maxed the greenhouse out with 26 plants (should’ve stuck to the 25 but I’m bad at placing holes I guess). Literally the whole thing is in reveg so hopefully they’re getting enough daylight to be doing that, weather app says 14 hours from sunrise to sunset so we might be pushing it… Hopefully within a month they’re all vegging again, gonna be cutting it close this year cause of bad planning as per usual, I’m sure they’ll be fine, the two 5 gallon transplants from sct2020 were Mountain Top Mints and Frozen Coke (clone of plant #4 from the 3rd Coast run), those ones will probably be monsters and I’m loving the fades from the random cold days here, gonna be beautiful come fall

Should’ve taken a whole room pic but I was more focused on how the buds are fully seeded and growing nicely, I’ll get one soon, maybe even clean up the dead leaves before I take it :rofl:

Oh and two of the pics were showing spider mites damage for @Hemp, I know the leaves are really damaged they’ve been getting treated


Beautiful!! Everything @TestOfOath!!! Is that one with the major bud in a 1 gallon pot!? Thanks! :pray: :clap: :clap: :clap: :hugs:

Third top right from the bottom!!


You have some nice room. I think the holes will be ok.


Everything in the grow room except the one in the box is in 1 gallon pots, its my first time flowering in something so small outside of solo cup challenges. Some of the nugs are gonna be impressively sized for being in such small pots for sure


Can anyone give me a rundown on how Strainly works? I’d like to get my bulk out into the world while sort of having a side hustle, dollar a seed till I can stabilize things and am a little more legit than just chucking pollen in open pollinations. Says I need 3 reviews before I can post ads but how can you get reviews without posting ads?


Are the reviews and ads asked for at the same time? Also who submits these reviews? Ahem… in kitchen nightmares buddy posts his own positive reviews. Of course… Gordon is a clever bastard and knows it.


I wondered what MTM was. That is the clone I lost that he gave me. I am keeping the Frozen Coke as a Mom and His other two clones.

:green_heart: :seedling: