Ive grown afghan landraces that smell like the Skunk prank spray we use to get as kids. We dont have Skunks here in Sweden but we had these Skunk sprayas. I dont know how close they are to the real thing. It was very loud Skunk spray smell in late veg and through out flowering. It always disappered when after a month or two when i cured it with Notsodogs cure method. The paperbags REEKED of Skunk spray, catpiss and poo If you didnt let It finish the cure. It turned into rotten fruits and chem smells. Ive never found anything else that smelled that strong since. Fun fact is that in the same cultivar i found ALOT of very loud petrol, rubber and chem smells. It got me wonder If these type of smells came from the afghanica that where used in the 70s and 80s.

Just an observation :blush:

Pz :v:t2:


I don’t rememebr skunk as I had quit by then…trying to be a good teacher and dad in.the 'mcgruff the crime dog" rat our your parents Era of reagans counter revolution. Just say no my ass.
I do remember my first afghan/first indica.
We had mexican which was a lot like the lebanese I grow now…pretty good mid grade weed…occasional wacky weed that made you laugh…Columbian gold which.
WAY TOO.MUCH and Columbian Red on rare occasions which were memorable. Had thai stick once and was exposed to Bridge of Sighs th3 same night as nomenclature…but my buddies dad had a livestock auction barn and he grew the first afghan f1s I had ever smoked. Holy SHIT. I kept those huge striped seeds for months then lost them before sprouting
That’s stuff hit like lightning and rolled thunder.
What came next were the blends and I hated them
Most had the cerebral think too.much quality of Columbian but paired it with an inabilty to.move…I detested the feeling of being trapped and unable to do all the shit I was dreaming up and needing to get done.
Gone were the sativas you could toke all day and stay productive and happy.
That was the early 1980s when I gave it up then came back to weed in the late 2008. But that’s another story.


I’m hoping to get 2. diff cuts from purple city genetics , carbon fiber, and zev. Headed to the crickets and cicada booth if he is there, and going to see what other cuts may be lurking around. I’m mainly after the zev but curious about the carbon fiber.


Whaa just read this whole thread this afternoon.
Great contributions, and some great stories and knowledge.

Thanks for a great afternoon’s reading and thanks to all who have posted.

True OG


Road kill action when I breed to another good skunk. Got it from fruity to sweet as a bunch or red grapes, tasting like candy and smell similar catching a skunk by the balls. My bad, I digressed. Imaging the same great buzz and it can be had in just a few minutes time and time again. It’s broken already bro.

Sorry to go off topic, my dad told me I might like Robin Trower and picked up Bridge of Sighs vinyl for me. Never heard of the dude, but I was diggin it. Trower isn’t a name I hear a lot but it’s good shit.

Back to to weed

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Yup, I play that album on the bass every once in a while.

Also check out Ten Years After


I saw Robin Trower live with Boston…unfortunately it was THE most boring concert I ever saw. Not the worst, just boring. Both bands just stood and played…no stage presence whatsoever.

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Yea Trower was known for that…stand in one spot and make faces

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Boston wasn’t any better

Of course.not…lol.

In the early to mid 80’s in upstate NY, we got seeds from several different countries in Asia like Afghanistan, India, Pakistan, Nepal, etc. That’s what we were told anyway. There were some serious skunk varieties that were sometimes problematic when we were guerilla farming. On a breezy day or when it was lightly raining the smell was overwhelming. If you planted near a path or trail you were always afraid someone would notice it. And it did smell almost exactly like a skunk spray. It is known that the skunk smell that cannabis and hops produce is related to the smell a skunk produces as a defense. I would wonder if it’s also part of cannabis defense?

I remember having 6-8 different places with 6-8 plants in each place. I had to keep the locations as far apart as possible to spread the smell out. Harvesting at home required rooms with serious ventilation requiring exhaust fans with filters. And storage was another issue. As soon as you opened a jar the whole house would smell. Carrying it on your person was also dangerous back then. Jars barely contained the smell and even triple bagging didn’t work.


If I planted weed near a path or a trail I’d fully expect to get ripped off, skunk or not.

These are deer trails in a remote rural area on private property. The land owners lived out of state and they only visited the property occasionally. Most of my sites were deep in the thick undergrowth with open sky and no large trees.I would clear out a spot and often had to crawl under thick grape vines to get in and out. I did have problems with deer early on but successfully trained them over the years to stay away. The first year they laid down on my small transplants and chewed off most of the leaves.


Ok got ya.
I’d dust my plants with garden sulphur/talc/corn starch to keep deer away. Also keeps bugs and PM away. Stop using once they start to flower. Deer might take one taste and that’d be it. You’d find the leaf spit out on the ground.

Yeah, I used a product called Hinder early on. It also tasted bad for the deer. After a year or two they stopped browsing on my plants. I used every other idea out there as well. Dried blood, dog hair, human hair, Irish Spring, etc. During very dry years my plants were the only plants that were watered in the area. The bunnies would peal the stems down searching for moisture I think. There were good years and bad ones. But none of these were tropical sativa, the seeds were from some colder areas not unlike New England. Tropical cannabis never finished.


Wasn’t he also with Procal Harem for a few years?


Yes. And after hendrix showed him the way…he went with the power trio…stratocaster univibe and Marshall’s


I found a post recently from an older gentleman in which he shared what he knew of RKS. After talking about where he thinks it originated from, he said that it was eventually crossed to an autoflowering/ early flowering variety , which made it an excellent outdoors plant but also difficult to keep a mother.

Another post, someplace else told the story of an uncle who grew the stinkiest weed for many years, and when asked what it was, his answer was mighty mite…

I might be connecting dots that aren’t there, but does anyone know something about this ?



Seems about as reliable as any of the other information we have about it, anyway.