Veteran's Corner

Adrenalin is as addictive as anything else. One of the damnable miseries of PTSD from wartime service is ambivalence. Things would be a whole hell of a lot simpler if my memories of the war were all bad. They weren’t. In fact, the greatest high I ever got was from combat. Surviving a gun battle is like the best cocaine high, combined with the best opiate high, combined with an orgasm, all at the same time.


High all… Army 79-82 HHC 12th Combat Aviation Group Weisbaden Germany. Peacetime vet and I have nothing but the utmost respect and appreciation for y’all that walked through Hell and back. Thank You for your service…

Speaking of hash, it was all I could get in my time overseas. What I’d have given for a doobie back then… :slight_smile:

My alcoholic and abusive father is the reason I visited the recruiter at age 17. I wanted to kill that man one night when my balls finally dropped and I stood up. My head wasn’t right for years… and I also made some mistakes during my service that got me busted down in rank. But I got through it… and finally figured things out.

Fortunately I was in the Military and a few put the pieces together and kept me inline somewhat. Had I not been… God only knows the path I’d have ended up on in my younger days.

I finished my 3 years active, and wasn’t old enough to buy a beer once back home. LOL…


I believe I get what you’re saying, I was an adrenalin junkie and to a point.
I’m sure you never felt more alive while under fire. You’re feeling something… like alcohol or othet drugs. It’s not uncommon to feel these situations, especially if you were always an adrenalin junky. It’s the brain rationalizing to a stressful situation and hyper focusing on what’s at hand. Simply survival mechanism, I’m guessing. Adrenalin is quite the high.
and is almost like an out of body experience. Some thrive on it. Not good, if you’re not in that environment anymore. I hope you find ways to recover or to find other less dangerous ways to cope, maybe skydiving, rock climbing etc.

Just try not to feel something you just don’t.
You did your duty. Feeling the rush is completely normal. It sure don’t make you a bad person.

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Hey there @GCBudz! Navy 84-88 USS America (CVA 66)

Yeah most everything back then in Europe and the Med was hash. I so wanted to partake, but I didn’t funny thing I was on delayed entry because I knew I wasn’t able to pass a piss test because I recently smoked some amazing Blonde Lebanese Hash lol

I was lucky my drunken old man was totally out of the picture by the time I was 11 not so lucky were my 5 older siblings. I hear what you’re saying about wanting to kill yours. Same here. Mine went after my mom more and anyone who tried intervening. and separately if mom was working.
I thought things were normal and I broke into the liquor cabinet.
I was fortunate enough not to get busted but I did have a few issues that went unreported off base.

It’s good to know you were able to move forward!

lol I think the military ages oneself

I was 19 and 23 when discharged. I quit.just after.


i recall the blonde, nut my fav was the bubblegum red or black…


The red was excellent as well. To me it just seemed more narcotic then blonde…I never had any black Leb is it more narcotic?


Dang, all you guys talking about all,the old school hash has my mouth watering!!! Never seen any hash at all being stationed in Oahu, all we had was big green buds. Unfortunately I was part of “Operation Greenharvest” thru Nancy Reagans “Just Say No” campaign. I was Air Assault qualified and during '87-'88 they used us to drop in and “eradicate” many marijuana fields in the mountains, which really sucked, seeing all that go to waste. Being stationed in the Islands, I wasn’t going to stay “clean”. Hell, had to try some since I was there,LOL
I brought some back with me when I came home on leave for Christmas of '88, and it was an instant hit, since everything was “brick weed” it really took people on a ride, no one had smoked anything that potent. It was one of those “paranoid” type Sativa smokes, been searching for over 35 years for something to even come close to that batch as far as taste or high, but I’ll keep searching!!! It’s too bad that because of Operation Greenharvest, that a lot of the old Island landrace strains are gone, never to be seen again. I was fortunate enough to stay in contact with a family I met back then for all these years, and they hooked me up when the wife and I were there to get married, but talking with them, everything changed over the years, and a whole lineage of land race is gone, which is a shame. Now it’s all poly hybrids. Due to the eradication efforts, it drove them indoors, underground, and anyplace you could possibly think of to keep it away from the “eye in the sky”. Only the “Old” growers have anything close, but it isn’t the same, the gene pool has gotten so muddled. I wish some could actually experience what “Maui Wowwie” REALLY was, I can say I was fortunate enough to actually smoke it, and wish I could find something remotely close, as it was exceptional.


I still hunt deer, and that can be quite the rush but nothing compares to hunting something that can hunt you back. As with alcohol, massive adrenalin rushes are something I’ve learned to live without.
It’s interesting how some people (including my father) went from soldier to pot farmer. If law enforcement had a modicum of compassion, they’d leave people like me alone.


When I came back from my second deployment to Iraq, I found out the DHS (Department of Homeland Security) published a memo that returning veterans are likely to be recruited by anti-government militias. My military ID GUARANTEED I would be bothered at airports.


Hey @Kgrim, It must have been amazing to be able to smoke some great green from the islands.
Man, that had to hard to watch/do!
I remember that stupid campaign of Nancy’s. I also recall the DARE crap. and how they tried to tell kids to turn in their parents or anyone they see growing or doing drugs.
I also recall her being a VIP on board our ship and wanting to throw her off the fan tail lol.

