The "Peanut Butter Breath Exploration" Series

@Adventuretime86 noted about the kelp, thanks for the tip! An absolute possibility, Floralicious is super concentrated and it’s fair to say I may have overdid it, at least to this plant’s liking.

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gh nutes. it does have kelp in it, but i have never had a plant come out like that. i always get rock hard buds…except with this pbb. it didn’t want for anything the entire grow. the slight yellowing has happened in the last week as i have reduced nutes. i bought this gear as a drunk purchase and figured it was worth a single run.


@splinter7 Same here, always had great results with GH, except for a couple plants here n there.

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It is possible, some just aren’t heavy feeders I can have 11 happy plants and one that absolutely hates me and everything I do getting exactly the same treatment as all the others :joy:

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Yeah I’ve had similar experiences with seeds that I didn’t vet or do at least some research on didn’t know if the breeder had stress tested them an so on and have run into herms n runts alike
Keep plucking them suckers off till harvest cant be to far off, should still be some decent smoke.

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thanks. ya, i was doing the vetting myself here…i wanted to do either the breeder or the community a solid. at 30% off and free shipping it wasn’t expensive and i got a lot of variety. we know now what those beans may hold. keep in mind, irie has a good rep and also can produce nanners…they are stress tested. I run about 10 at a time so i might give another strain from brokeboy a shot before condemning his operation.if one does something stupid it is usually not a big deal if i have to kill it. no one ever posts them, but i am going to run a bunch of happy birds stuff alongside some beans from OG and see if that pans out. if happy bird is even half real it’s going to be great. all my other beans are normal sources…actually have had great luck with spanish breeders despite all the bashing.


more nanners today…it’s like 5 or 6 more i find each day. i think it’s about done. i offered up my clones of this to some local guys, but no one wants them lol. anyway. the saddest part is it actually smells like spanish peanuts, the smaller ones with the red skins.


Bummer. Me personally, i’m not that worried about nanners but I do try to avoid genetics that seem to throw them easily.

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Went and snagged a couple more original PBB clones from pops :ok_hand::heart:. I still suck at cloning and he needed room, so, win/win.

I don’t know why, maybe there’s something rebellious about it. . … I FUCKING LOVE just driving around town with plants in my car :joy::metal::heart::heart::heart:. A few times, I picked up oversized mothers and they were like filling up the back window of my hatchback, pretty unmistakable what I have/am doing :man_shrugging:t2: lol!

Only have room for one, so I gave one to a buddy and brought one home, fully rinsed the roots of soil & repotted into coco, dunked in Athena Cleanse as well.


Gorilla Butter #6 & #7


@KETAMINE_GRENADE is that Fresh Coast? My dad has a Gorilla Butter, from Native Sun Genetics.

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Yeah it’s fresh coast
I ran a whole pack and kept these two. #7 is very PBB leaning, very nice PB&J terps. Number 6 is more Gg4 leaning fuel with a Jammy backend. Nice plants, just running them a 2nd time to see if they’re worth keeping around.


Took her down f79. Have better stuff to run. Too many nanners.



OGKB leaning Gorilla Butter just hit week 8 should blow up over the next couple of weeks if first round was anything to go by.

Much frostier amd smellier on this second run. Deep nutty fuel smells ans very frosty. Actually considering grabbing a couple more packs of this.


OK — Your best Peanut Butter Breath strain ?_ whom do you feel has the Best Peanut Butter Breath ? – ran some of MassMedical Strains with Peanut Butter breath (they have a cup winner using this genetics -FYI

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ThugPug, hands down. Or, at least so far.

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Wow, I haven’t updated this thread in a while

I WON A NEW LIGHT!! :metal: Mars Hydro FCE 4800. The coolest part, my wife and I were on our Anniversary vacation when I found out. We were hanging out at the lake all like:

And as soon as we got home, I assembled that bad boy:

Super easy assembly, very lightweight considering the size, about 17 lbs and 10 or 11 of that is just the driver. The light fixture on its own is STUPID lightweight.

I was borrowing a SF4000, didnt even have it up for 2 whole weeks:

Fantastic and VERY intense light, but not that great of spread to the walls and corners in a 4x4 tent.

The FCE fixture reaches much closer to the walls:

And now, under this light, which I’ve been running for just over 3 weeks, the plants have stretched like CRAZY:

Here’s some progress close-ups:

Nutter Budder and original PBB are virtually identical, the Kropduster is a bit weird looking but that’s not unusual for PBB, many phenos can look or act weird but we’ll still keep an eye on her.


I have another original PBB in the 2x2 which is taking over the whole space, so I went ahead and flipped it

I’m trying not to stagger my flowering plants anymore. I’m hoping after this run, i should be on-track to do so.


Finally wrapping things up!

This is the last PBB of the bunch, and in effort to stop staggering my flower runs, I’m going to finish it out before i out more plants in here. The wasted space is killin me :man_shrugging:t2:

So here’s some early results:

This one was chopped at day 64, I wanted to go 70 days but quite frankly i was out, & it was “close enough” to chop. INSANELY dense nugs, crazy frost, super stony. Proper earthy/nutty almost “meaty” terps. 3.8 oz off this plant.

This was chopped at day 68 i think? It was just in the way, so chopping it 2 days early was no biggie. Nugs have some gaps here n there, but proper overall density. Normal PBB-ish terps but SUPER gassy. I actually like smoking this one the most, although i like the terp profile of the original better. 5.1 oz, largest single plant harvest to date!!

This one was chopped at day 77 and probably coulda went longer. HUGE HEAVY flowers, not as dense as the original but almost. Coolest looking nugs of the bunch! Lightest aroma though. Smokes slightly harsh compared to the others. Great high, on par with the Nutter but not as stony as the original. 4.9oz which is CRAZY, there wasn’t much vegetation on this plant thru flower.