Well looks like I may have a problem - Identified mites

What did the plants do after being sprayed, or did it go lights out before you could see???

Do 1st 3 treatments 3 days apart, last 2 5 days apart. You got this.

They dripped lol dunno what i waa looking for lol but they really didnā€™t do anything special. After closer inspection i found black specks on all the damaged leaves so there is something there. Hopefully I killed the fucking things


You killed some, keep it up, pain in the ass, but you will save your plants in the end. What I wanted to hear was they picked their leafā€™s up big time an hour after being hit.

I would never recommend spraying mid flower. Either try to ride it out or chop em, sanitize your grow area and reset.


Only 2 weeks in any later than that and I would have chopped the worst one and been done with it


Ride them out, his grow is ruined. Completely. He either had a choice of resetting or attempting to finish.
Told him what he could use to finish. He is at start of week 3. Product he is using will NOT harm the plants, will NOT be tasted when smoked, and if he needed to, can be used the week of harvest.
Am I SURE. YES, done it myself about this same timeline. He puts in the effort, and does the treats on time, he will finish just fine. It will also teach him a lesson to keep a clean grow, or his work load triples and his harvest halves.


Add ladybugs :beetle: :beetle::beetle::beetle::beetle: :beetle: :beetle:ā€¦


I reckon mites.
we use a soapy solution in a spray bottle, spray and wipe the sacks off (looks like little white spots usually under the leaves).
Spray the soil too, just to annoy 'em.
If your at 6 weeks you might need to grin and bear it if your running indoors.
Else twice a week for 2-3 weeks normally kills them off ime.

Agree spraying twice a week for 2 weeks I noticed what looked like spider webs on the tops of the first plants I saw damage on. Spinosad didnā€™t do shit to them. Iā€™m cutting the worst plants simply because they are the smallest and hope the others that arenā€™t showing the damage will finish as Iā€™m at 6 weeks flower. What kills these little fuckers so I can drown my space in it when these are done so I donā€™t have to worry about this shit again

Noticed what looked like spiderwebs on my smallest and most affected plants. Also the only ones in soil. They are getting cut tomorrow just because. Thinking spider mites. What can i kill them with? To late to spray now and they laughed at spinosad

I just stumbled on this thread mate saw shadeys pic of mites and jumped right in thinking it was your picture. Let me scroll up and have a looksee

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A very common problem, unfortunately. Can be a difficult problem to fix.
Take a gander at the following threads for some insight to possible solutions:

Iā€™ve used an alternating combination of Green Cleaner and Azamax applied on scheduled intervals in the past to control them.


Yeah. Mites. Just did a quick read and view.
Itā€™s only the girl in soil?
If your dwc is fine, chop the girl tomorrow like you said, donā€™t disturb the soil, and then take the pot/stem/soil for a drive somewhere and leave it there.
We usually use the soapy water and rub technique to kill mites if we get it early enough, just have to hit the soil too.

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I vaguely recall mites have a natural predator?Some wasp maybe? Trick something?? All my lit is packed and stored, maybe I need to dig it out :fearful:

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I fuckin hate spider mite. Pure pain in the arse especially in flower. Iā€™d hose your plant down in the bath or summat try wash whateverā€™s on the leaf off and underneath might keep them at bay for a few days. Also I know itā€™s summer but dropping temp slows them down massively.


Any chance you can throw up a picture of these webs? Iā€™ve seen them strand when they heavily infest, but not web

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All those white dots are nests. If you put some liquid detergent on your thumb and pointer and rub, theyā€™ll come off the leaf.
The black dots, if you watch them long enough, they move.
A pretty heavy infestation mate. Your indoors?
Maybe a bleach solution, spray and wipe everything, then maybe the heaviest neem spray you can find sprayed everywhere.
And ditch any organic matter far away and start anew.


trichogamma? or similar?

Right, there are some folk that swear by the use of natural predators as opposed to using insecticidals.


Aye. Anything natural is good as opposed to chems.
If you canā€™t say it, you shouldnā€™t spray it.

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