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Garden rockin out despite the abundance of nitrogen. Going to flip em over soon.

Cantaloupe Haze

Super Lemon Hazes

Strawberry Haze x Banana O.G.

Birthday Funk

Group Shot


Day 3 of 12/12 update


Looking good :+1: :ok_hand: :sunglasses:

Gorgeous looking plants! I can’t wait to see the more mature buds.

Little over a week into flower. I like what I’m seeing for the most part. The cantaloupe Haze is a little more picky than the rest of the plants. Has more leaf clawing than any of the other plants.

Benficials in the garden doing their thing:

Here are the 3 different super Lemon haze:

Cantaloupe haze:

And the strawberry haze x Banana o.g.:


Looking sweet. Been a while trying to get caught up on everyone’s grows. Happy holidays bud!

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Thank you. And same to you. It’s awesome seeing the increase in traffic over the years on this forum.


Good morning fellow growers. Things are looking pretty nice in the flower room. Week 2ish of flower.

The 2 strawberry haze x banana o.g. phenos:

The 3 different super lemon haze:

Birthday funk:


I like your DIY LED fixture, any more details about it? What wattage/area did you go for, which strips you chose etc? Sorry if it’s been covered before, didn’t read all the posts…

Great looking garden!

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No worries there. I got the light from @Baudelaire. I forgot the wattage and details but it came as a kit. I got it for a 4x4 space but I also have a 600 watt hps in the room.


A root coming up from the soil, taking in its next organic victim



In the grow. Fartin’ around.


I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time but I procrastinated. Feels good to finally get it done. I’m taking some heat from my furnace to heat the room during winter. It gets to the low 50s during lights out. If it gets too warm air gets blown in from the cool weather outside. Kind of a self balancing system. My heat kicks on a lot partially because my house is over 100 years old.


Thanks for sharing, @hewhocoruptz. I was literally thinking about this exact project earlier today. I went down in the basement to see where my ducts run in relation to my grow room, and one is very close - like - 3 feet away. I stepped away so I could ponder running a duct into the room in some stealthy manner, but after seeing your setup, I’m inspired to do it more straightforward.

Have you had this in place long enough to see results? With temps dropping over the past couple of days, I’m guessing you’ve already seen the impact.

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I’ve been here five years and grew in the basement for four of the years with success each time. One strain right now is already starting to show some purple. My main concern was that the soil stays at a warmer temp for all the life forms associated with the organic process.


Keep me posted when you start the project.


Well, I did intend to follow through with porting the heat ducting into my grow room, but it’s just not going to work for me. There’s just no way for me to do it without affecting the CO2 enriched air that I have in my grow room. So, unfortunately, if I want to add heat to my grow room, it’ll have to be with an electric heater. Great - more electricity use. Yippee :neutral_face:


I see yeah I don’t use co2 in my room. Just the fresh air straight from the outdoors.


Hanging out with the ladies tonight. Post number 420! Hell yeah!