The Canadian Contingent (Part 2)

Oops my bad, many a lost iglooer in that one. Apologies


Black oil sunflower seeds get 'em every time! I toss a few into the tube, gives them a snack while they are waiting to get free.

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Congrats on an amazing run.

Or the Great Canadian Maple Syrup Heist of 2011/12 !


Sorry to the Southerners for the smoke but thankyou to the Southerners that came to help us Northerners .


Hey y’all! Anyone else like tropicals in addition to their herby flowers? If yes you might wanna check out Tropic of Canada (Southern Ontario, but ships Canada wide).

I just got my birthday presents to myself today and I’ve had nothing but a great experience with this family run operation!



Beans landed safe and sound! Thanks so much @duo !



oh man nice fish bud. used to have nice sessions like that but seems to be getting harder and harder every year. certain folks dont throw back the big preggo fish and take em home to eat. anything over 22 inches is to fatty imo


I agree. Kind of stupid rules up there in one area. 2 fish under 16 inch or 1 under 16 and 1 over 22 inch. nothing in between. 2 fish limit.

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The rules are messed up all over . Trying to open it up for people but in turn they are allowing them to rape extremely important age groups . Makes zero sense it’s almost like whoever is calling the shots literally has no clue about fish spawning, age of maturity etc. it’s sad as myself and 7 others have been fighting for Ontario trout and salmon for years and years but it’s a losing battle. Hell they won’t even stock anymore out here “no money” they say
. We volunteer :man_facepalming:t2: literally all they have to do is pay for the space to rear the fingerlings etc. everything else including peoples time, trucks to transport, gas everything else we did the logistics and paid for out of pocket. But they still shit us down and out. And the fish are the one’s suffering as well as the local watersheds. Kills me :man_facepalming:t2:


I’m certainly not very interested in eating anything in the 22 inch or over the sad part is is I can eat the two under 16 myself and the family goes with nothing

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Dear valued customers (I mean potential criminals) I mean
shit, this is going to be bad


Please don’t steal from us while we are robbing you. Thanks!


“Who do you think you are? The police? Oh wait they can’t stop and search me for no reason either.”

Unbelievable. Ok sir, I’d like to return everything and shop somewhere else please.


It’s because people are robbing them blind with these self checkouts, I watch people do it all the time, pay for this, not that blah blah. At Sobeys a guy watches everything you scan in while checking on a screen , can’t steal shite. But everywhere else it’s a damn free for all. Ha thought you’d save money getting rid of 1/3 of staff. NOT SO MUCH as I only pay for 1/2 of this 700$ cart full. :man_facepalming:t2:


This is GOLD


Self checkouts exist so they don’t have to pay multiple cashiers. Of course there’s going to be shrink. You can pay for pseudo cops but not cashiers

My heart bleeds for them.

And forcible confinement is a crime and you can get 10 years
just saying, loss prevention officer.

Caveat: I hated them already this is just a bonus.


It really is ludicrous


The good news is if they catch you they don’t call the police. They just take you out back and beat you with loaves of price fixed stale bread.


The secret to retail security is this:
They can only arrest you if you stay on the property of their employer. If you run down the street, you’re safe. Not from the cops, though. If you hang around waiting for the cops, you are history.