The quest for unicorn gold!

Oh shit, I’ve only got 5 trays of ice, so I’m making more! I think someone used a tray to make pickled eggs. mmmmm! yum! I might be able to get to it today, because it doesn’t take forever for the ice to freeze. I can probably get to it at noon or something, we’ll see! I should take some of that OGK and smash it though. I’ve been thirsting to smash some grapefruit rosin. I’ve also been wondering what the paint thinner part will do if I crush it. Will the flavor change or just concentrate? Inquiring minds!!!


Oh I forgot to mention that I had gone on a search to see why live bubblehash isn’t a “thing” generally for people except the professionals. It was just a case of “the future is here, it’s just not widely distributed” so really people just don’t know it’s a thing yet. I found a video where buddy uses the same bags as I do, with fresh frozen buds in a cooler full of ice. Just mixes it right there in the grow tent room next to the plants. No bullshit, either. Does a good job with a wooden spoon! Grinds it up with a cheese grater puts it into the freezer on parchment on a tray. No acceleration at the end, though I should tell him to helicopter that shit.

You should watch that video, and compare that process to the way I do it. The pros just have huge hashtek or whisltertech machines to do the bubble for them.


Here’s the OGKush bubble hash! I think the crystally shit on the caps is just some terps or whatever. Could be thca but it’s not really an even crystal. Conclusion: Who knows.


OGKush Rosin is testing positive for THCa!

Oh yah, I have to press a bit of each and see what the THCa crystals look like. My new Fascination.


I am doing some runs at 75C because I wanted to crank it up and try a few batches.


Pressed about a spoon full of hash! IT came out minty and grapefruit-y!

There’s that golden honey!


Yay today I’m making the hash! I’ll get my mind annihilated by the rosin I made last night and then go to town on that shit. Starting in about an hour! I’ve got everything I need, but I always wait till 10am to do it. In case there’s a call! Because I’m not taking any calls after the process begins!

Gonna speed load this baby in the tub. As the water is filling it up I toss the other shit in as well, so once it’s filled, it’s ready to go!


Definitely a good video. He’s missing a couple of steps though. A few tweaks and he could be making award winning hash. First step he missed was the rinsing step. This really helps clean the hash of contaminants. The next step he missed was the acceleration step. Although, he does use the paper towels to wick it dry, I do the same but use a clean dish towel. The final step he missed was letting it dry in the freezer.

He does have a nice clean looking end result. His starting material was prepped well. The tip about bouncing the bags is a good one. The second spoon is a good idea, I usually use my finger nail.


mm True story, with a couple of tweaks he could probably defeat me in the ring. He was so close to using the freezer to dry it! After the micro plane he could have just tossed it back in there and it would kick it up a notch.
OK I loaded probably 2 kilos into the buckets this time. How? Speed Loading, baby!!! I dumped in way too much weed, tossed the ice on top and cranked on the faucet. Once the water level reached where it’s good, I turned it off. I didn’t weigh it, all I know is it’s far too much! lol!


I gave him those tips, hopefully he reads it.


Speed loading, and final stage! Nice tight bubble froth! mmmmm! Purple swamp from the Meat Breath.


well, it was mostly meat breath and not actually 2 kilos more like one and a half? Anyways, the yield was OK.
I think there were even a couple of OGK buds down in the bottom of the freezer. I got everything! IT’s all gone! yay!

wack swamp water! I’m going to be pressing this hash wet. I know, it’s way more difficult to do because the moisture is hard on the parchment. I got this theory, though see? Like, pressing it wet changes the flavor.


How do you feel about loading up a bho tube with nugs and dry ice and using compressed air to knock the frozen heads off and down through the screen

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It’s actually more difficult to get dry ice here. I’d just use my hash bags and shake it a few times with some dry ice pellets. As I said though, I have to reserve some at the industrial air supply store a couple towns over.


Yah I already pressed a third of that hash I made today. I showed my friend how to press rosin, and then we dabbed so much I was wasted…MAN! I’ll post some photos of dabs later tonight.


ahhh I think I took like… 6 of these bad boys!


I think there is some dust in buddy’s hash. I better dig deeper and make sure I didn’t contaminate it.


ok I went and scrubbed and washed everything that could touch the sample. Random organics spotted! Yah those organic particles don’t melt. Could be sediment from his water, you never know. Oh… wait. I think my brain might be smart. That’s probably it!


I’ll probably press some more rosin today! hah hah I dabbed most of the first batch I made. My friends said it was better than the rosin I had given them a sample from the LP. Very robust flavors and smells. The fucking nugsmasher video man. They show you how to isolate thc from flower rosin… or do they? Because there’s actually no evidence whatsoever that they are isolating THC. Are they really just isolating plant waxes? hah hah who even knows. Want to know how I do it? It’s easy. Get some full melt hash and press that shit :wink: