Tracker's garden

Where you located? Im between Yukon and Mustang.

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Definite seeds forming on the Scoutcicles.

Everything is starting to have smells when rubbing the flowers. A couple of them are starting to feel sticky.

~42 days


We didn’t get crap up north! I think my dog sprays more water after getting a drink than what fell on us last night.


Out here around Paris Texas and Hugo.


Hey @Tracker
Is your outside girls doing this?

This ismy second outside grow with any conviction. But it dont seem like it should be flowering like that. I have five plants outside. All are about three plus feet tall. All put out within a couple days of each other about two weeks ago. Thats the only plant that has buds like that already. What do you think.


How old were they when you put them out? What light schedule were they on before you put them out?

I just have autos going now.

In previous outdoor runs, if I put clones outside that had been on a long day schedule indoors, they always start to flower, and then reveg. Some do it worse than others.

If they are from seed, you have about 3 weeks to veg them indoors before putting them outdoors in Spring without starting to flower. If they reach sexual maturity before going outside, they staet to flower, then reveg.


Probly what my problem is. I did the same thing last year. I put them out in early may. I waited until the last week in may this time. They were on 24 hrs light before i started showing them real sun. Then i put them out. They were sexually mature too. At least with pre flower.


I had the same thing happen with a Ghost Train Haze plant this year. It had started to flower and then reveged and produced some funky looking leaves. I had not noticed that it had started to flower so I was worried that the genetics were begining to “drift” because of several generations of feminizing seed. Turns out that I just need new eye glasses. :rofl:


Plants looking happy getting blasted by full sun in 93F temps.

@joheimgrohen the Scoutcicles have beautiful purple flowers and very nice citrus/fruity aroma. Getting sticky.

@Kasper0909 the Afghanis are getting more and more aromatic. Kind of skunky, herbal, pine.

Pics in the morning.

Scoutcicle 1 (left)


Ya that sounds like pretty much what I’m getting on the smell maybe a little sweet in there. That scoutsicle is beautiful. :star_struck:


The picture doesn’t do it justice. The flowers look deep rich purple to the eye.


~45 days

Today will be another hot day 98F is the forecast high. It usually measures a little higher than that on my backyard temp sensor. Looks like the temps will be in the upper 80’sF with clouds for a couple of days. Then, into the 90’sF with full summer sun for a long stretch.

I haven’t been supplementing with any salt nutes for the past few weeks. They’ve just been eating on compost. I see some signs of deficiency on a couple of the Afghanis, so I mixed up a heavy feed batch this morning. Compared to previous outdoor gardens, this is much less supplementation than I normally do. I just wanted to see how well they would do when relying more on compost for feed.

5 gal h2o
1 Tbsp MaxiGro
1 Tbsp MaxiGro
1 tsp EasyWeed
10mL CalMag+
Adjust pH down with ascorbic acid (vitamin C)

The feed is applied in a ring around each plant at the extent of the perimeter of its canopy. 5 gals divided between 7 plants, so a little less than 3/4 gallon per plant. Then, I gave a good soaking to the rest of the bed with tap water.


And my peppers are throwing down too…


I start spraying cal mag folar feed around day 5 of sprouting above the soil. For me the seedlings never go yellow or get any
Weird growth or stunting. Sometimes I spray 1/4 strength folar spray on them as there popping through the soil. Never had one due I just like to give them extra boost during the early stages…don’t quote me on that anyone I don’t want you to try it and mill your good seedlings. But if you have spare seedlings try it when they germinate and see the difference


I didnt think to mention that I included 1/4 strength nutrient mix in my IPM sprays, which haven’t been applied for the past 2 to 3 weeks now, but from early veg through the start of bud formation I do apply those sprays every 1 to 2 weeks as weather permits.

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An old grower got me doing it about 30 years ago. So glad I listened to him. Even though the plants still look great good I’ll still folar feed. Your plants have a really nice healthy shade of green


What nutes are you using, can’t remember if you said…and I started following late? Those look so dam healthy; I’m Jealous. Just for shits I tried Osmocote, slow release ferts, in a coco hempy once and it produced very healthy plants and nice buds…smoked very decent. It was the easiest grow I ever did…literally just added water every day. No PH, no mixing nothing.


Read HERE.

If you search this thread for MaxiGro or MaxiBloom you’ll find several posts talking about feed applications.

The soil is the same soil I’ve been using for a long time. I mix in a good bit of kitchen scrap compost in the spring time.

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Dam bro! Checking out your 22’ grow. Dam fine :ok_hand:
Must get nerve racking around harvest time?
My paranoia would of gotten the better of me


Ha! Yeah, on that garden I wanted to see what was possible from a little patch of dirt. They got bigger than I expected.