Looks very nice, how was the smoke on that?

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if that was meant for me i dont remember to be honest it did not have the skunk i was after so it lost all my interested at that time. i see a male there and i do not even remember gathering and pollen and my records say i do not have any in house, so that tells me i did not even bother taking any.

peace …


Yes RKS is very underwhelming unworked, however when it’s mixed with something potent, it’s highly stony, narcotic, floaty drugged up feeling. I mixed my CripXmas A2 with some RKS bud, and I boosted what RKS gives. I’ve already announced on my thread A2 being reversed to a stable RKS that didn’t hermie . My CripXmas will breathe new life into this linage that does meets today standards. The terp profile pine/mint/musk fits it very well. It’s also needs bigger bud size and faster finish. So RKS is coming back, only this time it will have a potent counterpart.

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Well said, I agree 100% it never got the work needed to improve it. Nice cross brother!

Mainly it was not a high yielder and many plants were only a few feet tall.

For example this Classic Skunk was 18 inches tall. The Wild ones originally collected were around 6 feet in height. So more than likely what’s left will be short plants in the end.

The Washington Skunk I grew was barely a foot tall at harvest. Hard to feed the world with small plants.

Frank Meyers discovered wild Skunk landraces , many say we smoked it all lol. You can see they weren’t tall plants to begin with. Frank documented these as Skunk aroma.

I’m beginning to believe we did smoke up the original Skunk landraces Frank studied in Nevada, but it’s genetics is still in old school weed.

I’m working on many strains this year to find SKunk as it was, hypnotic stone with an audio and visual psychedelic effect included.

The fascination was the buzz it gave. Some got extremely paranoid too, like a good Colombian Gold would do you. I think original Blueberry I smoked was close to that powerful RKS stone.

Blueberry was lift your head, toke the joint then drop your head again stoned I love a solid stone like that. :sunglasses:



It definitely falls flat on yeild, also density needs improvement, smallest buds I’ve ever grown. If it weren’t for terps and effects I would have dumped it, but I can see a lot of my CripXmas traits would do wonders for it

Thanks :pray: I definitely get that impression smoking it straight, the odor of burnt rubber is different, though doesn’t quite match actual terps, but it is a match for CripXmas being of similar profile.

This is interesting to hear, because Xmas is the same. This is my A2 to the double Xmas male, and behold the dwarf

Yup I agree with this, this is why ideas started swirling and I was like mix some of the A2 and RKS in a roll, once it blended together in smoke, it wasn’t long until it felt like a morphine high, there are sativa type qualities too, as you said Colombian Gold, so yes the buzz properties are prime, it’s potency that needs to juice them up to really FEEL things. Anyway project is on the table and you’ll get to work with it :facepunch::wink:


That would be awesome man! :100:
DM me anytime to collaborate on anything brother. :dove::fist_right::fist_left::dove:


This is all second hand but hope to add to the discussion. An older friend of mine who transplanted to the SF in the early 60’s, later moving up to the north coast to grow told me some stories that are probably relevant.

There were apparently a LOT of transplants from the bay area that moved north to grow and forge lives for themselves in the late 60’s. At the time, majority of the weed they had access to was various Mexican strains coming up from SoCal (stuff that Jerry Kamstra made famous). Weed from the highlands of Michoacan or Oaxaca was reputed to be the best.

At the time, there was not a lot of organized growing going on up in Humboldt Co. Commercial ag at the time was still very focused on hops, cattle etc., along with logging.

As the “hippies” from the Bay Area moved into what had traditionally been a fairly conservative area, it created a lot of the tension we hear about now.

Because of these tensions with local land owners, feds etc. Growing was really a fringe activity, that required a bit of ingenuity and a gorilla mentality.

Most of the grow operations were not well organized and not well tended. These guy’s would hike back into the back country, identify natural meadows in heavily wooded areas, with streams or water nearby. Most planted seeds from bags of weed they bought down south that was generally Mexican strains. They would fill containers with water that would drip down into the plant fields until the water ran out. At that point the plants were effectively dry farmed. Then they would come back in Oct/Nov and hopefully harvest something useful.

Apparently, hash was not readily available until the later 60’s, early 70’s. As it became more popular, largely from trekkers traveling back from Pakistan, seed stock was introduced. But again it was largely chaotic, young guy’s doing gorilla plantings in the back woods.

My buddy seems fairly convinced that “skunk” was a naturally occurring genetic blending of wild plants that were left in the area and ultimately propagated. It was only later that dedicated growers managed the wild strains into something viable.

What is particularly interesting to me is a jar of seeds I found in a box of seed jars that he gave me. The jar was labeled SS. When I asked him what SS meant (I’m thinking super skunk), he said he didn’t know. He did say that the term Skunk was popular even in the early 70’s, possible it was super skunk or some derivation, but he didn’t recall.

One thing I am fairly convinced of, is that a lot of the stories and commercial lingo that came along later was largely marketing BS made up by guy’s trying to make a living from selling weed.

Personally note: I grew up in SoCal in the 70’s/80’s. We had access to all kinds of great weed, largely from Mexico, Asia etc. Periodically we would get really good “skunk” weed from NoCal. At the time we referred to it as indica vs skunk, though we used the term “skunky”. It was materially different flower then anything else. Big green buds, with large bracts, amber hairs and heavy trichomes. It is important to note that we also got really good (green) bud from northern Mexico, that was at times similar anatomically, though it lacked that skunky smell, being much more earthy or citrus.

Not sure what all this means, but again I suspect that the origins of “skunk” is more organic then intended, though over time those qualities were enhanced through breeding.


Great information thanks @Ratbastrd :100::dove:


A 1980 plate of fabulous Skunk #1


Just got this pack to work with, been looking for it for years. Flying Dutchman Skunk Classic.

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Hopefully when you’re done, it gives u Wiiings

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Is he going to be releasing seedstock from that strain. Looks really interesting.


Not that I know of.
I am pretty sure everyone under the sun has asked him already.
He was the last known person to me to have real skunk, what folks today call RKS.


I have a jar of very old seeds of the real stuff, but have yet to get any to germinate. Shame, I know the genetics are in there.


GLPer in the house !
Hold on to you’re tomato plants !


Yup, you figured out my other hang out when I wasn’t growing, I dedicated myself to TRUTH instead!


Consider embryo rescue maybe?


Maybe, I know nothing about this stuff. I’m just an old stoner learning to grow shit again.

Out of curiosity, should I get some to germinate, how accurate is the genetics testing that I’m seeing?


Sex testing seems to be accurate but I am skeptical of anything ancestry related.
But there is a whole other thread about that…LOL


Hey man. Someone just started a thread about “tissue culture”. They could probably help you with embryo rescue.