I believe there are still some good straight heirlooms/Landrace to be found on the islands, but are rare.
Though you’ll find most in a hybrid or polyhibrid form. But I only know from what I’ve read and experience from many years ago. Just like a lot of landraces south of the boarder and the eradication efforts there. You never know.

Yeah totally understandable! I’m also a hunter it’s a rush. Some people get buck fever. Never got that. Though if I had a non typical 300 + scored White tail in my sights, I think there would be a little shaking. lol

We have a lot of black bear but, that’s not my thing. Grizzly bear might be more of a challenge, but is extremely expensive and I believeis limited to mostly Alaska. Myself I eat what I hunt, and to me bear is just too damn greasy/gamey. Wolf, again, not my thing, and extinct in my area of the state. Too much like dog too. lol
But yeah you’re not going to get that high from.engaging humans on that level.
I agree with you that law needs to understand people like you, and I for that matter. I’m more of a hippie but, I have my demons and PTSD trggers. . Being on the Autism spectrum "Aspergers " doesn’t help with interaction with abusive authorities.
Thankfully weed has helped me tremendously. Therapy has also been helpful.
I eventually talked my wife into moving from the city to the country, to get away from all the stimulation
I’m disabled, now, but I can still hunt from my deck, deer, turkey and rabbit mostly. The sheriff leaves us be, even though he’s seen our outdoor plants during state prohibition. (Only a few) but I believe that’s rare.


from what I recall the black was more sedating - sometimes they would spike it with opium crystals -
one time in Holland we sat in front of s guest Haus for 4 hours unable to go anywhere

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I really wish I knew where many of the cops here stood on cannabis. It’s illegal as hell, but veterans in rural Georgia often get the benefit of the doubt. In fact, I got pulled over once and handed the cop my VA ID card. Instead of running my name, we traded war stories (he was also an Iraq vet) and he let me go. I really should have gone to jail for what I did (I won’t go into detail) but he let me go.


Our sheriff knows us, just by the fact we live in a small rural county. I’m sure he knows I’m a vet because my name is on a county veterans recognition/ ceremonial wall, he was part of. My last name stands out lol
But, yeah brother I do believe many are good. and I think a good fair share are Veterans and get it!

As for other cops I’m thinking mainly the tasks forces partnering with the DEA are much more anti- pot/drug than the normal patrol cop. I’d like to think most are good. But there are some power hunger, bully types that get off harassing arresting folks for any amount. Do those stupid THC test that prove nothing! Since THC can linger for a moth in your system even if it could tell in days. I’ve never had a strain effect me more than 4 + hours. Except edibles but not days.

I’m in a legal state with progressive MJ laws, but some municipalities are stickers about the rules and opt out of any canna business. Most of West MI is conservative and are not pro pot. Which is ironic, since I know quite a few of my 420 friends are, and we come from all walks of life.

It wasn’t until recently seed sales were illegal, without a license, yet you needed seeds to make them or purchase illegally, SMH.
Now it looks like the DEA admits it doesn’t differentiate between Hemp seed and Marijuana seed, because neither contain more than 0.3 percent THC, according to the new Farm bill.
Will have to wait and see how this plays out. May just need a hemp license? but this law could be a good thing.

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Yeah, brother, the black that I had turned out to be opium wrapped up in tin foil. it smelled like the perfume. Knocked me the hell out.

I’ve made some good Afghan bubble hash. black, sticky gummy. Generally though the darker hash is because of oxidation. I notice when I apply heat to a pressed puck of Kief this can happen, it gets melty. But black is good, either natural or other! Stones me right the hell out!

This batch turned out like the Old School black of yesteryear. After I rolled it out, “balled” it up and let it sit for about 4 months, was black as an 8 ball, and when you broke it open, was a real nice blonde. People bug the hell out of me to get their hands on some, and I tell them get some bags and a washer, and start making your own, but they seem to think it’s like trying to mix rocket fuel or something, LOL


Hopefully Georgia jumps on the bandwagon and “decriminalizes” it like the 40 states have done.
I’m lucky that I live up north and we’ve been “legal” for quite some time. I gave up my medical card though, just so there wasn’t a conflict with buying firearms. Didn’t want them coming back and saying that I “lied” on the application answering the question about drugs.
I really hope they get you guys out of the stone ages and in line with what most states are doing so you don’t have to deal with a “criminal act” it’s such BS, especially for us Vets that we had and have to watch our backs growing meds that HELP us!!!


I already owned mine.

:green_heart: :seedling:


I had some also. But wanted more, so have my card up, not that it stopped me from growing out in the country. Now my wife says I have too many firearms, LOL. But I told her it’s better to have them and not need them than to need them and not have them. Since the Methheads moved in next door, there’s always been one within reach pretty much in every room. I won’t deal with those idiots in a nice manner. Their house looks like Sanford & Son moved in, have traffic all hours of the day and night, and they stay up for days on end. I, my neighbor across the street, and others have already called the township about them, and they say they are working on it, but if SHTF, I can deal with it long before the Sheriffs Dept can get here.


It’s strange how, on one hand, law enforcement respects veterans, but on the other hand, they have few qualms about locking us up in the name of the War on Drugs.