The "Peanut Butter Breath Exploration" Series

Like, how long into flower? --my experience with PBB varies, IMO as it pertains to “standard” phenotypes it’s a solid 10-11 week strain, my Dad and I held an OGKB leaning pheno that was done right at 9 weeks and would look almost done at like 6.5-7 weeks.

Our OGKB-leaning pheno had small, rock-solid FROSTY AF nugs that smelled almost like tobacco-vanilla with a dry unsweetened peanut vibe, doused in fuel. “Standard” phenos are heavy yielders that will certainly require bracing or a trellis in flower, mind your RH because it’s a picky strain prone to PM if you’re not careful.


This was her, “093” is what we called her (her FarmerFreeman test digits). No bullshit i think this pic is like week 7, see how it looks almost “done”? The more normal PBB that we grew and didn’t keep (094) was literally full white pistils at this same age.


i may have a more standard pheno. i cam imagine a similar bud structure in the end, but bigger. i also expect have a bit of white hairs still at the end of week 7, 2 weeks away. also, i thought pbb didn’t yield well, but i have seen a report that suggested otherwise. all the seed descriptions have low yields.

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Oh hell no, PBB is a VERY solid yielder unless you get an ugly broad like my 093 :wink::joy: lol. And chances are good, too, because the Studly Spewright male used was an ugly bastard himself.

My opinion, you have probably just less than 50/50 chance of getting an OGKB leaner if you were to pop a pack of the original seeds.


Really hoping the HSO PBB is done stretching, it’s like day 22 flower and she just started BEASTING. I think this is the stage where “fast” flowering kicks in, and, since it’s labeled as “fast flowering” I’m hoping it’ll be done at 9 weeks, anything past that isn’t really fast IMO


Gg4 x pbb


FAST is related to how the light triggers flower. It’s for outdoors, so you can get the plant to flower with more light than 12-14 hours. not sure why people grow them inside, but glad you are.


Because I’m not allowed to grow outdoor.

That’s good to know though, so “Fast” as it relates to the start of the season and not the overall speed of flower. Thank you.

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ya. it relates to the light sensitivity. photos are mostly triggered around 11 hours of darkness, these trigger with less darkness so that you can harvest a few months earlier and go to market or whatever. i haven’t seen very good outcomes with these as they are ruderalis hybrids. depending on how they are made you could get a range of auto, fast and normal photos out of the beans.

btw, your before and after pics looks pretty wild. you stripped them down good and it bounced right back. cool.

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This Chocolate Chunk really liked the pollen it got from the trifoliate Peanut Butter Breath!



Peanut Butter Chocolate cross??? WUT??? :astonished::astonished::astonished:


I had to… TWICE! Dis CCxPBB is cross #2 where #1 was PBBxCC. :hugs:


This sounds absolutely amazing

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The 2x2 is rockin and rollin, baby! :metal: These plants are gona be HYUUUGE come time for flip, about 8 weeks from now.


Harvested these gg4 x pbb yesterday
Most had a very sweet fuel smell but one very PBB dom one had definitely a very sweet sickly peanut smell.


VERY nice :fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:

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HSO PBB at about day 27

Coming along really nicely. Just starting to get the frost, terps are developing but is just now starting to develop that signature nutty vibe.


Both Kropduster seedlings are female, so I kept one & gave one to my Dad.

Did a slight defoliation on everything, a lil bit heavier on the Nutter Budder & also topped every Nutter branch. Kropduster seedling got up-potted & I’m going to start shaping these plants the way I want them to be for flower.


F46 PBB from Brokeboy
Not sure it looks like it should.


Nice!! Looks fantastic to me.

What’s F46, as in the 46th filial generation???

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