The quest for unicorn gold!


hah hah a few pearls before swine.


I did a pro job this time and didn’t slack on the freeze drying tricks. You can see the kernels are small! I was there chopping like a mad chef.


You could call them Porcine Pearls:vulcan_salute: :wink:



I got a complaint to lodge with management. Live rosin from the cannabis store contains fake terpenes. You know how I know that? It says it on the package. Also. It really hurts my throat. I don’t know what is in that fake flavor, but it’s nasty!!!


That’s fucked, man

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-limonene, beta-caryophyllene, myrcene, linalool, beta-pinene, fencyl alcohol, alpha-bisbolol, alpha-pinene, alpha-terpineol, camphene, alpha-humelene, teroinolene, nerol, geraniol, camphor, alpha-cedrene, citral diethyl acetal, citronellal, ethyl-3-methyl-phenylglycidate, ethyl maltol, ethyl butrate, ethyl isovalerate, methyl anthranilate.

All this :point_up_2: and more in a single “flavor”


This is exactly why I can’t/won’t smoke any of that dispo shit. Not natural, and way too many additives. I prefer what comes out of my freezer, washed, dried & smoked.
Started smoking on some of the 45 to 90 micron “Hammer Mitten” and it’s got a unique candied Black licorice taste, not the bitter associated with black licorice, but much sweeter. It’s got kind of a sugary overtone to the licorice taste.
This is what is so intriguing about running Live as opposed to dried IMO.
Took a few chunks into the weekly Friday lunch BBQ at my shop, and my phone was going off all weekend with the guys wanting more. I’m kinda stingy, and don’t like to come off too much, but when 1 armed Gary Lee says it helps with his Phantom Pain, I was more than happy to help him out with about 8 grams, everyone else has to either fly a kite or open their wallets up, LOL.
Once again, Thanks to @JoeCrowe for turning me onto a different drying method, which combining the freezer with my Cannatrol, produces a a better product than just letting it air dry and oxidize.


Thanks for the props! The live extracts really brings out the unique flavor profile of each plant. So fresh it’s practically right off the plant.


You know what my secret ingredient is? Love, of course!!!
Those synthetic turds don’t put any love in there, that’s for sure. Hah hah that’s when I knew that I would get along fine with dragonfly earth medicine. I told Josh my secret ingredient was love and he just looked at me and nodded “yah, that’s right.”

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ok, so I’m making sure this powder hash is really dry. Like really really dry like dust!

IF not, it’ll darken once taken out of the freezer. These kernels have been here about 5 days. One kernel had some moisture! 0 meltage once dry at room temps.


hah hah just a quick trip down memory lane. I think that old plant I had was probably a 4% one. Grew that shit for 17 years.

I think my biggest pull was 60 grams.


What plant is that from?

When using dried flower, is 20 to 30 minute soak time sufficient?

Abd how much dried is a good amount? Thinking 150 to 200 grams

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AK47xGF ak47 times grapefruit. I don’t soak green or dried materials personally. Using dried materials is off the list of things to do. I always try and cram a kilo into my buckets. Dried or not. Gonna be shoving a kilo in there :smiley:


I’m definitely making that paper centrifuge. Then… you know what I’m gonna do?? Fucking crazy man here but I’ll spin those rosins until the crystals separate and there is something I really want to know. Do those rosin batches have different amounts of thc crystals in there? It really…really looks like it to the human eye. When I look back in the rosin photos I notice there are different clusters of crystals in there. Is that what makes the big bud hash so potent is the cray-cray layers of THCa in there??


I think as long as you can take it out of the freezer and make it into a puddle with your hand, it’ll be full melt.
Flash photo and no flash.
Do you remember the kilo of buds from the beginning of this thread, that was contaminated? It didn’t make full melt hash. The plant material has to be primo. Whatever the fuck that means. I test the outcome personally.


Tomorrow is glorious hash making day! I’ve got all the supplies and everything is ready. As long as there are no calls before 10am, I’m off to the races! There’s about a kilo there to toss in I should get like 18 grams or whatever.


Holy shit man I am intrigued! (Having just read through the majority of this thread)
That is some really neat work you’re doing, and a huge thank you for sharing your knowledge. :pray:


As a crazy surprise, I’m going to do the mix at 0C. mmm Feels like a good day to go outside, lol!


It’s on! Wheeeee!


OK so if someone tells you the secret is mixing at 0C or something, tell 'em I said that ain’t true at all. Hah hah sorry, Noel, that’s the one piece of advice I toss under the bus.