Idk about squishing, not my method… but the oily weed did amazing as bho. It would get all the good stuff. Flavor for days.

I also tried fresh frozen with oily weed, yield was lackluster but it was full flavored. Like, I’d still do it for headstash


Man I lived in Seattle for a year around 2003 and the herb there was incredible. “40s” that would make the wallpaper peel :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::muscle::dash:


you’ve said it… now you’ve GOT to make it happen.


I miss those dayz


Here is the recorded episode with sam and todd.


That’s just like the Peter Ustinov version of “Murder on the Orient Express”. People (including me) remember it but it doesn’t exist.

It’s wasn’t Roadkill Skunk, it was called Skunkkill Road. I’m 120 years old, I remember it’s original name :joy::rofl::joy:

Epic Mandela RKS joke, love it lol



Interesting, describing everything I have going right now lol

I’ve got 70s Colombian Gold, 70s Punto Rojo Gold phenotypes, Acapulco Gold, Jalisco, 2 Heirloom Afghani males, one being a Skunk on the front with a backside of Afghani on the rub, 3 female Heirloom Afghani. No burnt rubber or meaty smells.

I’m using the Skunky Heirloom Afghani male right now in projects. I’m keeping the other male based on health and Afghani aroma. It wasn’t as big as the Male Skunky one.

Looking for Jarilla de Sinaloa right now. :100::dove:

I’ve got 11 Heirloom Afghani x Kanak Balochistan new testers in my Colombian Gold project. They have a Skunk on the rub, followed by a Skunk burn on the back end. Surprised me, the Skunk Afghani is making a great cross into everything I’ve crossed it too.

They were put into flowering 5 days ago. So the smell is coming out later this Skunk presence in it. It’s gonna be different as it grows, I’ve had many lose the Skunk from its early development.

Afgnak Indica (Heirloom Skunky Afghani x Kanak Balochistan)

I’ve got the original parents to create more A.I.
Nothing like it out there. Surprised no ones put the 2 together. :100::dove:


You forgot to turn on the Smell-O-Vision lol

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Hope you find a similar one in your new seed increase!


I remember skunk bud grown up in Maine back in the late 70s early 80s there were a couple of brothers that lived up in the guilford/moosehead area that grew out some kick ass skunk

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Anybody know why the other rks thread was closed down?

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The original poster asked for it to be closed.

I’ve long been a supporter of the claim that “RKS” is a myth. I’ve held that thought and belief for a long time. Well, since I joined the internet of weed in 2015 anyways.
I only know BC Skunk weed as it was being grown all around our neighborhoods as kids in an area where skunk cabbage and actual skunks were just as common. In the late 80’s the cops in BC went on a rampage and were busting grows left right and center. The Skunk weed was getting people busted and by the end of the 80’s that strain was all but disappeared from the scene except maybe in small circles in the interior of the province where the serious growers of the time fled to get away from the steady police pressure.
Growing picked up again in the early to mid 90’s and BC again put itself on the map with BC Bud… but no skunk weed. People stopped growing it because the smell was getting them busted and other strains were making it into the hands of the serious growers which trickled down to all the smaller growers that began to proliferate in the lowermainland of BC. It reached a point where for every bust the cops did, five more would pop up LOL… but still no Skunk weed.

Now this RKS thing was something I never heard, ever, until I joined icmag in 2015.
Lately I have started wondering if some other cannabis community in some area of a US state had a different or the very same cut as the BC Skunk weed but they just called it something else… such as Road Kill Skunk. So while I still think this mythical RKS is not what the under 50 crowd thinks it was… my belief that the cut itself is a myth is changing. It’s probably all the same cut, just called RKS instead of just Skunk weed.


I think that people should think about that ^^^ statement .
I was talking to an old friend last summer , straight laced, uptight , old school , ex RCMP diver now in his late 70’s and he was complaining about the “Skunk” smell coming from his neighbors garden last year .
I grew some white widow 6 years ago , got them as clones so no idea what they were , reeked , was described as “Skunk” weed back then .
I had to Fabreeze my buddy when he showed up at the day job iff he watered them in the morning lol


I dont know where the term roadkill skunk originated but this dude says “the old roadkill skunk” back in 2004.
Pretty sure I saw mention of it at the turn of the millennium elsewhere…

And for shits and giggles



When people write RKS or Road Kill Skunk, I always assumed that was just a description of the smell. Not the actual name of a held clone or seedstock.


I think it was people way to differentiate between Sweet Skunk as in Skunk1 to true “Skunk Bud aka RKS (Skunk Spray or Dead Skunk)

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Continued success on your Project. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: