The Gauntlet 2023

The outdoor grows look like so much fun, they get to go crazy outside!. I mean that’s a weed tree not a weed plant! :joy:


Very impressive, can’t wait to see what those wonder Dawgs do. We got some rain last night, actually woke me up in the middle of the night.


Little large for my liking. I need to slow my roll. :rofl:


Thanks bro. We are suppose to get a little 29th thru 4th Sept.


No slowing down now mate! It’s full steam ahead!



Damn riight go big or go home


Beautiful training job :muscle:

I can’t believe they’re vegging this long mine were super early this season even though I didn’t bother looking for quick flower

Just awesome. We’re getting to the fun part!

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Wait till I whip out the zip ties. :rofl:


I love the literal tree trunk and canopy look you’ve got going. Should hang some fake fruit on them for a good photo. Any flowers developing yet?

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Yeah week 2. :sunglasses: :metal:

Did my third week of the month by adding my sledgehammer “Yucca”
1 gallon of top water each
They got 2 gallons each this morning.
2 Gallon Mix
4.5 grams Meg A
3 grams Meg B
2 TBS Sledgehammer
1/2 TBS Microbe
1/2 tsp Kelp
Started baby-bumping my Bud Explosion this morning 1/4 tsp per 2 gallon.
5 hrs later
1 more gallon each.
2 Gallon mix
4.5 grams Meg A
4.5 grams Meg B
1.5 grams Sweet Candy
1/2 tsp Kelp
1/2 TBS Microbe
1/2 tsp TPS Signal
I will be feeding twice a week- 3 gallons through the heat until it cools. Today I started baby bumping my Bud Explosion and TPS Signal. As soon as the stretch is over I will be lowering my Meg B and upping my Meg A and PK Boosters adding Gypsum. Come week 6 Just Meg A, TPS Signal for the final two weeks.
Thanks for following. :sunglasses: :metal: :peace_symbol:


For some reason I thought Oregon was more south than Michigan… but they are damn even. Pretty much the same flowering cycle!

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so when you going to tie a hammock between those bad girls. going from gauntlet to jungle real quick


Pretty close to the same @ABushOfKush . I get less rain than you and rarely get snow in the Valley. I’m an hour from the Mountains and an hour from the Pacific.

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Thanks man. I think my colas are going to be swinging over my head and platform this year. :sunglasses: :metal:


oh i believe u will be ducking donkey dicks during these last few windy weeks of summer and fall. im sure this is prob where the fun starts for you out door growers


Just made sure by training this year. They will be above my head.


Sounds like a nice spot! Minus the wildfire bullshit. I’m in zone 5b here so definitely 4 full seasons. Although winter has become quite mild the last 10-15 years. Used to have snow early November to end of April. Now it’s more like end of December to end of March with the chance of a few cold days before and after.

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Yeah we should be getting more rain. Its so fucked up. Can’t even keep a lawn green anymore. Dump a 1000 gallons a water on it. Ground is so dry.

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That was June here. First time in my life I’ve experienced the anger of “why is there no rain…” City water is expensive as hell here


loving your garden cole, it is just exploding! i wish i had a season like some of the people i see here. so jealous of your amazing crop!

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