seriously ??
come on man , lets not get carried away with ourselves shall we t ,
i just saw you saying the same thing on facebook ,
you know i can easily ask those guys about this “claim” ,
i dont believe one word of that …
its just fanciful talk man , dont do that , it doesnt make u look cool…


Feel free to shoot me a message.


Almost looks like Sam.


Ok, go ahead. Lemme know what they say. Lets see how cool we can get
Im curious if the offer is still on the table

Crazy that RKS might really be all gone.


What festival?

1 Like

It was the Sunshine Daydream festival in Terra Alta 8 or 9 years ago. Only festival place I have gone to, but I made a few trips over there. I think the first time it was called the Blue Glass festival technically. Really fun time :grin:


not very related but i got to try the original dumpster there… both ohio strains as far as i know but the grower was from michigan, and that’s how things got around back then


i remember getting my hands on skunk in the mid-late 80’s in MA/NE. it was really good, but was super stinky. you had to multiple bag it, and it would still sometime stink. it went away for a while and came back in the early 90’s (93-94 i think) i got some again in NC when i was still in the army. smelled about the same, but the taste was a little different. still good tho and a bit of nostalgia. i never saw it again after that.


I just received a clone of Texas Shoreline from Houston. I have previously received the Shoreline from Cloney Soprano as well as a very similar cut that is supposed to have come from the founder of Mammoth Microbes (also from Texas). Neither of those had the correct flavors, though they are strong plants in their own right and I have no doubt they are old school cuts.

I have preserved the Shoreline OG cut from Shoreline Genetics so that I would be able to compare the terpenes if I ever found the parent cut. The real one is the 80’s loud skunk.

Here is the Shoreline OG on the left and the Texas Shoreline on the right. I see many similarities so far. I hope to get this new one into flower soon.



awesome have my friend, will be looking forward to seeing how these bud out for you for-sure.

the TEXAS cut damn ya if she is real that one should be very nice.

very cool …


Always wondered what Shoreline is about. Sposed to be serious skunk which I love. One day maybe.


@Slammedsonoma420, I realize this post was a long time ago, but you spoke of RKS seeds and anticipation for what you may find in them. I just scored some, am likewise excited, and wondered if you recall anything notable about them. Any particulars regarding pheno expressions? Many thanks.


Sam says he had access!
I don’t believe he ever had the true skunk bud. His claim of breeding out the skunky smell and flavor is crap! I believe it was bred out but not by Sam, by all the folks growing in closets and places neighbors could smell it.


Guys, I’ve solved the RKS conundrum.
Roadkill Skunk is a Mandela Effect!
We all remember it from before the spacetime paradox shift, but in this new dimensional skew… it never existed.

Weeooweeooweeooweeoo. :ghost::scream::alien:


Honestly, this is the best explanation I’ve heard yet. Not the alternate realities part, but the false memories part. :wink:


Yeah dude. Did you ever read about the war correspondent journalist who would talk about getting shot down in a helicopter?
He told this super specific story about the experience, but it turned out it never happened.
Everybody thought he was this stupid liar because the story was easily debunked, but it turns out there is a neural function that causes people to process external experiences into personal identity experiences.
So in the case of the journalist, his mind amalgamated stories that he covered and he truly believed he had been in that helicopter.
Relating to RKS: perhaps it’s such an essential part of the stoner story from that generation, people truly believe they’ve experienced it, but what’s more likely: A terpene profile that hundreds or thousands of people intentionally hunt for every single year and just can’t find, or a cognitive mythology?
Occam’s Razor.
Let the flaming commence


The roadkill part is what gets me, because it sets such a different standard for smell than just skunk weed. And the term is relatively new, no one said road kill in the 90s or 00s

Was there skunky weed around as a kid? Sure, lots. Still is. Its kinda one of the base smells of so many types of pot.

But the qualifiers on the rks make it unattainable


Lol, right?
Like “Yeah this smells like freshly sprayed skunk musk, but it doesn’t have the sun drenched decaying flesh profile I had in the 80s.”
Or "Not enough burnt tire rubber aromas! I used to be able to literally taste where the tire skidded over the skunk as it sprayed, but this ain’t it. "