From the few posts I saw from you, I think you can and have sourced stuff that’s far from public reach :wink:

Now It’s up to you to decide how you manage all that. Pretty incredible stuff could some from you and your group.

Hype… nothing wrong with creating a buzz, it’s when hype is mixed with fishing stories, straight lies or the like that it becomes a problem.

Personally, i think quality creates the buzz itself… only farts in a bottle need huge marketing and make beliefs.


Well since you asked, I am not a seed hoarder as in mine mine mine ALL mine… I don’t need anything in return. I think it is more important to get them out there again. Hit me up in a PM if you are state side and I will send you a couple of beans. to try.


sure, no problem. practically all males looked like that, very uniform.

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Oh I just meant the clone man, I do love me some old beans
I might have something you’d like who knows

I’ll hit ya up.
I have too many older unlabeled beans I couldnt take any in good conscience know

@MAHAKALA thanks dude
Here’s your federation Hawaiian bois

and my Hawaiian* from 91-92 seed stock


Well said, but we are not supposed to say that…LOL


I don’t know “Skunkman” or anybody from the west coast, but sadly he’s probably right when he says that original Skunk seeds are gone and laughs !!! My experience with the “Skunk” is from the 1970’s . We had all the Skunk seeds you could want. The seeds were Afghanistan landrace seeds, that were brought back from a trip to Kabul on a hashish buy. The Brotherhood of Love was involved. I think they had a heavy connection to the West coast. Anywho, we renamed the strain “Skunk” after the first year, noticing the pungent skunky smell . It makes me sad and also laugh today !! I can’t say for sure what the farmers in Afghanistan called this strain, but I was told it was called Kush ! We were rookies at the time. So unless you were also growing Skunk in the 70’s, I’m not sure that growers today have a real good idea what the Skunk strain was all about . A very distinguishing characteristic of 70’s Skunk, was HUGE, striated seeds. Biggest weed seeds I ever seen !!! We called them Easter eggs ! IMO …The REAL Skunk from the 70’s is gone ! I wish we weren’t so stupid back them ! Peace


I keep telling people hunt threw some Kandahar, tora bora or green paki lines, grow some super skunk or the real Massachusetts super skunk, maybe even cross it to some Mexican gold lines.
Check this plant out it’s a “kush”

The khyber pass has been ano go zone sense the early 90s when skunk disappeared…and yes boel has roots in California , they formed here and there are some good waves to be found if you know where to look. Still some original members alive and growing cannabis in the California sun.


Skunk, real or not.
Best smelling,
Best tasting
Easy to smoke,
Tastes good,
Very mild high that makes you feel the best you have felt in your life.
Its obvious that skunk is a favorite because it was used in so many crosses.
That’s because it makes everything that it touches so much better.
Breeding is what people tend to do with good bud. They breed it to their favorite bud in order to make it better.
Unfortunately it want take long before the people can hardly remember what the original plant looked, smelled, or smoked like because they are used to smoking their favorite cross of it, even though they still call it skunk. Or kush, chronic, og. We can easily follow the trail of skunk if we follow the trail of great strains. Thats because they wouldn’t be as good as they are if they didn’t have that skunk in them.
For everyone who loves skunk, they are does who found it not to be quite to their liking, but fortunately, they already had a bud that they loved. So the cross was made… and voila… those awesome crosses that you hear about, where born.
So what exactly is skunk really,….skunk is one one of the most powerful breeding tools known to cannabis.
There is a reason it name resonates across the cannabis world…. That’s because most people where smoking it in different cross of some type which was just called skunk.
I remember back in the day, if it wasn’t skunk, no one wanted it. The best way to know if it was skunk or not was by it smell, the reason we always smell the bag, and by it looks, red hairs, decent hard nugs, and a high that would make you feel like Willy Wonker who just palmed cardi b ass while Beyoncé sang for him and Halle Berry giving him a lap dance. That’s skunk, the loudest bud you have ever smelled in your life.
It’s not know for potency,
But it is known for the great feeling that it produces. And
If I was looking for skunk, I would look into the kush plants.
Great tasting, lots of smell, long enjoyable high and that powerful smell, it’s in there, or is it where it came from. No one can be exact,
If I wanted skunk, I would simply breed plants together that show multiple skunk features until a more skunk like cross is created. This time hold dem dang seeds,and never forget where you came from.
Which is crazy to me because most strains carry skunk in their history.
It’s the years and years of breeding that has caused it to barely be noticed anymore in a cross. That because most plants that are crosses to skunk, look better, smell better, have more potency and have better smoking characteristics after the skunk is added. Not to mention the big huge bud that skunk puts in a plant.
There is a lot of skunk out there, you just have to look for one you like, or create in a way that you prefer. That what skunk is all about anyway.
You will know when you have it, because skunk was more than just a smell. As I said earlier, it was one of the most powerful breeding tools known to cannabis. And still is.


Alot of the oldtime and pre highest thc % quest era varietals such as skunk and haze still had the more complex trichome systems.

