The Gauntlet 2023

I bet you do, your therapist must be exceptional for you to repeat this experiment again :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Trim Jail Trauma

Grove Bag Dysphoria

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Kush is filling out nicely! Everyone is raving over the smoke. I think youā€™re going to like it! :thinking::grin:
All your plants look really nice and healthy. Good work! :green_heart::herb:


Thanks Bobbi. :sunglasses: :metal: :peace_symbol:
Looking forward to itā€¦


The gauntlet is already looking bigger than I imagine my autos will finish outdoors. Although in this current weather they have been doing well. (Or at least were before we came on holiday) at the moment Iā€™m blind to the progress :100: 4 more days of wondering. Probably followed by a couple weeks of stress. I have someone feeding the 2 JR coco pots in the loft but I absolutely wouldnā€™t trust him to make a feed up. Just to dip a syringe in the res and squirt where directed.

Looking forward to seeing your results again this year. Following along with joy and wonderment.

Ono, imagine all the people jealous af. bad john Lennon jokes inserted sorry I waked and baked :joy:


This is what you have to look forward to very soon. :sunglasses:


Thanks bro. Just a man growing his weed. :slightly_smiling_face:


Our pollen count was 1301 yesterday. WTF. :sneezing_face:


Been a week since I fed them.
2 Gallon mix
3 grams Meg A
3 grams Meg B
3/4 gram Sweet Candy
1 tsp Microbe
1 TBS Molasses
1/2 tsp Kelp
1 1/2 tsp Big Bloom

1 gallon this morning with 1/2 tsp per Gypsum
After lolli poppin the shit out them this evening
1 more gallon without gypsum.
I even removed any small shoots coming out of the root ball.
One main stem for direct injection Dr.
I will leave them be for 4-5 days before I start topping them.
All of a sudden I feel like I can manage them. :rofl:
Praying to the Western sun setting. Gave them a good Kelp Foliar so they can stop screaming. :rofl:

Munchies. :yum:


Some big girls there buddy! Mine havenā€™t gotten the love and food like yours. Still kicking and happy but Iā€™m about ready to let them fend for themselves with water. Looks like rain this weekend!


I bet you are looking forward to the rain. Are you getting any of that smoke from @Foreigner :rofl:


Looking good, I like the gardener supplement there :rofl:

Trim waists, thick at the top. Those Wonderdawgs are loving it.

I had to neem the other night, noticed some aphids. Not on my watch. I added some kelp to the mix because why not. Last thing I want to deal with is an aphid nightmare.


I use this. Only once so far. I have lady bugs several out there and about 5-6 predator spiders its like hometown buffet. I havenā€™t had any problems last two years.


Wildfires about an hour north of me. Been real hazy for the past few days but itā€™s dying down now. Crazy year so far


Last year they were already burning real bad by April. I hope its not as as bad this year. Wildfires suck ass when they are not prescribed.


I always get some lady bugs and praying mantis cocoons every year and let them free or hatch by my plants outside so they have a happy home. Yes I do know that praying mantis eat lady bugs but circle of life and all that. The mantis are barely visible when they hatch so small.


I havenā€™t seen any praying mantis here. That does not mean they are not here. I donā€™t seem to have any insect problems. Spiders and the lady bugs munch on them as fast as they come around. 30 gallon pots of coco help they donā€™t like coco. I spread a little seven dust around the outside of the pots also around first of July. I do a preventive with the Monterey here and there. Up under like I do the kelp.


Do you have to spray BT for budworms during flower? That seems to be the main pest to deal with outdoors.


The Monterey I use is not the BT version. I havenā€™t had any issues with them here. I use Monterey and I hardly use it. I have used the regular Monterey above up until 4 weeks flower with no problems. I have lots of wind. Constant breeze. I am beside a big agro farm. Bugs and Caterpillar worms are just not interested and the ones that stop by for second are devoured quickly by the predator spiders and lady bugs that hang out. I donā€™t want to jinx it tho. :rofl:


Well thatā€™s good you donā€™t have to worry about caterpillars, pretty much have to spray BT once a week throughout flower unless you want caterpillars and all their poop up in your flowers. I have had some plants that arenā€™t as heavily effected by the caterpillars but hell if I can tell you why.