The quest for unicorn gold!

@JoeCrowe my favorite writer and all around hash professional on this site. Thanks for sharing all your data. I am currently using clean room protocol 0, including a nice brush off room and I’m only dabbing my volatile terpene containing full melt hash out of the freezer because this is the best way, objectively, lol. These approaches have expanded my understanding and opened my mind up new things. I will let you know if I run into any interesting falsifiable theories.


What he said.

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Thanks for the props! I’m definitely hoping to inspire people to new heights. Science can root out the answers I need to construct the ultimate hash plant.

hah hah thanks! I’m waiting on the next phase of exploration over here. Testing the productivity of large caps on the trichomes. Meanwhile… I’m making more ice for the next batch. A Really good one made from big bud, to make up for that last stupid batch from the automania.


I have about 8 kilos of fresh Bud Frozen waiting for me, first time I’m going to try this. But I still have a lot of work ahead of me before that happens.


Nice! I miss the multi kilo days. But not the work involved.


Someone say kilo??? rummages around I got some of those! Today, is glorious hash making day! A primal big bud batch. fuuuuucking rights the thunder dome always provides! Running clones, of clones of clones of good producers. Now that’s :dollar: right there! Definitely can’t pull crazy shit with rando plants. You never know what you are going to get. I prefer a number I can hang my hat on. If not, productivity takes a serious shit.


Now for this magic trick… I’ll combine weed, ice and water, to make gold. The ultimate alchemy!


I love running new stuff from seed, but yeah I can all be a gamble. Some stuff is just better as flower, some doesn’t produce anything. Some makes some nice hash, and it’s nice to have a variety of flavors.


All you need is… a kilo of weed, and about a dozen trays of ice.

That’s why I keep that thugpug stuff around. Meat breath is so popular for some reason I have yet to fathom.


Oh look, it yielded more than that last plant. hah hah! Chunknuggets are drying in the freezer!


I got myself a 17 gallon pail to do larger batches. I’d like to run 2kg at once. Just need to make a set up to hold the bags so can pour through them. I’d love to see a 40+ gram pile

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I’m sure you’ve probably covered this, but do you insulate your buckets? Or do you have a cold environment? I need a cold water source for “rinsing” bags…lol I guess what I’m asking is, at the risk of sounding stupid lol, do you have a “keep it cold” routine? Honestly, my fresh frozen attempts have suuuucccckkked lol.


It’s just a bucket and I’m at room temps. Now, they say to do it at 0C. I’ve done it at -7C before, but I don’t remember anything different happening. I’ll try it again soon! It’s probably 10C today, so it’s getting colder.

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I have used a new pump sprayer with ice water


dry and… not.


Second picture deff reminded of maple sugar candy!

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Lol, I’ve handled more keys of coke than of weed! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


You can still see a tiny bit of moisture in there. And I’m out of hash! Gonna have to start ripping this damp shit.


Why not start ripping the dry parts? :grin:


hah hah yah just scoop the kernels out of the way and rip the dust underneath. I am curious to see if there is any ice in that dust, that’s for sure.