The quest for unicorn gold!

Pretty good foam there not a big pile but fairly tight!


OK here’s a hash matty story for yah. I’m always saying shit like if there are no bubbles forming and the bubbles are tight. See the froth that forms on top is a very important indicator of if your hash batch is going to be a bust. If the froth barely forms. And the bubbles are big and pop easy - you are in serious trouble. There is going to be a hash nugget the size of a hummingbird turd in the 90 bag.


Soaking in the hash making process. Outta likes, :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:!

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out of focus pink swamp! Also the hash after 30 seconds of acceleration. I gave it 60 and it shattered into a pile. Mmmm my favorite kind of hash!


It blew apart when I dumped it on the table. I was in love!


hah hah damn a plant fiber and a pistil. Careless mixing brother! Just kidding :wink:


Radically out of focus pile!

Leftover shit, now in the compost.

Little different color to the murder scene this time. Flushed the 73 and 25 down the drain!


That OGK plant has a really nice hash yield, one that still is kind of surprising. I’m talking the quantity is pretty good for the pathetic weight of buds I put in. Just like I remember from the first run! It could take the meat breath to the cleaners, I’m pretty sure.


I’m that kind of monster. A Hash Monster. I had to get it in me now!

Ohhh my and I did take a shit on the terpenes in the first round. I was wondering.
Oh… I’m in chemical grapefruit heaven like we’re talking primo chemical taste. mmm so much chemical and grapefruit. I need to mainline that shit.


Hahaha get it man

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Oh public service warning never quick dry your hash or dry it on the shelf. That takes a shit on your end product! Believe me, I totally regret that boner in the first round.


I’m sick of taking out my puck of frozen pebbles and forgetting to put them back in the freezer :slightly_frowning_face:
As always the hash is impressive but pretty disgusting to see plant material and a pistol :crazy_face:

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I’ve narrowed the flavor down. It’s like someone took paint thinner and tossed that on a grapefruit.


There are all the hashes! OGK, Big bud, and meat breath. OGK isn’t dry yet, that’s for sure! I think the meat breath is Beyond Dry. I have to say though it’s way better as rosin. I’m not really a big fan of oven cleaner bubble hash!


Here’s the Big bud after it’s been melted.
I don’t ever want to see coal balls! Just a resin stain where it melted and got slurped up.


After watching your video, I tried your method… The Drill + Acceleration for the win! :mechanical_arm:
Mainly Royal procession trim.

The 90u pull

90u chopped up and in the freezer.


Only wash once due to time constraints. Definitely left some behind but overall, I’m stoked on the yield from such little amount trim. I didn’t weight before, rough guess is a ounce of trim.

Thanks again brotha! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Nice can’t wait to see it after it’s dried! You’ll get less fibers if you just use straight up buds.

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My first guinea pig on the OGK hash said the grapefruit flavor came over very strong! After it’s dried it’ll be like some animal nibbled on it, lol!


I was thinking I could try and rosin press the bag leftovers. They are always a wild amalgamation of the latest batches I made. Toss the meat breath in there and make it a unicorn! Ohhh that reminds me. Health Canada is after the contest! They are enraged that it still exists! ALL FUN CANCELLED! Oh well it was a good run!
“You motherfuckers can’t be havin’ fun with a schedule one narcotic”! Paraphrasing them :wink:


Looking at that pile, you’re probably wondering why I would even bother to fire up the press. Good news Everybody!

Dumped that into a little sack, and ironed over the end. STILL my favorite way of preventing blowouts.

Cranked the machine up to 75C and told it to bear down hard. Like BAM! Almost ripped the parchment kind of hard.
Oh… I know what you were thinking just now. But you already ripped a bunch of hash while you waited for the machine to make this rosin. Isn’t that enough? NO! I’ll tell you when I’ve had enough!! lol! Doctors worried the blood levels are rising in my THC…