The quest for unicorn gold!

OK! Time for some dissemination.
There are three kinds of trichomes on the bud. Non-glandular, glandular and bulbous. Thanks for making that super-crystal-clear! You definitely want to harvest the glandular. Those other 2 kinds are total shit.


Heyyy you know the flavor on the gojiog hash is pretty good. The mint carrot skunk ass is turning into dank! Like getting a real “dank” like flavor if that makes any sense.


OK, I’m going to try and make a diagram out of day 20ish buds. I’ll try a mm2 by making a square out of 1000x1000 micrometers. I Think I’m getting close to being able to tell in veg mode. hah hah closer than ever, anyways. I’ll count everything that falls inside the square that is capitate. mmmm lemme warm up the microscope lamp… lol!
That last round with the GOG buds that made super sticky but also huge yield was a hit of excellent data. The things I saw in those SEM images. Still haunt me. How the trichome clouds up and then the resin gooing out from the cap. Woah! I gotta open my fucking eyes sometime, see whats going on. I went back and saw that. In images. In that first logo I drew where the trichome caps were joined together.

Resin leaking out of the cap from the trichome on the right has joined the caps together. That only happens after the cuticle clouds over. When I drew that image from a photo I took, I had no idea what it even meant.


OK here’s the problem. a square millimeter is HUGE!!! WAY TOO BIG!
Yah… Ever try to draw a million micrometers? I’d be counting until I died of old age. I have to adapt the process to tiny ass bits of plant material. You see where I am going right?
Also, look at the size of the basal trichomes. Man, that study made me feel like a child playing with toys.


Here’s Goji OG! A nice 3 percenter it looks like. I’d recommend anyone sleeping on those to give 'em a whirl.


Yeah maybe 1/4mm squared would be doable. Especially with those big ol basals

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Noted. Popped 2 and got 2 males. Will try again.

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I’m going to try and go with 250,000 microns aka 500x500 a quarter of the surface area. That should fit between the segments of even the smallest buds and I’ll also check the veg Calyxs as well.
I might as well say I’m dissecting the calyx of the plant. Not the bract or something else. I am harvesting a single auxiliary bud to do my test on.


Yummmm. The last batch of goji og rosin I had was the tastiest thing i’ve ever tried.


I’ll crank some out tomorrow! I’m excited to try it, that’s for sure.

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Time to press the rosin. Ahhh, but I did it already :wink:

Blarp! It never reaches the floor!


Ahh yes. It’s tasty!


Testing positive for THCa crystals right away. Don’t need to wait for nucleation. Also! Those bubbles are what I know to be little trapped moisture blotches. Takes 24hrs it’ll be gone. I am going to give this sample a little bit of a time lapse photography. Not a video this time… but in the future I’m thinking of creating the ultimate nucleation time lapse.


If anyone is wondering why the crystals line up that’s no coincidence. I did that.

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This looks so neat, which strain is this again?

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GojiOG prime. Probably the same seeds that were part of a distribution here on OG!

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Oh boy, yep I’m running 3 Goji OG of the same batch!

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I was trying to sort out the mechanics of that in my head…
Are those needles forming as they pass through the pores in the bag?
Or are the pores of the bag simply causing the alignment of the needles?

Inquiring minds… :rofl:



lol! Oh the HOW I did that part? Its more mundane than anyone could imagine. I used a titanium blade and stretched the sample out in one direction, aligning most of the crystals.

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Hey Joe how are Yah? My drill chuck is locked up with resin, is it time for a new power drill? have you ever had your drill chuck lock up? (the part that holds the drill bit) Thanks

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