The quest for unicorn gold!

34 mins since last post …
You’re letting it sit to long :crazy_face:


lol! Yah, and look it got ruined! Naw, it sat for 47 min I took the dog for a walk. It’s perfect.


I also murdered someone and covered it up. Wow look how orange it is!


Ohhh it was epic. I’ll be dabbing my ass…err face? off with this baby! Broke in half when I dumped the blob out on the table.


Drills and shadows at work! Looks awesome as always.

Whats up with that water??


That’s what I call “swamp water” it’s the stuff left in the bottom of the bucket. It’s me flushing the 25 and 73 micron down the drain hah hah that’s why I called it a murder.


Do you usually end up w/ the water being a little orange/red? or is this unique to this plant?

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Just some anthocyanin from those big bud plants. Some buds are darker than others, and sometimes I don’t let the big buds get all purple like that. The meat breath batch is way more purple than that. I wash out all the color with some cold water after I pull the 90 bag. Pump lots of cold water through there until the orange is gone.


I knew you wouldn’t let me down :joy:
Looks good bro !

I see this and think of your hash!


Is that still wet? If not, how does it taste?

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Still wet, but I know it’ll be floral, fruity and with a hint of axle grease!

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It’s drying!

90 micron bag secured in the freezer for the next batch. Keeps the dust and hair out, but also cleans the bag for me.


That Chocolatina batch is nice and dry. I haven’t paid it much attention but getting ready to rip some right now.


Looks beautiful! Any idea about the input bud volumes?

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Very close to 1kg fresh frozen. Hand stirred for about 15 minutes. 220-73. Only in the 2% yield range. Maybe 3 if I did another run.

I’d like to try indoor flowers but that would be a special run.

Also might have yielded better if it wasn’t strictly lower flowers.


I know I’ve said plant fibers don’t melt. There is a real physical difference between non melting crap hash and good stuff.

The first image is mostly what I would call contaminated hash. If I see shit that’s not a trichome cap, and looks like random organics, it’s probably trash. Random organics don’t melt. I wonder if those claw shaped trichomes even melt. PRobably not. Oh the caps definitely do. That shit inside the cap melts out and the cap shrinks. I’ve seen things, man!


Here’s another batch made from outdoor weed that had been dried for 3 days, he said. Melts…at 400C very thin stream. Not Good. Compare that to my freeze dried shit, those non-melting batches are fucking so amber they are almost brown. In fact, the hash IS brown.


Hey brotha,
I just got done with another tiny batch of bubble and noticed the 90u held most of the gold. (Bags I ran 220,160,90,73,25)

The past couple runs the 73u yields were abysmal, almost a waste of time if I could just let it fall in the 25u.

Have you ever said forget the 73 and run an additional 90u bag in its place. Do a first wash, Take the first 90u bag out and then rewash again to collect more in the second 90u. Then after, collect the 25u from the multiple washes in one go.

You probably tried this or thought about it at one point or another. Curious to hear what you think.


I do two washes using only the 90 bag. The details are in the shadows and drills video at


Thanks brotha, Hope you have a great weekend!

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