Uknow808 (Hawai'i, Outdoor Grow, Medical.)"

Sounds delicious. I would definitely grow a few out to see if I could find something special. Then again I always say that lol. We only have so much time and space right? So you have outdoor lighting to keep your plants in veg?


buy the menehune magic soil from Walmart instead. Its local and fairy cheap. Kelloggs never worked well for me personally.


@Goldleaf808 Yup I got into other things and like you said yup limited space.
So didn’t really deal with those yet.

@NahikuJoe yea I used that soil before, but I only had limited cash.
And not enough area where I’m at to deal with making my one soil so I buy what I can afford. But I will for sure try to get more local soils, cause some of the mainland soils is contaminated.

Aloha From Hawaii :call_me_hand:t5:


Make your own, just like the herb. :smiley:

Just start with some natural sources, add garbage & worms & a little bit extra & over a few years time you’ll have something better than any storebought stuff. :+1:

I’d start with palm material, washed seaweed & sand, some calcium source like shells or coral. :mage: :stew:




I agree, a sick soil generates sick plants and consequently, sick animals …
I speak in general, to exemplify, since mankind has planted the same things in the same place, several nutrients are removed, despite the fact that the plants adapt and still produce. There is a lack of nutrients, in addition to causing imbalances in plants, it also unbalances the human body. We have to eat more to nourish ourselves, a hidden hunger that leaves obese people malnourished …
How to avoid this? Nourishing the soil. If mankind really decides to treat the soil, healthy plants generate healthy, intelligent animals and fully performing the functions of the body.
It is known that a diet based on foods that do not contain, for example silicon, extremely important for the functioning of brain functions, makes people weak, easy to manipulate.

Your plants are too expensive, congratulations, you have many varieties there,
I just had a moment of inspiration, after trying the flowers of my new crop, taking the opportunity to reinforce what @cannabissequoia said, and add that the use of rock powders does to this mineralization. And I would also like to share this with you …
I believe that in Hawaii, because it has a relatively new soil (short geological time) it presents a special soil, I may be wrong, but there must also be rock pits available.
This was the way for me to try to contribute to your topic.



@cannabissequoia and @Gugumelo

yes I agree.

I know I could make way better soil.

I have some experience, but just my limited space and my area is concrete.

I worked in Commercial Agriculture before and we did soil reconditioning

Me and my partner were the fire starters, I start the fire and he follows me with an extinguisher, in case I catch fire :fire: :rofl:

But Yes I agree I could make better soil :facepunch:t5:

Aloha From Hawaii :call_me_hand:t5:


You can always drill bole around the top of pot so you already have tie off points.


Maybe you should clone her and keep a mom just in case.

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Isn’t more the sand over there coral and shells ground up naturally?


@Shaggy450r yes for sure will clone just waiting for some mail to arrive :+1:t5:

Sand here has all kinds of stuff, there are spots on the islands where the sand is mostly glass. Pretty sweet spot they call it “Glass Beach”

Aloha From Hawaii :call_me_hand:t5:


Man I bet so much has changed there since I last visited. 25 years ago. Lol


I think it was Billow’s Beach that I refer to as Cake Mix Beach. The sand is so fine, soft, and you feet just sink down into it. It has the consistency of cake mix!


She’s been outside 10 days but not ready to bud yet I guess. Should be soon tho. She has stretched a bit but not too bad


@Shaggy450r yes alot has changed. Lots more Development, housings, businesses, hotels, ect…
Like there slowly trying to make a mini city.

@Comacus yes you mean bellows beach, Yes very beautiful :heart_eyes: Were you in the milatary?

@Goldleaf808 looking good :+1:t5:
She’s starting to flower a bit, in like another week you’ll see more hairs. Also we are in the Spring Equinox, so long season starting up.

Aloha From Hawaii :call_me_hand:t5:


No not in the military but a friend took me there once on a trip to Hawaii.

Really cool beach. I remember lots of trees too, and people BBQing.

I hope to return some day!!


@Comacus Yes very beautiful, I hope everyone has a chance to visit Hawaii once in their lifetime. And I hope to meet everyone one day and blaze it up. :fire: :triumph: :dash: :dash: :dash:

Here are a few photos of the island I’m on (Kaua’I)

Aloha From Hawaii :call_me_hand:t5:


@Uknow808 Kaua’i is so beautiful. We visited a couple times, and had a nice affordable hotel near the Sleeping Giant. They turned it into timeshares though I think, and prices went way up. Waimea State Park (Grand Canyon of Hawaii), Princeville where they filmed South Pacific…

We’ll be back one day, and hopefully get a chance to meet.

Great pictures!


Bro, so wierd, I was just gonna hope in here and ask for some sunset pics! Bam! No need now, unless you want to share more. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


@Comacus awesome, so you’ve been on a good cruise here, I can tell cause you remembered the areas well. :+1:t5: Yes we will meet for sure. :facepunch:t5:

@Shaggy450r :facepunch:t5: will post more later, wasn’t sure if anyone cared to see photos of Hawaii.

Aloha From Hawaii :call_me_hand:t5:


Almost sunset