The quest for unicorn gold!

That sure sounds right when you say it.

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Witness the true horror. Terror…beyond measure.


I don’t think I can measure that yield in grams. Probably fits in a teaspoon. The 73 micron was the best, and I flushed the rest.
It’s 4 grams per kilo.


That was a crazy data point. I can’t wait for the GOG plants to reach fruition, so I can test what super large trichome caps can do. Those trichome caps are pretty much twice the width! Exciting times!


Oh yah! I had a rip of that hash… completely undabbable shit. No melt. What a kick in the teeth! Like sandy-sand. Easy to chop apart and not gooey. Also, it’s shit. mmm cant wait to toss it in the trash!

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Ugh, that sucks bro!
Hey, ya win some, ya lose some. But, I’d imagine overall, you’re still in the black. :wink:

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I learned something that’s the important part! I’m drying the bubble waste for microscopic analysis as well. Gotta milk that bastard for all the data I can!


Yah pretty much scavenged the entire trichome collection. I think I saw 2 trichomes where part of the cap was stuck to the stalk.


Y’all know what time it is! Probably 2-3kg of fresh frozen to pick off of this plant. Too much weed on one plant haha


Schtick that in yer pipe and vape it!
Also, I made a dutch apple pie. yum!


Very nice on both accounts! Apple pie , lobster mushroom pizza and great hash! If I ever came by you’d never get rid of me :wink:


They both look amazing! :star_struck: This has become the Food & Hash channel :money_mouth_face:

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Around 2.5 hours to deleaf and debud a kg. Really thought that would go faster. Lots of smalls though. I’m sure big tops would make that quick work.


The small nugs don’t stack up as quick, that’s for sure. Some of the smaller ones you can just strip off the branch and cram in a sack. Just toss all the fans to the side.


So I took some time to read through this thread and I have a few questions.

How you figuring you are getting water to sublimate in a home freezer that’s at 0?

What altitude do you live at?

Do you keep any sort of moving air in the freezer during this drying period?

What would you think about vacuum sealing hash that was ready to be freeze dried then placing it in a vacuum chamber, then placing that chamber in a freezer for a time? The idea would be to push the water out with the least exposure to air or heat.

As I understand it pressure is needed in addition to the temperature.

Wonderful looking hash and I just love all the close up shots.


The freeze drying only happens if your product is exposed to the open air in the freezer. Have you ever tossed something in the freezer and had it get ruined by drying out? The “How a freeze dryer works” is a fancy graph. The freeze dryer really tweaks the parameters to get things dry in a few hours. The freezer doesn’t tweak them, so it takes longer. Basically, I’m just using the laws of thermodynamics AKA STP standard temperature pressure, to get the job done. It’s way easier than the diagram shows. If you are wondering where I got the idea from, I got it from a prepper forum. You know those people who are preparing for armageddon? end times or whatever. Call ‘em fuckin’ crazy, but they know how to preserve food by freeze drying it in the freezer. So I stole all their ideas.


Wow nowadays you can get that info anywhere.

First google match on freeze drying in the freezer aren’t preppers anymore.


I agree the freeze dryer works with cold, pressure and moving air and like you said some math.

The above article states freeze drying occurs in a week??? I’m calling bullshit. We are trying to dry the finest of fine powders and you are hitting it with 1 month at a time or aiding it with a dehydrator prior to freezing.

The preper forums were cool, you mentioned it very early on in this thread but I was a lot more interested in these earlier primitive methods

It explains the relationship between altitude, temperature, moving air and a little light dancing.

That’s why I was asking what altitude you reside in.

In the end I am not sure that not using a dehydrator and limiting the products exposure to air and heat would make a difference but I thought I’d ask.

So much good information in this thread, it really gave me a lot of pleasure and knowledge.


You’re thinking about self-mummification. You have to go to high altitudes and die of starvation, while eating pine needles to really get it right. So when armageddon comes, you’ll be resurrected as super man, or so the superstition says.
I just trick out the process by using the ideas illustrated on the graph you posted. Notice how the pressure decreases when the temperature decreases? You can get to a point where you hit the boundary between solid and vapor. That’s when the magic happens. Your freezer is a sealed unit. etc. Remember that your sample has to be specially prepared as well. It has to have the most surface area exposure, using another biology concept. The smaller an object is, the more of the interior area is available to extract ice from. It’s the reason you have to make either a super thin layer, or very small pieces.


Recruited helpers today. They weren’t much help, good conversation though.