THE OLD SCHOOL SKUNK of the 70’s smelled exactly like a skunk smells when they spray their skunk spray. the taste was more like a hash or earthy taste. chubby


I have been studying these terp enhancer products.
Seems they just add orange oil to the product and the plant absorbs it and begins to smell like citrus.

I can not help but think would a plant absorb skunk smell the same way?
Maybe @SHSC-1 may be on to something with some skunk cabbage companion planting.

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Back in the 80’s around the Vancouver/Lowermainland BC , they were growing it indoors under whatever was availlable in HID lighting at the time. Peters 20-20-20 was the most widely availlable fertilizer. They were getting busted in record numbers because they couldn’t mask the smell , charcoal filters and inline fans weren’t a thing yet
So i don’t think it is organic soils or companion planting or any external manipulation of the plant. Whatever plants they were growing back then were pungent musky skunk that literally filled the neighborhood and hung in the air.
When I finally joined the internet of weed in 2015 , I noticed that everyone was searching for this RKS … the mythical “road kill” skunk… which i still believe is a internet myth and hype by the seed industry but that is just one man’s opinion. I come to that opinion because 9 years later … where is this road kill everyone raves about remembering? Skunk the way it was when then the old heads remember it is long gone. Every serious grower back then ditched it as soon as equally powerful and far less stinky pot was availlable to grow. The commercial market drove the supply of clones to the serious growers and whatever skunk weed it was back then was replaced by the northern lights, the big buds, the hawaiian indicas , the purpla afghanis… ect ect. At least that is my take on from the BC Skunk perspective and “that” skunk was a major hell’s angels export product to the USA for all the years it was commercially produced here in BC.


There’s really so many other characteristics with the skunk weed of the 70’s in the midwest. Smell was the biggie !! Our group of grower friends renamed this strain “Skunk” after the first harvest The smell would not only linger, but you could smell it from 1/4 mile away, that ended up being it’s downfall !! It was a BITCH to clean, it hated high humidity while growing, the buds and seeds were huge…tops were.Coke bottles or donkey dicks, and the boys and girls loved it !!! If anybody reading this wonders why I didn’t save some seeds, or moms the answer is… I’m a dumbass who took the strain for granted and I regret it every day. Well not everyday he,he,he ! The farmers that sold the seeds to my buddy in Kabul called the Kush seeds. Whatever the fuck that means ? Anyho Peace


Thanks for the context!

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By buddy grew it when it stank. I paid extra for delivery. No way I was driving with that in my truck.


Not just gigantic seeds and large yielders. Anywhere from 10-25% of the plants would have these freakishly large yields. 3x to 4x of the other plants. Did you see that with your donkeys?

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Yes… the plants were a little leafy, but huge buds were underneath !!

Some of the most Skunky I ever smoked was Mexican or Columbian 1970-71. Decent strength and high but the smell and taste was unforgettable. Like if you could isolate the best part of that smell. Never called anything “Skunk”. It was all by origin like Jamaican or Columbian or Vietnamese.


79 Florida skunk cut about 28 days in flower


hows she smellin?


Not overly skunky as of yet. Have another 60 days in flower though.
The skunk bud I grew back early to mid 80’s stank of skunk from the first set of leaves.
Hope this gets there but I’m used to being disappointed with modern so called skunk plants.
I’ve heard this one is rank at the end and is extremely potent.
Time will tell


The skunk was nauseating when you’re trying to work around it and it’s hot outside. It’s actually repulsive sometimes. Imagine a field of it smelling up the whole area. Just asking for trouble trying to grow that weed

This was pretty interesting article, someday the skunk might be back


Just breed it. You need a greenhouse of prenol strains.

A greenhouse of -SH strains.

An open pollination. 2 years. Could be done less time with deps.

The problem is none of the people with access to greenhouses know what prenol or cysteine residue is.


Even if they did it is not something you can quantify with the naked eye , said person would need the ability and understanding of advanced plant science and access to the type of lab equipment that could actually measure the amounts and study the reactions taking place in the specific plant compared to others.
A lot of the old school growing methods heavily promoted the increase and I’m surprised very few people have connected the dots.


Is that the Sunshinestate seed co. clone?

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I love the stories of where strains originated from, one is often even better than the other. Bring out the popcorn!

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