The Gauntlet 2023

Those greenhouses are really cool

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Those green houses are cool as hell! We were talking about doing the tunnels here as well for our main garden. It seems like a great way to control weather and keeps everything organized. Canā€™t wait to see what you do with it!


Yeah, Iā€™m thinking I will remove this old greenhouse after harvest. Start figuring out how Iā€™m going to do the layout. I still want a 1" plywood platform in the center between the plants. For mobility reasons. I can make that better than just laying plywood on the ground. Even the ground out, build a platform base. I just want a simple high tunnel cover thatā€™s completely open on both ends and the sides roll up. Iā€™m thinking of the 16ā€™ wide one. I can pick the height. Say 12ā€™. I can spread out those 3-30s on each side of the platform and have plenty of room in between and on the sides to work. Shit I could go 50ā€™s with living soil. :rofl: I better not push it. :rofl: I could just put a whole plywood floor in and cut holes for my 30 gallon pots. Then I can work even easier all the way around each plant. No I donā€™t think that will work I want the ground to dry out around the pots. I also donā€™t want grass & weeds growing so I will need to lay visqueen after evening the ground. So many thoughts I need to write this shit down. Slow down Cole. You guys that a builders chime in. A builder I am not. Iā€™m thinking the simpler I make this the better. Mainly want my platform in the center to be solid and level.


Do the prepping and build in early spring. :sunglasses: God willing. :pray:

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Good gracious, that oneā€™s bigger than the house!


:rofl: looks that way. That cola is like 12 inches long. Purple queens are really impressive.


Hell Iā€™m a bit south of you and I have to be planted by early for my garden at least get 2 harvests if I do it right one just before mid summer and one in late November.

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Thatā€™s cool. S. Oregon? Cali? I donā€™t want to work that hard. :rofl:

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Southern Nevada! Ok so not so just a little south!:joy::joy:


That is way the fuck down there. :rofl:


That tunnel would be badass! Once I buy my house I will be investing in a few and starting a market garden. With that added heat and humidity youā€™ll grow absolute monsters

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Iā€™m all for that. :100:

Loving the idea of a hoop-house sorta deal. Iā€™ve had it with the pests and bad weather.

Iā€™m thinking I need smaller plants too :rofl:

I dare 'ya :sunglasses:

Iā€™m thinking 12 15ā€™s started in June next season :thinking:

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12 plants. I would murder 7 just to not have to deal with themā€¦lol

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Thatā€™s the trickā€¦I just want a few zips of each one. Just small little babies. Manageable. Small pots.

But it sure is fun growing bigguns. Fun for now, I feel some tinge of anxiety when I gaze up at the Panalawi. I think sheā€™s making a fuckton of weed to harvest and trim


Youā€™re going to be trimming her for days

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Landscape fabric and gravel is a good ideaā€¦ I want gravel under my pots for drainageā€¦ I think the 16x16x12 will be plenty for me.

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So I mentioned 2 grow seasons my fall is like your summer :joy:


Oh fuck off :rofl:


I will completely fuck up 50ā€™s of living soilā€¦