Tripl3fastaction Tries New Things Perpetually

This is how I run mine. Just a sureflo33 120v model into a digital timer. When the pump shuts off it doesn’t siphon back to the reservoir so you have slightly less than the shutoff pressure of your drip emitters in the lines at all times (something like ~10psi), but then it doesn’t have to charge all the lines each irrigation.

I’ve ran mine w/ and w/o a 25psi pressure regulator and didn’t see any difference, but I also have an accumulator tank. Mine kinda pulses like @Tripl3fastaction described.


No, I’m not talking about a submersible pond pump. This system used a 12V rv diaphragm pump - a pressure pump.

It would be pressurized. That’s what I’m asking about; using a solenoid valve in this pressurized system.

I’m probably not really explaining it clearly. My bad.

Thanks for chiming in.
I wanna ask something about this but need to look for a picture first and figure out what my question is. Haha. Do you have your setup on here?

edit: spelling


Not sure if this is what you want to see, but its the best pic I have of the pump/pressure tank/filter etc… there’s an inline pressure regulator at the end now, but I’m going to remove it after this grow. 1/2" soft tubing from the reservoir to the pump.


Hey @Nitt - can I ask your help with something? You’re much better at this stuff ….

How much calcium chloride is necessary to equal the calcium content of 1g of cal nit? How much chloride does that add? Thx!


Calcium nitrate at 1g (per gal?) = 50.2ppm Ca
To get that same 50.2ppm Ca from calcium chloride you’d need 0.557g per gal.

(Note: I had added calcium chloride to hydro buddy, and when I did, I entered a purity of 94.5%. That’s probably what I found when I looked up some CaCl products, that’s why.
Edit: Oh, it’s “Briner’s Choice”, that’s the brand whose numbers I used. I don’t actually have any calcium chloride.)

Edit2: Oh, right, and that 0.557g of CaCl would provide 88.8ppm of Cl.

One more thing, from customhydronutrients:

"At 93% pure, Vitro feed grade calcium chloride prilled is 33% Calcium and 59% Chloride. One gram in one gallon of water yields 87ppm Calcium and 155ppm Chloride.

In hydroponic solutions try to limit the chloride to less than 100 ppm or better yet 50 ppm."


Thanks for that quick response, much appreciated!

I’m looking to increase the calcium but I certainly don’t need any more N. (Next run, this one is winding down). I might even drop the N completely last 10 days or so and see what happens.

So .5g/gal would get me close without pushing the chloride over the top. I wonder what impact of too much Cl would be? Just general “nute burn” I suppose. That’s why I generally hate chasing individual elements, I never know what I’m throwing out of whack.


No problem.

Looking to increase Ca without increasing N seems like something every “pre-blend” dry fertilizer user eventually arrives at. Haha.

Yea, 0.5g/gal looks to be close, though you’d be at 80ppm Cl.

I wonder what Cl toxicity would look like too. Yea, it’s a never ending hunt. Everything I discover is just more I don’t know, haha. I remember “discovering” nutrient antagonisms and synergies, thinking this sounds like a key thing to understand or know about. But without doing tissue analysis and these types of things, how do we actually know (other than “results” of the finished product, or very obvious, visual signs maybe).

I’ve been meaning to get some CaCl, to try it out. The CaSO4 I have seems to be sort of low quality. I don’t have access to anything better that’s “cheap” though. I have alpha chemicals CaSO4 - I’m almost out as well.


Here’s what I have . My challenge is I feed my veg tent the same mix as my flower tent, so I have to balance that. I’m way too lazy to mix up separate feed batches, but I might be able to do that for 10 days, maybe toss some calnit in the veg tent feed while I drive the flower tent down as close to zero as I can. I’m not sure why, just something to do.


D58 of 12/12. I’ll go 70 at least I think. The Romulan in the front is fairly heavily seeded (by itself) but doesnt seem to have impacted the others too much.

And then there is the veg tent …


Are you going to use it to ripen up this run? I looked into CaCl a little before settling on caso4 for the same reasons.

Looking forward to see how it works out for you.

Tent is looking good :+1: what’s in the back left?


I think I’ll try as long as I can keep the veg tent semi happy. I know the fan leaves in the flower tent won’t last long once I turn off the nitrogen spigot, but they aren’t long for this world anyway.

That is the Jew Gold 1974 which were distributed last year in an OG seed run. They are feminized seeds. I put them in as an afterthought but they are turning out to be the star so far. I believe they are also known as Kosher Kush.


@Nitt @Tripl3fastaction

I was comparing some nutrient brands in hydrobuddy (wtf else should one do before work!) and noticed Athena FADE @ their recommended dose gives you ~350ppm Chloride for two whole weeks! :face_with_monocle: ?

I know they do a ton of r&d, maybe it’s not a big deal when its only ran for a short period of time??


That is interesting. I haven’t worked with anything, yet, that adds chloride I don’t think. So I don’t know for sure.

This little message just popped up when I went to reply to you:
" Let others join the conversation

This topic is clearly important to you – you’ve posted more than 21% of the replies here.

It could be even better if you gave other people space to share their points of view, too. Can you invite them over?"

Should I shut up?


The system told me to STFU too. Guess I need more friends :grin:


Ya I need to do more reading, was just surprised at that number since I’ve read ~100 is a good limit before. Figured i’d toss those athena numbers into the discussion though :+1:

Got me thinking that between the 0-12-26, high calcium CalNits like Haifa, CaSO4 and CaCl you could come up w/ some really good finishing nutrients.

I just got the same message lol!

I’ll shutup now, :smiley:


D66f. Winding down. I’ve eliminated almost all of the N as of a few days ago.

I bought a Cannatrol (a fool and his money …) so I chopped the Romulan that was seeded to do a test run through that. We will see if that was a good decision.



The Cannatrol purchase means I need to move to a staggered harvest, so this will be new for me.

Both of the Romulan girls hermed, one fairly significantly. I wasn’t on top of them and it’s hard to see what’s going on with the screen. The Jew Gold 1974 came down 2 days ago, it’s lightly seeded too.
So what’s left is the Durban at day 74, it doesn’t seem to have been seeded too much. It’s starting to amber so won’t be long. Thanks for looking!


They look pretty fat in that last pic. Nice.


Thx. They did plump up. I’m gonna let them go a bit I think, see what happens. I’ll try anything it seems, tolerance is a bitch.

When I post that I’ve started growing poppies, please call me out. :grinning:


:smiley: Ive read a lot of good things…hope it lives up to that hype for you. What did your previous drying process look like? time/climate?

That durban looks close! Plenty of room between the light & plants this time too :). Looks great dude :+1: What does your irrigation schedule look like at this stage?