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I know of 3 RKS’s

One is to self the Chem 91
My buddy GreenBeaver did it in Canada and got himself busted for it - cops took everything because a judge lived a block away.

Next is to find ISP or OSG and get the 1978 Skunk, which came from Mendo/Romulan Joe.
I grew out OP gen’s 5 and 7 and found it in there, though I much preferred the green apple pheno.

And lastly is Snowhighs High Voltage.
Durban x Skunk (Pure Power Plant) x Acapulco Gold x C99 (Merlins Magic)
At just a few internodes in veg, this plant stunk up the whole house that I almost culled it. But it was my first year with an MMJ card So I let it go all the way. It had a trippy, euphoric high that settled into a relaxing shit-eating-grin stone. Also, everytime I smoked it, it left the room smelling like fresh dog shit. I never left the house with it because I still had the NY state paranoia ingrained in me.
Snow’s High Voltage is the easiest access to real RKS


I’ve worked in 5 factories. I can say your spot on.
For example look at restaurant business. Most Americans LOVE mediocre food. The area I live in. Only has one REALLY good pizzeria. It’s big drop off to second best and a huge drop to the chains like pizza hut, dominoes, etc. That pizzeria should have a line out the door at all times. Since trying it the first time. I havent bought a chain pizza. But most people either don’t care or have retarded taste buds. I guess lol. I think these type people are the same with weed.


Rural Appalachia is where to look for the skunk. There’s WAY more people than you can imagine in those rural areas that don’t have internet and DONT want the internet. There’s still areas in Appalachia that can’t get internet. I only have internet available thru my cell service. No other options are available to me.
So I think it would be possible for some old loner anti government type here in the mountians to have been able to have the skunk all this time and kept it secret. It is more likely imo someone like this probably has old seeds stashed away.


And they have no idea its “lost”

Gone? What you mean, gone?! Haha


Running this scenario thru my head. So funny lol. Thank you. But it is true.

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Last time I smoked real RKS was in 06-07
just gotta find it it’s still out these

I have an insane amount of old beans


You in a trading mood? Stay safe/be well…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:

I still have 2 bottles left. I made 2 runs from the old seeds and open pollinated. Kept 7 cuts from the originals. Once I’m done with the old ones, I’ll o.p the cuts :shushing_face:


Are those seed increases from back then or what?

have you had success popping them?

I’m thinking there was a seed increase in 93 and the guy grew some outdoors every year. That’s what he had left when he quit.

They are stubborn, but some do grow.

As mentioned above, I started a first batch, open pollinated those that grew, kept a few cuts. Then did a second round, same thing. I’m working on a third round…


What was the first batch like?

Out of the originals I mostly find taller/thinner plants that start skunky, then turn sickly sweet and end with half sweet skunk. The squat ones are rarer and smell like straight skunk all the way through… not wall penetrating, but it’s the right smell.

I’m hoping that by going through tons of fresh seeds I can find the right combo…

The skunk A cut is the most promising as is, I’m putting some outdoors in different soil mixes to dial her in…


I brought my “Skunk” magazine to work today. A coworker picked it up. It started a conversation about weed. Then she got this sick/disgusted look on her face. She told me a couple months ago at a store. She was playing slot machines with her sister. When they started smelling this nasty skunk smell. She said a man had a bag weed with him. I asked her how bad it was. She said it was nasty and strong smell like a skunk. I ask her how old he was. She said around her m⅔=≠5=±±++


Blockquote She said around her m⅔=≠5=±±++

that’s what i would have guessed


SORRY guys. I was typing that while at work. I got really busy. I didn’t think I had sent this. I wasnt finished lol.
… Any ways. The way she acted. It must have really stunk. I specifically asked her about how close it was to a real skunk. She said “It smelled like a skunk.” Could this have been RKS? This is rural Appalachia. This guy would been around 50 years old.


Love that story. In the late 70’s the North California Boyz were growing some real stinky skunk. My dealer had friends up North as I lived in SoCal. And these Norcal Boyz were supplying my dealer with some strong stuff. It was the first weed I had that competed with Thai Sticks.

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Would need to test it! Haha if it is you would make everyone very happy. Sure a bunch of us would drive down every street in the town looking for him, please take our money!

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Just got some rks beans from the site auction! We will see what comes of them!!! Super excited and hopeful.


Does she smoke? Cause I’ve had weed on me that would be consider lemon pledge smelling by us, but people I know who don’t smoke always say they know I have it on me cause I smell like a skunk to them.