I cant say for sure. But I doubt she smokes. Your probably right, though.

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Hello skunk aficionados.

I was reading dankwolfs thread for the 10th time over at the other site. In his thread he mentions that leaving a bag of weed in a hot car can add a skunkiness and alter the profile of your smoke.

Recently I read about Skunked beer and brewing in general and how heat and uv will skunk a beer pretty quickly.

Seeing how skunk and skunky weed was everywhere at one time, is it possible that the secret to skunk isn’t exclusively in the genetics but can also be attributed to the way it was cured/processed?

When I started growing, I had a mentor who would let the weed “work” ou “le laisser travaillé” in his own words. Leaving the weed on tarps in big piles for a set amount of time, couple hours flipped halfway through and let it generate heat.

Then processed.

Is there something to this?


In Lake County, i had to sun dry my weed on tomato cages in the sun.
Ended up winning best buds in the valley there in soring valley. Cured them in cheap styrofoam coolers.
They were diesels but yeah kinda skunky



I may be able to try something similar with my seeded skunk leftovers.

But won’t be able to really sacrifice bud for science and do full scale tests until next years outdoor crop…

I don’t think the method I spoke of works with small quantities.

It’s wild how things connect sometimes.

So I’m reading in this thread and the first thing I think of is the most putrid smelling flowers I can remember. Almost to the point they’d make you nauseous if you weren’t in the best mood already or your stomach was already a little upset. Foul in the best of ways because it was weed and we all know weed that smells like that is some good shit!

What really brought out the smell was when it was left in the car to go surfing or something else, and when you came back in it was just so much more intense and pungent. If I recall, the genetics were Dreamweaver x Godbud. Now I’m thinking that Dreamweaver or Godbud probably had some old school rks in it somewhere. The Dreamweaver is listed as being an old Humboldt indica.

Saw a couple publications, textbook format, on thiols and secondary plant metabolites. Strongly considering picking them up hoping for some good references to coax out elevated levels in a given cultivar or population. Much love

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Most definitely!

There just might be something to this. :thinking:

I read some stuff about isomerization of alpha acids, now I have so many questions haha.

Maybe there’s 2 kinds of skunk (?)
One that’s coming from the plant itself
Another that’s acquired during processing
And when you get both, it’s what makes it stink for a mile around.

Just theorizing…

If you find any literature I should know about, please share :pray:


I remember getting it as well here in this part of upstate and man did it stink :rofl:


The car I was driving when I was smoking a bunch of that pungent weed smelled like weed forever afterwards too. Weed in the car or not, it always smelled like hot putrid weed afterwards. Not as intense, but it seemed like it lingered forever once the heat set it in.

Now I’m thinking about Tangas cob thread over on ic, and how cobbing the weed supposedly lends to more psychoactive experiences than the same weed not cobbed. Fermented.

I wonder if there is a relationship between fermentation and thiols too. Those books I was contemplating the other day are looking much more attractive now with a renewed interest.

They’re protected intellectual property and unfortunately I don’t have a copy to share or summarize, but the two publications that I was looking at recently are respectively titled: Hydrogen Sulfide and Plant Acclimation to Abiotic Stress by Khan Et al. and Aromatic Thiols and Their Derivatives by Aliyev Et al. Both publish in 2021 from Springer publishing. Much love


Your beating around the right bush but with the wrong stick. I have a strain I call lightstruck but only if grown in a certain manner, and no it has nothing to do with light or how it’s strikes it. Also I’m still holding some original red hair sensi seeds, the real red hair thick red hairs that curl around the bud.
Missing skunk =missing method= missing thiol interaction
find the right Kandahar and or tora bora Afghan maybe mix them with some Mexican sativa and back to the Afghan , grow her outdoor the way the bikers and hippies did way back when and you may find those skunks once again.


What im hearing…is fermentation…i hate to be that guy but that’s what this is, anaerobic fermentation.
putrid smelling flowers I can remember. Almost to the point they’d make you nauseous if you weren’t in the best mood already or your stomach was already a little upset. Foul in the best of ways
big piles for a set amount of time, couple hours flipped halfway through and let it generate heat.

Now this part…
When I started growing, I had a mentor who would let the weed “work” ou “le laisser travaillé” in his own words
I believe he means “sweating out
That’s pretty regular in drying circles, newb or elite that’s the science behind it.

I think focus on sweating out at precise timing in drying process is what should be the focus of efforts


DJ wrote about African Black Magic.
For decades everyone was seeking this ‘strain’
Many thought it was Congolese.
Some even scam by selling seeds they call black magic african. It aint.

Tang on ICmag detailed how to cob cure
Thats the ticket.
Its a fermentation that allows you to get LSD like effects even from eating a small bud.
I havent tried it tet, but there are hundreds of intense trip reports in that thread from others @romanoweed

Now, Skunk/RKS.
When RKS was around, CAMP was in full force.
I heard from growers and from neighbors who didnt grow/smoke that you had to lock your doors in NorCal - not because your car would be stolen, but because growers needed places to dry their weed so they’d sneak into your car and stash their fresh cut weed all throughout your car.

