The Gauntlet 2023

When it gets over a 100 I set my central air on 78. Getting the pack out to the creek early?


Check this fucker out.

I love shit like this. :sunglasses: :metal:
Looks like something from the last of the mohicans.


I think you need to set down the vape pen :rofl:


I already ordered it. :rofl: It’s a 29.5" War Club. :crazy_face: I’m vaping Jelly Breath today could be a problem.


I love that kind of stuff too, I got Cold Steel’s 7ft boar spear, it has a 14” blade that is absolutely razor sharp, got a 15th century hand and a half sword from Dark Sword Armory too, I’ll post a couple pics when I get home. :sunglasses:


Sweet. Giving me ideas with that Boar Spear. :sunglasses: :metal:. I have some Cold Steel gear. I need to get a pic together.
Twin 7" G.I Tantos
Bowie Machete
Heavy Duty Machete
Tomahawk Recon Axe


up at 5 , plants done , food made for week for pack , feed store trip , 2 hours creek time .

Waiting on a FB marketplace buyer to show up

Then float in pool smoke weed time

Then Bare Knuckle fights tonight

Nice chill day

already 104 in my backyard , the plants out there are suffering .

Whole next week gonna be 102 to 105 every damn day , be a miracle if the outside plants make it


Wait till you see my Greek crescent type shield, it’s awesome.

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Your keeping busy good. Octo’s got to be boiling. It will be something if they make it.

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Cold Steel makes some kickass shit. Affordable so a guy can collect some gear.


I decarboxylated 53 grams of Indiana Bubblegum a couple of nights ago and then froze it alongside 12 ounces of 190. I do cold evaporation with an 87-degree seedling mat added the clip-on fan this time. Usually takes 20-22 hours without a fan. I want to mix equal amounts of oil and make Blueberry Bubblegum gummies.
50% BBM x 50% I.B


I think you need some testing for something like that :grin:

Sounds :fire::fire:

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Testers go out in the fall. :crazy_face: You could test it right now. Eat a half of each. Be close as long as you don’t get a bonus gummie with one and not the other. :rofl:


Dude you can straight up go mid-evil on someone’s ass with that thing! literally :rofl::rofl:. Your trees are looking amazing man I’m not to sure your hopes for colas not growing/falling into your way on your platform are gonna work out. You don’t want to be " that guy" who complains because oh his plants are just too I know you need your work space.

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I break out my long and short zip ties. Tie the shoots to the cages and use the long ones to bring shoots and colas to the positions I want.


havesting will be like :rofl: :joy: :innocent:


Hehe, looks what’s for sale up by me. The color you need. But, looks like it also has a small amount of left front fender damage also.


Mines almost done. Just needed a drivers side head lamp assemble 110.00 missed my radiator by 1/2 inch. Mostly bumper cover damage fender made out well too.

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I have to go have the talk with my immediate south next door neighbors. I have a massive light leak coming from their new LED carport light. Shoots right over the top of my greenhouse hitting my monster Wonder Dawgs just starting bloom. I can’t have it. I’m going to take them 19 gram half ounce of Indiana Bubblegum and have the talk. The previous owner I had them angle the carport LED inward. These guys moved their light. Must have THE TALK. Thank god they are Pro-Weed. I’m also going to cut a piece 1/4 inch plywood and zip tie it to that side of of the greenhouse. I can pop it on or off for bloom.