there are ~some~ who suggest that the reduction of “acid rain” through EPA measures during the late 80’s was responsible for killing the skunk stench on weed.

i dunno how valid that is, but its been up for debate for quite some time.

not sure when people started bringing their ganj gardens inside en masse but the timelines are pretty close.


I’ve had lots of skunky weed going back to the early 1990s, nothing that smelled like a dead skunk, only skunk spray and sometimes a little pine, mint or eucalyptus. I never heard “Roadkill” used until the last few years. Here are some photos of a bag of Skunk from the 1990s that I smelled from across the room when I met my buddy in a pizza place to pick it up. It was alarming and very illegal at the time, so we were actually kinda upset about and paranoid I recall. Leafy and slender buds that compressed easy, not dense. The other thing I remember about this bag is that the buds were greasy leaving smears/clouding on the bag, they were sticky and oily which I don’t find much in herb the last few years.
Pics or it didn’t happen:


Boneyard seed co Mr Toads Backpack has that greasyness you speak of.It doesn’t matter how dry it is its almost impossible to shake any Dry sift from those buds.Has you cleaning your hands with ISO after breaking up a joint.So hard to find weed like that in a dispo have to grow it yourself these days


Yeah buddy, that’s what I’m talking about!


Todd McCormick is having Sam on an ig live today at 420pm est.

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damn, those pictures bring back a flood of memories. I forgot that people used to barely trim weed but the look and description is what we used to get in the late 1980s and early 1990s. It was so oily that it would barely burn in a joint at times.


3 tokes and the filter is leaking oil


Going into a job interview after burning one to calm the nerves and a huge oil stain of resin on your lower lip ……Having to explain things


i distinctly remember everyone thinking greasy weed had chem fert buildup in it. is it now a good thing in hindsight?


Idk man… I had some bud from the 90s that I swear was the skunk… like THE SKUNK… It was undeniably a pungent skunk smell… just like a skunk sprayed the room. Almost too strong… I’ve never seen anything like it since… I know it’s out there. Somewhere…
Very potent very skunky


Idk where the idea of meat, rot, gear oil smell bs became associated with skunk but its caca. Straight spray.


people tell me i smell like a skunk all the time, a month ago this guy was positive he smelled a skunk when i walked in. i was holding Champagne Showers which to my estimation is like a Tropicanna Coookies hybrid crossed with (The Zoap x Project 4516) whatever tf that is. guy smokes, is around bud a lot, but not “one of us”. im not old enough to call it a witch hunt but i stopped smelling “skunk” right about when i started smoking kushes and then all i smelt was “kush”.


There’s sandy, sticky and oily weed. The oily, really oily went out of fashion because it’s a poor washer


Correctomundo on the no return for washes.Would greasy be more in fashion now persay with the commercial availability of good Heated plates to the public now?One would think that it would press those oils out well Savvy?

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some dudes have so much nostalgia for the rks i wouldnt put it past them to press 20 lbs 14gs of flower at a time in pursuit of the pot of gold.

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I smell a new x that needs 2 be made now… “TRIOXIN 2-4-5” gotta blast it with some “Agent Orange”…

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cross something chemmy with zombie death f*ck.


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That definitely got that bag appeal!

I remember getting my first gram of B.C skunk. There was a line up at the park on friday night LOL maybe 20-30 people haha

I’m pretty sure by the time you got out of the line and back to your friends , you’d be back in the line for them or yourself ha ha ha.

Fat grams also .LOL

I’m sure we crossed paths a few times afterwards with the skunk. This would be 2002-2003 for my first encounter

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