The Gossamer Years

I’ve been a lot more relaxed with the humidity this grow. I’ve let the tent sit at 70 until I woke up a few times, I just really can’t be waking up to that loud Inkbird alarm throughout the night anymore. I have to buy a hose so that I can just let my dehumidifier dump down the basement drain so that I don’t have to manually dump it while I sleep.

Yeah, fingers crossed. Cultivators in the same state I’m in have flowers that are way more developed than my outside girl. The neighbors have a backyard light that hits half the plant, and I wonder how much this is messing with her growth rate.

Hell yeah dude, cheers to that. I bought myself a Volcano, but I decline using it with purchased flower. Real excited to start using it a lot more with this harvest.


Only one of the Cake Face’s removed their own seed shell, I’ve had to manually do the rest.

I accidentally nicked this poor SOB. I also dragged it outside of the soil, lol. So we’ll see how it reacts.

I’ve already turned its tag upside down as a tombstone though.

One more sprouted this morning, making it 11/12 sprouted.

The 1 that hasn’t sprouted is still sitting in the germination cup.


That sucks!!!

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What’s worse is that these Cake Face seedlings are looking like a fresh, steamy, hot bag of ass.

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That’s what I’m saying man, I personally like my bags of ass lukewarm at best.

I’m hoping that at least 1 out of these 12 seeds is male and makes it, that’s it. I’m going to have to start opening doors for people starting tomorrow so that good karma comes my way.


Ah bro, we all get served a shit sandwich every now & then. Don’t worry.
I’m not familiar with this “cake face” strain.

Yeah, that’s the way she goes, eh? But I’m not too stressed, if these don’t work out I’ll be popping Twat Waffle next. Very surprised with the vigor though, I haven’t had to de-head so many seedlings before. This a $200 pack of seeds, so I was expecting a lil somethin somethin’. It’s real early to talk shit though, what if the 1 or 2 that make it end up being the best thing I’ve ever grown?

Cake Face is Wedding Cake x Face Off OG Bc1, with Face OFF being a phenotype of OG Kush (I think). I want a male to hit a bunch of unknown pollen donor Wedding Cake x Sunset Sherbet feminized crosses , and then a feminized Wedding Cake x OG Kush Breath v2.1 too.

I’ll take some close ups of the lil fellas later.



Looks like I’ll need to de-head this one too. Hasn’t moved a cm since yesterday.


And so,

Trim jail commences.


Out of all my plants, this one Cake Face seedling was attacked by a thrip. I’m hopeful in saying a thrip, since I immediately sprayed the entire 2x2 and checked every single plant in my other two tents for damage. I’m quite confident that I’ll be able to eradicate this infestation a lot quicker and more efficiently than the previous one.

With the temperatures cooling, I’ve been opening my windows a lot more. I hope that this is the cause of this, as I haven’t worked on my outdoor girl since whatever week where it didn’t rain here. It’s just so funny that out of all the clones in that 2x2, the insect would choose one of the 7 seedlings.



Cake Face seedlings aren’t looking the best. The clones also started flowering for some reason? Gotta deal with that here soon.

Aloe reitzii is killing it though.



These Wedding Cake crosses are looking real sexy.

Pucca, which is not pictured up close, smells loudly of key lime pie.


My solution to the clones flowering was to shove them in the 10x10 under 24/0. I wanted to shut that down for at least a month due to the thrip infestation, but these plants were also exposed to thrips so…

They were a little tall though.

So I did a lil destruction.

lil splash

you know what’s up

I tried doing the same thing to whomever else was with plim, but she was hollow so she snapped easily.

Now I wait.



Here’s a Banana OG. Smells just like an overripe banana. I have a theory that the most sensitive ones are the most banana smelling. I’ll test it soon, hopefully.

And here’s a cool Super Pineapple Haze x Golden Showers. Smells really interesting.


Everything looking tight as always mate. :eyes:


??? x (Wedding Cake x Sunset Sherbert) hybrids

Big Mom




Rotten Tarts Bagseed

Lemon Cherry Sherb

Ross From Friends

I got all the 4x5 clones out, lowered the light again, and incorporated a humidifier. I’m going to get a bit more involved now with the Cake Face seedlings.

As for the clones…

Everyone has been transplanted and trained.


Just how we like it around these parts.

Hahahah, thank you man. Thank you for stopping by from time to time. I’m hoping to make better journal updates from here out.


Your very welcome mate, observing how you keep your plants is quite inspiring. :v:t2:


I have a very important question.

What’s your process for naming the plants?
Is it the first name that pops into your head? Do you sit with each plant for a while before naming them?

Love that you go with names instead of numbers/letters.
Except sometimes when I have to scroll up to find the genetics haha.