Yup, the RKS is like Black Magic African, you gotta ferment it.

I pretty much nailed the process while in Lake County.
I gotta refine it next year, but i have a thesis that should work. Its either a 2 or 3 step process, i’ll have to try both to find the magic.


There was definitely a dark African sativa that was coveted and grown around Santa Cruze , I have a hybrid of it called Africa 75, probably not the same as the reported strain from the Congo called black magic but def dark genetics in some of the plants to over there, black magic beans are currently available on a few diff sites…the black African genetics I saw long ago looked nothing like the beans people are selling now looked more like queen mother sativa


dj short also told that his Black african he smoked was grown in Mexico.
He also spoke about a Dokumentary in wich a Congolese Tribe was visited who grew the their Weed, he coexidentially saw it on tv,

I say this to tell you that im pretty shure that DJ Short is atleast in his believe, believing his African Black Weed was African… I mean why would he mentioned THIS just after asked about his Black african Weed.

It could still be that he thinks its not African Genetics in the African Black… But it would atleast been very very missleading from him to mention this, after asked about his African Balck…

Does this proove anything, NO, but,
so he said his Source was a JAzz musican who grew it? in Mexico or (Puerto Rico? forgot)

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I talked to sailers who smoked it in africa.
They said it was dark and crumbly and they thought it was moldy garbage - til they smoked it

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Now that you mention ,
thats what dj short always pointed out, that it looks like garbage… exact same words from him…
He specifically pointe out UTTER Garbage. haha

Yup, he and i talked about it for umpteen minutes in person at emerald cup about 5yrs ago


What made me think twice about the Genetic of this Strain is that DJ short said his African Black was grown IN Mexico.
That doesent mean that the Genetic came from Mexico necessarly…
But atleast also could leave room for outcrosses happening (Mexi -African) .

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When I was using the search term from a poster earlier, skunked beer, some articles came up suggesting that certain Thiols or molecules were changed or released or something to that effect by light of a specific wavelength in the ultraviolet range, specifically blue wavelengths. I wonder what type of light is hitting some of those places you just mentioned across a given harvest season. Much love

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It, the nauseating feeling, happened when trimming fresh harvested flowers too, but the smell was different. The skunky aspects definitely came out more in the cure, but leave it in the car and forget about it. I think you might be onto something with the sweat it out thing. Skunk, rotten garlic, armpit funk city. Granted, this may be an entirely different smell than what’s being discussed. I wasn’t around during the heyday of RKS.
Much love


The problem with pot growers is how they waste time reading the wrong stuff.

Heres what my grandkids get read at bedtime:

Talk to a beer brewer, a flavorist, a chemist or wine maker if you want to learn about Marijuana. I have never learnt anything about Marijuana from Marijuana growers. There were no high level growers when I started. There’s one or two now.

Almost every Cannabis strain is capable of producing a dominant skunk profile that holds with heat/time/extraction. But the Marijuana experts are using fruit juice etc. It seems no one actually wants Skunk. Seriously. Even Skunkman Sam. Seems alot of people can only detect functional groups, and even then confuse them. They’ll have to wait for lab analysis to know if they’ve bred skunk or not. I’ve heard just about everything called skunky, with zero skunk whatsoever. Earthy,funky, skunky, these words have zero meaning in the legal era.

All the info is out there, on Cannabis sites. But people don’t want to discuss it, because either they can’t, or they want to keep it to themselves. Usually both. It’s pretty straight forward. Cannabis is not a fruit, it’s not produce, or a vegatable. But people grow it like it is. It’s an oilseed crop. One of the most researched agricultural products there is. But you don’t even have to look that far. You can learn more about Marijuana by studying hay than studying ISpyMag.

What’s the difference between a ribeye steak that gives you joint inflammation and one that doesn’t? The fatty acid profile of the grass the cow ate. That’s the very first step, instead of taking shots in the dark and calling the result a new strain. Anyone sick of new strains yet? Marijuana breeders need to start completely over, go back to grass root basics of agriculture. Not GenHydroculture. Stop wrecking the plants they breed and it would be a year long project to breed a skunk better than anything on the market. Their are numerous genes responsible for skunk thiols. They’ve been turned off, by dna inactivation.

Von Liebig admitted he was wrong about chemical nutrition. The first farmers sold the crap were very vocal that it ruined the quality. When all you can get out of Marijuana is mango and snicker doodle, it’s ruined. The conspiracy against medicinal quality plants continues to this day, a century and a half after inception. The funding behind this scam is of pharmaceutical proportions.

“I had sinned against the wisdom of our creator, and received just punishment for it. I wanted to improve his handiwork, and in my blindness, I believed that in this wonderful chain of laws, which ties life to the surface of the earth and always keeps it rejuvenated, there might be a missing link that had to be replaced by me - this weak powerless nothing.”