The Central American landrace and heirloom thread

There you go @GREANDAL all tucked up in mid pots…17days …very vigorous.

They look happy…



I haven’t grown Oaxacan yet and here is the Corinto train passing by at full speed. :seedling:


Papayas. Neighbor grows them.


I just want to welcome all here to join the thread Take Seeds, leave seeds, landrace edition. It would be great to have some Central American landraces to trade with and grow and represented. As well, if you see something special you would like to grow, go ahead and grab them! You only have to take them, and then be willing to send seeds to the next person who might want your seeds. They just need to be from landraces or their immediate crosses. I hope to see some seeds from this thread represented! I know there are beautiful amazing landraces from this region!


Your plants are really taking off. They definitely look happy and healthy in those pots.



I’m new here and got curious. I’m from Germany, as you probably know growing just got legalized for private persons there. I did a few grows before it was legal (deep water culture with seeds from royal queen seeds). I would love to get back to growing now that it’s legal and I don’t have to worry about trouble.

I also used to live in Panama, so I have a special interest in the country. I have lot’s of family and friends around Las Tablas and Tonosí :slight_smile: though I haven’t been much to Chiriquí.

I was reading that you wanted to bring back Panama Red to Panama. I’ve read that it may still be found on the pearl islands. It’s been a dream of mine to go there and try to find it.

I’m just wondering if you were unable to find it in Panama and if so, where have you been searching? Have you been to the pearl islands?


Hello, I’m a bit new to some of this. What do you mean by “not a speck of cereal” ? Just curious !


Those are HUGE for 17 days. Power of the sun I figure. My balcony ladies grow so much slower.


It’s a Zappa reference.


Ye I live in Chiriqui …but I did travel around Los Santos,

Tonosi is a great little cowboy town.( where the women are tougher than the men).full of bars playing typical music from dawn to dusk…Cambutal and the Cerro Hoya Nat Park is a gem in the area…with deserted beaches ,some of black sand.

Weed was grown in the park years ago …but it’s all gone now…back down the track you have Pedasi a small fishing town that has been taken over by tourism.

Weed is available all over Panama but these past years it’s all hybrids…local Crispi average $60-$80 oz…bit of Kush …but you need to fork out $200 oz for that,hydroponic grown.

As for the Pearl islands …yes I agree weed was grown there…but nowdays it’s five star hotels and all inclusive…PR there be long gone.

The Caribe coast is possibly a place….from Colon down to Nombre de Dias ( the old gold trail to Cartagena…

No unfortunately I have not come across it here…I’m sure it be somewhere…some Indians in the Darrien probably small plots…or or down in Jacque near the Colombian border.

That’s about it.

There is loads of info on Panama red on this thread. References in Part 1 and 2

If you start here

I’m chuffed you have got recreational legalization in Germany, and hope it goes to France and Italy next…

So start at. Snow High Peace Corp Panama Red x Panama Red 2016

and use the :mag:

Good luck

Edit. The link for the park…Don’t use tourist co there…get a local guide…will be much cheaper than a tour co. …and more fun meeting locals



same feeling over here, haha

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@GREANDAL Thanks for the Tunes Bud

Awesome choice. The Frank Zappa
I’m opening my Mail to Find some true Funk from AZ…

Thanks You Thank You Gang, does not get more organized than this


It’s not a cookies, Cereal or any other popular hybrids that dominate the dispensaries and most seed banks. I believe gg is int their. Please correct me if I’m wrong @greandal


can anyone help sex this colombian gold?

are these the thorns ive heard they could grow?

Yay i have 2 nanans that are female should i flower indoors since i live in high plains desert? Thanks


I would say it’s a oldtimer



Looks male to me but it’s a little too early to tell for sure.


Um. Listen carefully to the song. LOL

“The :poodle: bites” etc.

But yes, it’s an indication of quality that there’s no cereal (fillers or adulterations) like you would find in cheap dog food.


Hmm, kind of a long ways from Central American Landrace. Was going to post Corinto pics but that doesn’t fit this discussion.


Let’s see your Corinto! :eyes:


Oaxacan loves 95+° holy cow this is the biggest plant I’ve had in a .75 gal pot!

Colombian gold female