That BBD Energy 🔵

2 weeks into flower

I fixed the pH in the res yesterday. I think they look even better today.

Res readings are pH 6.01 and ec 1168

I tried to get shots of each BBD without pulling them out of the tent.


They look great man. I love the first sign of flower.


I feel a little dumb for putting a fast flower in the extra spot, since its exploding, but that means it should finish up and clear out when the BBD is still finishing and we can have a clearer view.


Looking excellent… saved my last like for you! haha


Got rid of the unnecessary tray, and then swapped the TP to the back because I couldn’t see the other BBD with it in the way.

I also realized those gym mat things are causing my trays to sit unevenly, which is making for uneven water distribution. I’m going to need to remove those, then cut one up so that my cat still has her nap area. She never likes beds that I purchase, so I can’t take this one away. Haha


I noticed the left front plant has some rust spots on a few leaves, but that doesn’t seem to be happening on the others.

Since it’s just a couple leaves, in thinking they started when the pH was high, and are just now visible now. As the other plants aren’t having any issue, I don’t plan to make any crazy adjustments. Maybe just bump the pH back to about 6.1ish.


well, shit
just opened the tent for the day
small pond in the tent liner
not sure where the autopots sprung the leak, but luckily the water seems to be contained in the tent liner.
i just put 5 gallons in last night
I soaked up about a gallon with a towel and bucket, but I am going to see if I can get some up with my shop vac, or if its too shallow.
hopefully I can locate the leak issue easily without making more of a mess, or wasting much more water

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Damn bro, that sucks. Good call with the containment unit though! Pond liner ftw. :+1:
Get what you can with a shop vac, then try and elevate the back with a rolled up towel or something, bringing the rest of the water to the front for removal. :wink:


I realized I did make a change recently. I noticed the trays were not even, so I put pads under the lower end, to try to even it out, without having to take everything out of the tent, mid-flower. I removed them, but will also check out the floats to see if anything is stuck

shop vac got most of the water out. still trying to get the rest, but some may just have to dry on its own

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Hopefully not too much damage done.

I am guessing your cat attacked that fan leaf in the bottom left of the photo…lol

I also got hit with some rust spots in soil. I believe it’s a mag deficiency, so I hit the plants with a foliar feed of epsom salts and some in there regular watering. Time will tell if it fixes the issue.

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Thats good to know. I try to stay in line with the Jacks feeding schedule. I just do 25% for seedlings, and 50% the rest of the time. I could try bumping the epsum a tiny bit on the new feed.

I just need to find the leak and fix it, first. I may move the pots into buckets, remove each try and clean them off, then put them back together. the fittings all look ok to me.

And yeah, she’s pretty good about waiting until they get big, then she starts snacking on the bottom leaves when she goes in to nap. lol. im good with it :slight_smile: she deserves to treat herself.


Looks like we are still dry after taking it apart, cleaning the trays, putting it back together, and putting 1 gallon into the res. Going to mix up 5 more gallons before they get too hungry for their nutes.


Water issue still appears to be resolved. Couple plants looking droopy. Hopefully they perk back up with their new water supply.



they’re looking nice man. quite a bit of stretch on the back right one. they’re all BBD right?


No, I had the one BBD root tear when I moved it into the coco. I didn’t want to waste a BBD by starting another one later than the others, so I dropped one of the Tropicanna Poison S1 I made into the empty spot (because I have a bunch, so figured if it was small at flip it wouldn’t be an issue). That is what is in the back right, stretching like its going out of style.

Now I kind of wish I had just done another BBD, but you grow and you learn.


yeah… i saw the purpling bud and thought something was up. :+1:


I noticed the spotting on the leaves, and the yellowing on some bottom leaves, was getting worse. I was discussing my Jack’s feed amounts with other AZ growers, and found out that I was feeding a lot less than those whose grow some amazing plants. This would account for the plants dying early and not producing very much on my blueberry run, too, so I bumped it up to match their feeding. Here’s hoping for a swift turnaround.


Looks like calcium might get it to 100%. Looking good though


I’d ad a little gypsum and epsom, @other_barry . 1gr/gall is what i use.




For anyone curious, I feed in 5 gallon batches, using Jack’s
Here is what I was adding previously
A - 7.2g
B - 4.8g
Eps - 1.8g

my newest batch went in with
A - 20g
B - 10g
Eps - 5g

in both I include a little hydroguard (unsure if I need to, but got concerned while they were drinking slowly at the start of veg) and a tiny sprinkle of MOAB pk booster.

in this new batch I added some calmag, since its just been sitting around, and a little bit of silica

edit - there were still a few gallons of the last batch in there, so it got mixed and diluted a little, otherwise I probably would have stepped it up to this amount over a couple of feedings. Still though, I expect a little leaf burn, but will watch to make sure I dont get too much. If it looks like I F-ed up, I will dilute it down with a bit of plain ph’ed water.