From piff_cat

"these haze A types have several great qualities-
high density of different types of trichomes- sessile cbc, peltate “pillows” for sequiterpene alcohols, milky/cloudy cbg/cbgm glandular short stalk

oxygenated sequiterpenes- very common in south china primarily to fight fungi big contributor to incense scents

chromene cannabinoid content- since we have discovered that cbca is an active precursor modified by cbt synthases to produce up to 9 cbt types. cbt is nearly identical to thc but has more aromatic properties

most of these traits are highly conserved due to the immense resources plant must spend creating them. they are organ specific . for example the sessile cbc trichomes will dissapear in 2 generations in an f1 where one parent does not have them. unless f2 gen selections lean towards sessile trichome production , by f3 most plants will not create them anymore.

this is why haze A is important!!"

Dankwolf years ago mentioned true skunk had short stalk trichomes that seemed to stick out of the leaves.

Popping my old skunk I instantly noticed the ones that stank the most had the trichs sticking out trait.


Well said BT ! I hope you’re right ! Peace

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Mith, You have an amazing wealth of knowledge my friend. Thanks for the post ! Peace


Not sure if this has been addressed in this thread but I found some interesting articles in High Times from the 1980’s that show a journalist named “R” who was an influencer at the time was outspokenly determined to stop the production of indica temporarily or possibly permanently ( including skunk). If you follow along this individual “R” was met with strong opposition and ridicule from readers on the “Letters” section. Which based on my experience with people is often enough to start a campaign to get ones way and “win”.

Who was “R”?


Thanks my friend. Although, I’m definitely not up to speed on most subjects… I think one would have to do this full time to really dominate on any given subject.

I do sometimes get lucky and connect a few dots :wink:

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He is a butthole that’s who he is, talking about people having indica forced upon them when he is trying to all out force sativa on the whole community , pot calling the kettle black a bit. There has always been people on both sides of the camp and the old sativa types should not be ignored but people should not be told what to smoke. Pretty sure ® is the same ® that also talks about his prized ghani plant so much and hangs around another fellow who hates true skunk weed because he never had it, although he based his name and breeding program off his false skunk genetics.
Conveniently leaves out the part about growers loving indica plants because it was easier to hide them compared to giant sativa’s, they finished earlier which expanded the regions it could be grown in and helped people pull down before camp was out and about in full swing. Much harder to see a 3 foot bush that is the same color as the evergreens compared to a much brighter green jungle looking plant , especially from the air. Sativa normally need full sun while the right indica and can fatten up in the shade.


Well said brother.
Rule # 2, make sure your genetics are what they are supposed to be.
Preceded by rule # 1 k.i.s.s.
I’m going by what I remember as the smoke in my area when I was growing up. Which is pretty much the same as what everyone else is doing as well.
The bud around here was local beside that which came from Mexico which was flat, dark green and filled with sticks stems, and seeds. It’s all we had until the what we called corned showed up. No it never had any seeds in it.
It didn’t have many red pistils as they would disappear into the freakishly huge calyxes. Not very much trich coverage as I remember it. Well it didn’t look like the stuff we see now who’s trichs fall off the plant if you sneeze in the room.
The smoke was easy to swallow and had a very mild, feel good type of high that you want to smoke again and again. Also it was smooth tasting as the smoke didn’t burn your nose or irritate your sinuses nor throat.
It’s the feeling that the bud gave me that I missed the most because it didn’t taste or smell like much. But I will never forget how it smokes.
Instead of dream chasing, I went to the lab and recreated what I have been missing for over 20 years. The smoothness of the smoke and it’s effects are spot on. The only thing different is the taste which I adjusted to my preferences.
Then there is that smell.
First you don’t have to put your nose into a bag of skunk weed to smell it. Like my buddy said and I keep telling you guys, he could smell the bud in my pocket, even though it was tied in a baggie and I was about 15 feet from him. That’s skunk.
Lately I have been seeing a lot of really loud bud that don’t have the same smoking characteristics of the skunk weed. First it’s harsh on the throat and sinuses. I don’t have to tell you guys because just like me, you know it too well.
The smell don’t lie. Baggie/ pack sniffing = no skunk.
Breed it to something and if that plant doesn’t get any better…. No skunk or not enough skunk in it to make a good representation of the bud.
If you are smoking skunk, every time you pass one, alive or dead, you will turn your head and look for who is smoking bud…. Skunk weed smells like a real skunk. There is no faking that. Peace bros. Lots of good info here. Thanks to all who share.


Yeah I have a plant that is half true skunk not skunk 1 and you can smell it threw a bag inside a glass jar , it’s not as cool as people think I tried to bring some on a trip and could not keep it from making the hotel room reek so bad I was nervous and that was double bagged in glass in a back pack. Weed you can’t take anywhere unless you want everybody to know your holding instantly.
Also before anybody asks no I don’t pass cuts , seeds aren’t available yet, if you doubt what I say meet me at the emerald cup in December we can smoke some it will make you believe again :wink:
Also here is a pic of the plant I speak of, the fly never had a chance , sticky like fly tape :rofl:


I wanna believe! @Heritagefarms See you in December. As a hermit reluctant to leave his cave, this shit better be dank lol


Very sour skunk grape flavor and very strong smelling.
Here is the terp profile from a small outdoor sample


I’m defiantly going I already have my ticket and am targeting a few booths for limited release cuts , I’ll have some realy good kush also to blaze on :grin:


Man with a plan… nice :sunglasses:. I gotta get one together quick because I am gonna be flying in. My initial thoughts were to just try and scoop up some flower and hash for Christmas time. As much as I would like to find some clones while I am there I wouldn’t be able to get them back alive lol. Whatchu fixing to get?

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