The Gauntlet 2023

Bumped my nutrients this morning. I just fed them 2 days ago. I won’t be feeding them if it rains.
@Bobgrows 90’s Kush far right and here is her flower.


Purple Queen started turning purple 2 days ago.

All zip tied up and cleared breathing room between each clone.

Just did my second dab ever. Peanut Butter Apricot. :100: :fire: :yum:
Picked up some gear today. CBD sugar wax 80/20 Indica and good ole Obama Kush. Premo 65/35 Indica excellent med for gummies. This dabber works a pipe also. I’m going to dab some PHK later.

Thanks for following. :sunglasses: :metal: :peace_symbol:


Next you will be freezing your whole crop and making hash rosin. :grin::grin::grin:


Living vicariously through you. I lost my outside 90’s Kush… and out of that flower…:cry:

Going to try a STS and make seeds. I just moved this one!:green_heart:


I need to expand my concentrates from just oil. :yum:


Sorry about your lose. This is the first year I haven’t lost something “knock on wood”. She is beautiful in so many ways. I’m really glad I FIM’d her just that once. Cola’s are going to be gigantic. :sunglasses: :metal:


You’re going to need a big chest freezer come harvest time if you’re getting into rosin :rofl: I haven’t really tried dabs yet.

Well, I think you’re going to be the first between the two of us with a rosin press.

You’re going to need a huge one for those Wonder Dawgs. Maybe something like this:


Love the purple on the PQ. :heart: Nice job dude :sunglasses:


Without me going back through your entire grow even though you documented well hope you know off hand. When do you start using sweet candy as soon as you start feeding or just before bloom? Did you have to slowly increase your feed amount? The bag just says add 1-2 grams per


I only used for bloom last year. This year I used it in during veg every few feedings. It has great stuff in it. Plants love this shit. I start out at 1/2 gram per gallon and max it at 1.5 grams per gallon. I start all my nutrients low and bump 20% each feeding until I see it. I do this pretty quickly in coco/container mix and perlite/vermiculite. A lot of people use it during veg too. Its like a one a day vitamin for plants. Plants have a root party down there.

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I just been staring at the wall all day. I all but assaulted a can of Pringles. I can’t stop eating twizzler cherrie bites. I remember why I only dabbed that once before. I did my second dab an hour ago. When I make gummies I get 75/5-6 MG gummies from a half a gram of shatter. Second dab I was like this a fuckin waste. :rofl:


Ok thanks man! One more question you use yucca (sledgehammer) once a month do you mix with your normal nutes solution? Do you make sure you water to runoff when using the yucca? Thanks.

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I water less. I top water about 1-1.5 gallons in a 30 gallon minutes before I feed. Just enough that my 2 gallon feed is washed straight down. During Veg I use the yucca with my regular nute feed for two feedings in row totaling 4 gallons once a month 21rst. Bloom I use it every 2 weeks but only 2 gallons with regular bloom nutes. I want my pot PMS up and K is flushing also. I just started watering less this year and using the yucca more consistently than last year. I also added TPS Signal this year. I’m using it at the moment 2.5 ML per gallon. I will up it as we go farther into bloom. Maxing at 7.5-10 ML per gallon.

Hmmm I didn’t know tps made other products that billions. I never looked but didn’t know.:rofl::rofl:. Ok thanks that way I have a bit of a base to start with I’m terrified I’m gonna strip the soil clean!


Plants love that shit trust me. Just baby bump it…They might need a little extra N. Plants love the sweet candy. Like anything else watch your #'s.


I’ve asked this a couple of times. I use megacrop 1 part so don’t have a nitrogen only fert. What works well to raise N?

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What’s in the one part is probably enough. I would add their Sea K. …

Got that as well! Got a super deal got 3lbs of one part and 200g of sea-k for the price of shipping of only the part one so $9.73 for both!

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That deal does rock. They sent me a bag of Sea k with my 2 part… I’m going to start using it after my bottle of kelp me kelp you is gone.

I’ve found a bat guano and chicken poo liquid concentrate and found this. Should have some nitrogen in it I imagine.


I would stick to the basics. Before you start adding that stuff. One part, kelp, sweet candy… Those 3 will grow you kind…

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Not plan on adding any time soon just something new I saw and was curious. I don’t gamble on non measured npk yet. Set stabile nutes that are predictable. :rofl::rofl::rofl: I have a hard enough time with stable nutes not messing with poop pellets any time soon

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