The Gauntlet 2023

Great rig as long as you stay on top of your service.

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I reported it. Did an online incident report with the sheriff. Iā€™m done putting anymore energy into it. Iā€™m just going to do the work with my buddy. Least amount of energy. :sunglasses: My witness another driver followed him to a convenience store down the road he did not get a tag. This ass hat was telling people he was the victim of a hit and run. I thought about asking for CCTV footage to get his plate #. It would just be a circus to only find out the guy has no insurance. Plus as far as accidents. Insurance companies everyone is guilty in an accident. They find a way to ding you. :heavy_dollar_sign: :heavy_dollar_sign:


man it is hard to keep up with this thread. it moves right along. i look away for a couple of days and the bushes look like you never pruned them and are double the size. you are keeping them quite content for sure.

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Thanks man. Iā€™m only feeding them every 5 days. Iā€™m seriously going to cut there N down even in stretch. Right now I am giving them Open Sesame 5-45-19, some Mega crop A and B. Iā€™m thinking in a week when they start bloom and stretch. Iā€™m going to cut out Meg B and give them one shot of Alaskan fish ferts and start adding Gypsum. Start in on my bloom nutes.


i have had great results with open sesame, beasty bloomz, and chaching back before i got into organic. sometimes i think it is easier using the salts vs organic. i have had good result both ways. looks like you got a combination of both in your grow. plants are doing great for sure!


This will be my first year using Beastie bloomz. Last year used open sesame for the first time July 21 until Aug 7th. Worked kick ass. Iā€™m going to use tiger bloom and sweet candy until Sept 1 and switch to Beastie Bloomz stop at week 6 and just go to Mega crop A 5-12-26 last two weeks. Iā€™m also using TPS Signal week 2 until finish. TPS is new for me. Heard great things about it. I know it sounds like a lot. I am a micro dosing fool though. :sunglasses:


ā€œShake & Bakeā€ Whatā€™s up with fat bastard grow?

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Just starting to push bloom nutes and waiting for some flowering action to start


not as much excitement here as you got going on over there for sure

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Lifeā€™s a trip man. 20 years ago I would lose it big time if I broke a shoe lace. Now something happens its like a speed bump on go carts. ā€œlike a chicken wing all boneā€


Saw my first caterpillar worm on a fan leaf last night when I foliar sprayed with kelp. First time in 3 years. Picked it off. Tonight double strength Monterey spray the fuck out of them. Bugs are bad this year.


Damn caterpillars, I have been really lucky, havenā€™t a issue with bugs at all, been going pretty smooth


I just saw the one. I check my shit all the time. Monterey works like a champ double strength. I kill them as fast as I see them. I use Monterey up to week 5 bloom. I have lots of wind.


Youā€™re a lucky dude Cole, that hit & run could have been worse. Plants look incredible :+1:


If I was a cat with 9 lives. I have used 32 of them. I bet the day I go out itā€™s from some pussy ass bullshit. :rofl:
This 2QT Solo sprayer kicks ass.

My dry nutrients are in the tote.
Mega crop 2 part A, B
Sweet Candy
Open Sesame
Beastie Bloomz.
Fridge in the shed. I use it for nutrients. My dad uses it for beer, grocery excess frozen goods. :rofl:


Fuck I thought my nutes were living luxurious in gallon screw top bins. Fridged nutes is another level.



Like my Walmart bag carries my tubs of dry nutrients, bottles and measuring spoons. :rofl: After taking that pic. Fridge is nasty. I need get my nutes out of there. :rofl:


Itā€™ll be either those sticks of butter with a few extra microbes or a Wonder Dawg cola knocks you on the head. Extra points if you have your axe sheathed on your belt :rofl:


I donā€™t eat butter. My dads wife does. Probably why she had a heart attack 7 years ago. Still eats butter WTF. I donā€™t eat margarine either. No fried foods. Canā€™t eat that shit and justify doing cardio and training 3 days a week. That is just dumb.
I was laying on my back on my bed playing with the UN-sheathed recon axe last night, when it dawned on me this isnā€™t very smart. :rofl:


Velcro, man!