The quest for unicorn gold!

Can’t wait to vicariously enjoy the event through your posts! Let us know what everyone is washing and squishing, and riffing!


There’s Pam! Far right side there. She may look small but… she can smoke a lot of weed?

Lawyer and the media! hah hah lawyer: I’m very approachable, just bring some weed!


The lawyers talked and talked about how the Government botched various drug laws. Talked extensively about how the powers that be, lost their balls when it came to solving the opioid crisis.

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Ohh one more story! When I showed up there everyone knew who I was, but the shack at the entrance had people I had never seen before. Since I hadn’t boned up on the rules they were like ok gimme 300$ and you can get in. So I went home and read the instructions. Turns out I forgot my magic words that I was supposed to bring so I can get in there. Sheesh! Last year I just waltzed in there like I owned the place, lol!


Last story, I swear! I was sitting there waiting for the talk to start and they were talking about what questions and stuff. I hear “Everyone pays excise tax”, she raises her finger and points at me “Except This Guy”! I laugh and wave at the group…ohhh, they know me well!
I cleared all the photos off my camera, so I can take more. I’ve got to get out and explore the new areas of the festival that just popped up this year. I keep coming back and charging my gear and stuff, that’s the joy of just living down the road.


mm I got a couple of terrible photos! hah hah good thing it’s mostly dark. Ripple was setting up. I accidentally got some people in these photos. They were everywhere!
First photo is krystal and the yogis. On the right is the yogi and on the left is the creator. lol!


Oh people recognized me alright. They all wanted to know if I was competing this year! I had to say I was just a pleb. Phew I’m tired and sticky. ugh do I even want to know? Stayed for a few sets! It’s friggin’ late.


ok! Forgot my camera - classic story. I questioned the genetics dude about my plan to hybridize hash producers and he said it should be a pheno hunt of 10-100 offspring of the pairing. Also, more radical shit.
for Selfing plants, he said to self it 4 times doing a pheno hunt and crossing the best pair.
for generations to stabilize will require 9 pheno hunts and pairings.
hah hah and before you say anything about the advice he gave, yes, it was based on university studies from U of M here in Canada.


Looks like a good time @JoeCrowe

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I went and took a dab of Slurricane diamonds over at the lounge. It’s funny they ask you if you have ever taken a dab. I said I’m dabbing non stop! So He gave me a good ripper and he controls the entire process.
mmm Tasty! I said! Then I got offered some hallucinogenic tea, but I suspect it’s mushrooms. Don’t want that shit! I’ll never speak again!


Lol mushrooms wrecked me never again will i touch those

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ok We have the indigenous contingent! Performing the dance of the eagle, buffalo and bear! The bear looked really hot under the robe.
The lawyers talked again! Real eye opening shit. Some of it was super hardcore that I won’t repeat.

We got the dab lounge! As it says “DO EPIC SHIT”. I dabbed some rosin mm and gave my friends some bubble hash to dab in there.


Sound stage is revving up again for the night! I’ll be there. Hilarious scene where this gorgeous girl walks past me and the guy next to me is like oooo baby. I think to myself sucker, she’s going to be chilling with me.
She was an LP, a concentrates expert. So… I was talking to another girl, and she walked over. I introduced myself and then we spent an hour talking about extracts! I love talking about extracts! Percentages! Fuck me but I’m just tossing around shit like ohh it’s got to be at least 3% yield, and they understand what I’m talking about. hah hah I tell her I’m tossing anything other than the 90 in the trash she was like Whaaaaaa!!! hah hah everyone on here who was shocked by that, welcome to the real world. Legal producers lose their shit when I start talking like that.


Oh almost forgot I was dabbing orange tangie this time. The girl is like WTF you’re not dabbing your own stuff? I said well, I like to try other shit, I’ve been living off my own hash for the last 30 days. hah hah buddy says hey he’s broadening his palette like a good sommelier! hah hah had a chat about exploring weed flavors.


That orange tangie must have been wonderful. I’d love hash or rosin from a good limey plant.

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Sun is setting on the high tension lines! Just on my way back!


mmm I took a bunch of strange photos.

Some contain people but I don’t think you can see who they are or if they’re wearing clothes.

Yo, I think I might be on drugs.

hah hah well uhh I changed the settings on my camera and got strange photos!


There’s still one night of Mayhem™. Oh and one day. See… The Kings Knight was up there for a while. IF you’re not from Canada… or perhaps even if you are… that don’t make sense. It’s some old dude you call Sir before his name. What he had to say about the whole history of Cannabis in Canada was nuts. Black Candle and that Janey Canuck shit. True. Ledain comission, true stories. People weren’t even considered equal up here until 1985. All the drug laws were created so they could round up the “immigrants” and deport them. Just nuts crap. Remember the conspiracies about why weed was made illegal? All total crap nonsense to cover the racist truth.


lol ok so this lady comes over and she says to me “well hopefully the Knight is enjoying the show”! I laughed cause he’s like 80 or something and I said “Hey! He’s the original Counter Culture!” Since, of course the Knight is responsible for pushing and pushing the Canadian Government to legalize weed.
Bah hah hah anyone reading this shit is thinking like WTF is this guy smoking… knights and weed are we in the 21st century or what? Sometimes I wonder…