The quest for unicorn gold!

I saw Gary up there he’s like hey man great to see you! We’re like the original unicorns! I laughed and said yah I tell people I’ve been going to this thing for 7 years. He says yah I tell people that the entire festival used to fit in that tent over there! gestures at the sound tent
Ahh those were the days I says when we were just sitting around smoking weed!

Ahh yes, for a contrast, the south american healer was slotted just before the doctors and researchers! Here’s what I noticed: The healer and the doctors agreed you don’t just go on psychedelic journeys and think you are going to be magically healed in your brain. You need the process known as integration. That’s where in a controlled setting after the trip, you explore your emotional state.
hah hah the psychologist was slinging weed, psilocybin and mugwort combo to activate clusters of receptors at the same time in your brain. A real power trip!


There’s the lake in the Evening! While I wait for my bacon cheeseburger…yum!

hum de dum they are setting up for KR33TUR3, I think that was his name. This is before everyone even woke up, lol!

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A couple radical night shots! I dabbed orange creamsicle diamonds today! mmm someone passed the fuck out on the dance floor. hah hah Vendor story this girl comes into the tent and she’s like I want your review on the port-a-potties. She’s all fancifed and beautiful like she just came from a 5 star restaurant. She’s like hey guys I like to shit in the woods, so how were the bathrooms in comparison? I fucking howled with laughter!
I also threw caution to the wind and took this strange drink from a shot glass. Didn’t even pay attention to what it was. ehhh could be some kind of hallucinogen for all I know. What else?
Oh that was a funny story! Some dude tried to pick up the shit in the woods girl using a piece of hash I gave him, lol! He’s offering her the concentrates she says hey that doesn’t even smell like weed. So he pulls out the hash I gave him and he’s like how about this? I had to stifle a chuckle.

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oh I forgot this story! Meow comes over and says like hey man you win this year? I said no I can’t compete because the Government won’t let me. He says well… if you want to get back in the game you have to collaborate with one of the LPs. They’re the LP and I Would be the Artist. I actually… know so many of them.


Whoa man whoever did that insane graffiti piece has some major skill! I used to be real big into graffiti when i was a teen and it was a dream to be able to create a piece like that!
Sick shit right there

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I wanna get REKT too… I crave those secrets and change you speak of…

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Tell them you are in the game, just not playing by the rules, the buzz is the real trophy :ok_hand:

I bet the right one could provide you with some more space tho

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Rumors of my Demise have been Greatly Exaggerated! I’m back among the living hah hah I was out late last night. The most interesting part is people were all about what it smells like, and not even how it hits.

Yah, I’ll dab this rosin…he says. Well, actually it’s bubble hash I tell him. Drawing out a long sticky string of it that snaps off. hah hah man… you know when people in the industry are like buggin out when they see your extract, you’ve done a good job.


Oh the unicorn strain I got this year is banana blast Regs. The genetics dude wrote his name and number on the package.


Gotta brew an extra pot of coffee this morning! Feeling kind of sluggish. Perchance was it the strange brew I drank? I remember something about nano infused hash plant or something. mmm all kind of hazy :wink:
I swear that other dude looked like Dr Hornby or something. They had a flag run up the pole that had a cannabis leaf with a snake around it that glowed. Started handing out cups of “something” dispensed from an insulated box. Of course I actually asked what it was and then almost paid no attention to the ingredients because it was nothing I was allergic to. Quaffed that shit and then I was like err wait what did he say this was???


I swear to F that was dr paul hornby. He’s a really old dude I had met before when I was doing the compassion thing.

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Ohh yah so I remember this funny ass story. One of the panelists was this girl who looked totally out of place. I’m not really sure where she had come from but she was talking like some kind of valley girl.
You know, like whatever!
She says I want to make love to the world! I was like errr hmmm I’m not sure that means what you think it does. I still die of laughter inside a little when I remember that. Perhaps that was her plan, to go out memorable!


OK One last unicorn story. This one is about the festival itself! It started 7 years ago with about 10 people sitting in a tent smoking weed. True story, I was one of them. Years before legalization! After about 4 years, it was starting to get sponsors and there were more people! Year 5 was when things turned into the festival it is, complete with all government approved participants. See, the thing is you need them all in one place. The growers, the buyers and the frigging government. Che and I are the original unicorns, the only ones that are still kicking it at every unicorn party for the last 7 years. If you’ve never been to a gathering like that I highly recommend it. You NEVER know who the hell you are talking to. Doctors, extract specialists, plant growers, or genetics experts.


That all sounds like a Sticky Situation! Thanks for the play by play. I feel high just reading it here at work.

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If you have IG you can check out the profile of the Canadian Women in Cannabis. You’ll definitely see my friends there, people I know in real life. They’ll tell you I’m real and not just some kind of ghost, bah hah!

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heh heh I just saw Che and told him that this unicorn party was the best one yet!
“It was Primal!” I tell him
“Thanks for that!”


I think I’m back to reality now! mm it’s got that gritty feel of shit.
Time for some prize winning hash!!! Bam! Still got one batch to crank off and I’ll start making the ice. Don’t want to keep people in suspense. Can… I still do it? :wink:


Urbanistic had footage from the unicorn! Wheeee it’s like being there again! Oh yah! I remembered something! Wookie OG at 5% extraction! That was rosin flower press though.

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The bubble bags are secure in the hash freezer.
Except… some turd dabbed all my hash! I only have like 30 grams left.

oo yah… wait someone dabbed this pile too! :smiley: