I googled it.

Oops that was for @Medicago and anybody with a greenhouse

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Yes but I’m pretty disappointed. Not skunk bud! I’ve spent lots of money and time looking for the last twenty plus years. Lots of hype and bullshit stories!


@Goodgear, I haven’t seen 70’s Skunk in at least 40 years !! Kevin J. Might be on to it now. Time will tell . He’s doin some breeding with landrace Afghanistan seeds from various parts of Afghanistan.


Good luck finding the skunk of old. Hasnt been done with regularity to date.


Yeah the acc wasn’t the real skunk in my opinion I’m also always looking probably need to go through landraces

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Muh skunk looked like this.
Somehow i couldnt manage what i now know to be a potassium deficiency in veg.
I tried a couple things and eventually top dressed with old ass jurassic grow nutrients. Bam skunk.


They can be hogs for K !!


Someone on here used to post all you need to know to summon skunk.

I listened :grin:


I posted pictures awhile back of the Texas Shoreline vs the Mammoth Shoreline, and Cloney Soprano Shoreline. Those three are all from Texas sources (originally) and they all three smell like an old AK47 type hybrid. The Mammoth one (from Mammoth Microbes founder) is the most potent and smelliest as it has extra puke flavor to go with it.

Shoreline OG from Shoreline Genetics is still totally different, with some of that true roadkill flavor, skunky, on top of some other complexity. Truth be told I haven’t grown or sampled it in over a year now, so I am forgetting what all is in it. I still have the original clone, however.

I was quite disappointed that the latest Texas Shoreline I sourced directly from Houston area turned out to not be right. I waited a year for a cut of it. :frowning:


@GrownAtHighAltitude don’t remember if I asked before, were you able to determine which Shoreline cut is the Stone Farms version?

The Stone Farms cut is the most common, it’s what Matt Riot and his group call “original” Shoreline.

The issue being that every version/cut of Shoreline gets labeled Original Texas Shoreline.

I have no experience or knowledge about Stone Farms, so I’m not sure.

It is probably just another of the same cut as all these others, probably separated by many years so showing slight variations in stature, growth vigor, and expression.

I have no doubt this was a killer cut in H-town for a long time, given how many people have wound up with it and kept it alive, but it is NOT the roadkill skunk type. The original may in fact be really gone. :frowning:

Your genetic stock is the closest anyone is going to get right now.

This Shoreline OG cut you selected is years old at this point, but not perfect. I just keep it because it expresses that terpene profile with the skunky thiols. I haven’t gone back to the seed stock I have to try and compare. I’ve been too caught up chasing ghost clones. I think I’m about done with that madness now though. :slight_smile:



Who’s Washington skunk did you grow out Greg?

Hey @Heritagefarms, how is you?

I dont think you ever dropped by my skunk thread but if you find the time could you please look at photos through flower and share your honest opinion. Not like id go as far as to think youd sugar coat or anything lol

This damn line has dozens of phenos so i sometimes get lost trying to choose the right path forward.

August and on is where it gets interesting, all seeded, deep in the woods…


Thanks in advance


@Mithridate It’s very hard to tell much from a photo but double serrations and long fingers on the leaf are always are good sighn imo.


Fair. Id thread with caution myself trying to id any strain from a single picture.

The double serration is an interesting one to me. I tend to believe this trait to be closely linked to nutrition. The only way i could tie double serrations to genetics or skunk/skunk like lines is if somehow this type of putrid lines shared a gene where certain mineral are assimilated at a lesser degree.

Ignoring everything but the skunk smell, for having found at least one (or 15) worthy of the title i can say none had the double serration when grown to potential.

Some (from cuts) did exhibit this when grown outdoors far from hospitality.