The quest for unicorn gold!

220, and 90 - check! Time to make the gold!


Alright, I have 908 grams of fresh green buds. Didn’t quite get the estimate on a kilo hah hah! So, I should theoretically get 30 grams of hash? It’s a sibling of the 3% GOG plant, and also had the largest trichomes I had measured, with a maximum of 180 micrometers.


Blarp! Truth bomb! The size of the trichome cap, doesn’t really change the outcomes unless it’s too small.
Here’s the example: more trichomes at size 120micrometers yields more hash than fewer trichomes at 180 micrometers. Even though the volume is 300% for each cap that is 40 microns larger. Doesn’t work out in real life.


There are far more observations. They were sister plants, but one yields probably half of it’s sister. I bet that was a 1.5 percent plant. Perhaps even as high as 1.8 like the meat breath. I’ll weigh it in a week! Also this plant wasn’t sticky goo hash. It was very granular and crunchy! mmm oh yah it just smells like plant thiols, not really like terpenes. Fucking wild, I can’t wait to try it! A really clean batch, I think it could be a contest winner! :wink:


Ok, where do i buy a single 90u bag that fits a 5 gallon bucket? Looking around and only seeing a few sets that even include it! Most are 25,73,160,220, conspicuously missing the 90 and the 120.

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As near as I can tell, the only way to get a 90u bag is to buy the
‘super deluxe’ set…

I’d be very happy to be proven wrong… :smile: :+1:


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The Press Club sells single bags but they’re not the cheapest. High quality though!


Bubbleman sells individual ones as well. The bag set I got has 25, 73, 90 and 220. I don’t think you can buy the brand I have anymore though.


Woah! It’s beeeeeooooteeful.


Just another dab to test it out! mmm kind of berry-tea like. Odd that there was no noticeable flavor as buds.

Melts Good!

Got it flagged out, looks nice!


Took five days to freeze dry this batch. I find going all in on the spinning really speeds things up! If I had a cold area and a motorized spinning thing, I could dry it out completely in the fridge or something. Like dump the hash blob from the 90 bag into a 25 sack that spins like a maniac for 15 min. Spins slower for longer? I’ll keep thinking.


My idea would be if I made a spinning device, let that bad boy spin max speed for like 15-30 minutes. I’d imagine the top layer would come out of the bags pretty damn dry


I’ve seen people make one of these and run it directly in the freezer.


hah hah I was reading an old post of mine about life philosophy. It’s still true!
“My future decisions are based on the truth, so without the truth I have nothing”
“The truth can be harsh and disturbing”
It also means reality can be harsh and disturbing. mmm good stuff right there.

The rosin is crystallizing in the fridge! Probably over half way there??


Was just reading your first hash thread. How things have changed… you were even learning things from frenchie at one point


I was making shelf dried 73 micron hash! Also losing at the contest! Had poorly fleshed out theories on hash yield. Phew! Talk about stuffing the void of ignorance. I’ve learned so much!


to the hash makers out there who have made hash from outdoor autoflowers, is the yield and micron size of the trichomes similar to photoperiod plants? They would be smaller in my mind, because the auto’s are naturally smaller plants in many aspects.


I use what I term the hashishin diagram now. I ran an outdoor auto flower that had trichomes 65 microns wide. Total waste of time. These days I would recognize that fact and not even bother making hash. I won’t make hash out of anything with trichomes smaller than 90 microns.

Once the bud is complete like in this image, I measure the cap size and determine if it’s worth making hash.

So I whip up a diagram like this and I can see a 90 micron screen will exclude the sessile and include the caps, so it’s good. A shitty one would have cap size smaller than 90.


One more week before I can crack open the rosin. Oh! I should rosin press some of that GOG hash I’ve been dabbing. That’s the only thing I haven’t done yet! Daaaaang!


If a person was going to be growing autos and would prefer to smoke or eat a concentrate rather than smoke bud cause I’m old, smoked a million joints and am done that, what would you recommend? a rso?

I think it might just settle for some dirty hash and some tincture i guess. I didnt think the trichomes would be so small as that, it would just be worthwhile to do a 220 bag, a 190 for bigger plant matter and then just a 45?