The quest for unicorn gold!

The OGK paint thinner joined with the meat breath and created a nuclear pine flavor with OGK grapefruit undertones.


Wow that’s definitely my favorite way of dealing with the trash so to speak. Just little odds and sods of crap that were laying around from bag cleanings and leftover nuggets of hash from previous batches.
Seems ludicrous I would never have dabbed that stuff.


Testing positive for THCa crystals! I think the OGK is probably infested with THC. I know the meat breath one hardly has any crystals.


Just want to say, can’t thank you enough for your threads and advice!! The difference in my first attempt and now are like night and day. Still not up to your level, but greatly improving.

My wife was complaining on the bags of trim and larf taking up room in the freezer, so time to make some hash!

Temps have been around 5*f here, so decided to try hash making in a very cold garage. New set of all mesh hash bags and bought a sprayer. Set the washing machine up and ready to roll.

Filled the machine with 4 bags of mixed strain larf and trim. Didn’t weigh anything, so no clue on percentage, but just trying to clear the freezer out. Soaked for 15 min and ran one cycle of 15 min.

I used the 160, 90, and 45 micron bags. The acceleration trick is an absolute game changer! Ran 3 pulls and was happy with the the results. 160 went in the trash. Here are my results.



I’m going to take half of my next tent for fresh frozen. Start keeping track of the results and try to find my favorite just for hash.

Again, thanks for all your time and wisdom!!


Thanks for the props! It’s a mighty fine batch of hash that’s for sure. Sometimes the “mixed bag” ones really have a unique profile of terpenes heh heh. IF you are hunting for The One to produce top notch hash keep the different batches separate to ensure you know what’s really going on.


That is the plan going forward with the fresh frozen. I still have a ton of trim in the freezer. So I’ll process that all as mixed.

Fresh frozen will be bagged and tagged separately. Each will be run by themself and documented. Looking forward to the difference in fresh frozen!


ooo yah, it’s all about the flavor, that’s for sure. Fresh as a daisy! It’s much more complex before some of the terpenes evaporate. Tasting is believing, though! Ahh they call it live extract, but I’m not sure why. Fresh would be a better term!


After a couple days of drying in the freezer. :yum:
Back into the freezer after the photos.



Heh heh I start drumming on it with a frozen spoon to see if it’s going to turn to powder yet.

The OGK batch is kind of pink!


hah hah I seen a picture of DEM making the live extracts. Kelly has her canoe paddle and a huge garbage can of weed! I wonder if they drilled all those holes in there? I don’t think you can purchase paddles with holes, lol!

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It might be a brew paddle.


heh heh I’m pretty sure it was a canoe paddle, that’s why I thought it was funny. Definitely made out of wood! Too bad I didn’t take a screen shot!

pffft why wonder, I’ll just ask 'em.

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lol! You were right it’s a wooden brewers paddle.


Even a broken clock is right twice a day. :rofl:


Hey @JoeCrowe stupid question for ya. Fresh frozen hash, take the plant when mostly cloudy/amber like you would if drying for flower?

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Definitely when you figure the buds have reached maturity.

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OK I weighed the OGK hash with the tare weight is 20.5. Eventually I’ll subtract the tare and we’ll have a good measurement. Life would be grand, if it is S-tier. yah yah I probably dabbed 2 grams of it already :smiley:


I got some OGK glam shots. Way different look than the other strains I’m growing!


Oh my, tomorrow I’m making another…or the last batch from the last harvest. I was thinking of a mixed bag rosin run. 50/50 big bud and meat breath? Oh, we’ll see!

OGKush somma that full melt bubble!
