Trimming, how y’all doing it?

Any one use the electric hand trimmer ie carving knife type trimmer ? See some advertisements there around 240 bucks.


It takes time… and hand cramps…


Isopropyl alcohol works perfect for sticky scissors and is dirt cheap.


I use Just this

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Obsouleet was saying the best machine trimmer to look like hand trimmer was the Toms tumbler

Might have the folks at green broz come do a demo for me just not very convinced it’ll handle sour well


I find it interesting and telling that pretty much all of the hand trimmed pics look similar to mine. And Machine trimmed is what the mAsses want, not realizing how much of a beating that bud takes before it gets to them. I had a friend rip into me “Its just homegrown”. And wanted to lowball me an offer for bud. I refused of course, and have had offers twice as much as he did. All because some larger sugars were on, and it was clearly not machine beaten up. Some people are educated, some are not, and only know Instagram or Twitter buds.

Depends on the bud as to my method of trimming. Spring loaded trim scissors, bonsai pruners and surgical scissors, a cannabrush, and a bowl trimmer here for different purposes.

Fans are always pulled / snipped first and composted.

Main colas, or particularly nice buds never see the bowl trimmer, they are purely hand trimmed with the variety of scissors. The cannabrush needs drier material, so I don’t use it often. But when you have the right moisture content, the cannabrush really trims the sugars (and I’m sure beats up some trichs too).

Smaller nugs, larfy stuff go into the bowl trimmer. If the whole branch seems to be smaller nugs, I just grab the branch and strip all the buds at once into the bowl trimmer. Yes, the bowl trimmer beats things up a bit too, but whatever bud survives gets jarred, and ALL the trim goes into bubble hash anyway. Waste not, want not. Particularly loose / larfy buds make more trim than buds in the bowl trimmer, but that just makes more bubble hash :slight_smile:

If it was for sale? Boutique hand trim for mid - large buds, small and larf would go to a machine for pre-rolls or something. To compete with big canna one would need to educate the mAsses on the differences in trim jobs and the effects, as well as show how a boutique hand trimmed bud beats a machine trimmed bud. TOO many people accept machine and mass produced crap as the standard and norm, and some idiots even downgrade “homegrown” because of past experiences… Not realizing the quality many times will beat large scale commercially grown stuff hands down…


If they want to go to the dispensary it just means more for me. They can even get $100 ozs.

Besides I don’t sell. If I like you I give you some. If I don’t, I don’t. Nobody complains about free weed.


I wont smoke him up now. It was an insult before even smoking it. His loss…

By contrast, my neighbor who always watches my dog when I go away asked to buy some nugs last night. He just watched my pup last week when I was in Jamaica. I said nope… Wont sell you any, but I’ll gladly give ya some… AND he appreciates the taste and effect and realizes it beats the CRAP outta the other guys shit (the one who was tossing insults).

I keep trying to snag him for trim jail but he always finds a way out. Hence my 2nd man, Mr Bowl…


I could list 10 reasons why mine is better but I won’t because there’s no point arguing with such people.


Agreed… They choose not to learn, and as such, you’d have a better time arguing with your dog. LOL


Did ya ever scrape the resin off your scissors and smoke it?


Growing a better plant is ALWAYS my goal. My weed works really well for me. How it compares to others, meh, who cares. My focus now is on the cure end, I feel I have a lot of opportunity there.


Nah. Yours look totally fine.

Can’t compare machine trimmed (first photo def looks machine. Like stuff that comes from dispensary) to hand trimmed.
If anything, less trichomes knocked off the hand trim so it’s probably a fair bit more potent anyway.

Mine usually look a lot like yours:

If someone is offended by the look of my bud, well… I just won’t share it with them. :fu:


That’s what my buds looked like after I bounced them over the dry sift screens. :thinking:


To be clear I was talking about the shape and lack of sugar leaves😅 I’d be very disappointed if my stuff lost the trichomes too. Think I might just get a printer and heat sealer. Homegrown, nah homie that’s got a label😂(ain’t like I’d be lying about the genetics)

If you’re clever with the packaging it’ll sling for twice as much.

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And really in an 800sqft apartment with Nearly 100sqft of grow spaces it’s more like I live at my grow than grow at my home. :sweat_smile:


Ain’t even trying to make it unaffordable just want people to umm I guess respect my work.


Not gonna happen. Let them eat cookies.

If I like you I give you some. If I don’t, I don’t.

Does this mean you don’t like me? image
