WHAB’s 1924 Brick Schoolhouse RDWC

And btw don’t bring in soil from outside, if you do you are only asking for trouble……
Go to Walmart, anywhere and get potting soil with no nutrients in it and use that for now. That will give you a month to get real soil for them.
Pro mix HP is what I use, but there are many basic soil mixes that work well


Those look LOVELY!

Amazing strains, too! Yes, yes and yes! biggrin

Beyond your generosity, I can’t accept any more plants until I have ‘mostly’ healthy environment to put them in (the only space I have now is in use - Day 55 of flower). Thank you IMMENSELY for the very kind offer! I’ll do my best to have a space ready for any newcomers!

I do have some tentative plans for the controlled space. They will be immediate when I change the space again after this run.

I’m going to enlarge the space (I really want to run 6 at a go) and try to insulate what can of it, walls, under-floor and above (all un-faced insulation except in the attic. just above the controlled space).

I think that will work until I can get the “Classroom” (the living space) air conditioned.

I have a question for you, @Oldjoints and any others with any ideas.

I’m going to need a place to dry what I harvest. The only ‘cool/dark’ place is in the growing space, where the Girls are now.

The only other space is the bathroom - but it won’t be ‘cool’ and there is always some light bleeding through the covering on the windows. The only space in the bathroom would be above the toilet at the far end of the bathroom. I can hang some Poly to block the light, but keeping the humidity in check in there will be challenging, to say the least.

I have already planned on buying some of those Grove Bags, those curing pouches.

I hung up what I cut off of Large Loretta and it’s still not ‘dry’. I keep trying to snap a branch and they’re limp and certainly not snap dry.

It was a good test looking forward. I know I can’t control the humidity in the Classroom.

Edit Add: (all un-faced insulation except…

Eternally grateful!,

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Yeah, that’s why I haven’t done it yet…the thought of it doesn’t sound right.

Would putting them in just the Perlite Pro-Mix HP CC be okay, without the Guano mixed in?


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Number one, I may have something for you as far as heat. I have installed my mini splits and no longer need my room air conditioners, I won’t give them to you but will sell them very cheap to you.
Yes if you can get them in promix and perlite or just promix without any of the guanos mixed in they will be fine. That is if you fix the heat, 90 is to high for babies. Especially when they are trying to root.
Number Two:
Give me exact dimensions of what you have to work with and I will help design you a proper grow area.
Number Three: Your options of drying seem to be limited. A dehumidifier could be in your future but you would need a closed in area and A way to hang your buds. You could always make a cheap dry room with about anything, I like to use insulation board. Wouldn’t take much, something the size of a closet.

And I will let you know when things here are ready for you in advance………


Yes, I’m very interested in your excess A/C units! Awesome, man!

I’ll up-pot them in to the Pro-Mix as soon as I get off of here.

I went up to the loft and grabbed the hygrometer that was up there and put it on the cloning machine.


It was 90F in the loft when I brought the hygrometer down here.

There is a good cross-wind where the Reservoir/Rooting space is. I have all the West side windows open and a fan in the bathroom window blowing across the space.

I didn’t memorize what you had written before you took it down! ROFLMAO

I thought about buying a 4x4 tent to dry in. Not sure where I’d put it, but I can squeeze it in here somewhere! winky

I do have some 2 inch rigid insulation that I haven’t built up the Water Softener Enclosure with yet. I do need to get that done before Winter!

On Monday I’ll have 2 dehumidifiers. The small one in the growing space now and the new one on its way that will replace it. So, I will have a dehumidifier for drying purposes.

I forgot the rest winky.

Ah, it’s back! winky

The loft is 8 feet from the wall and 12 feet wide. It is the same under the loft but my bedding takes up 1/2 of that, so under the loft is about 8x6.

IF I missed anything just let me know.

Thanks, man!,

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were the plants starting to grow before you planted them in the pots? Sometimes if the root isn’t big enough for it to grow yet and they are transplanted they get wilted and shrivel up. You could leave em in there longer if that could be the case?


A drying room would be easy, just use a corner and then you already have two walls.

The a/c units will also help dehumidify a room, it’s actually how they help cool an area.


Many here say they are a waste of money. You have to keep filling it with ice and It puts out almost nothing. I almost got one.
:green_heart: :seedling:


That’s actually how ac units came into existence. Originally for humidity removal. :+1:

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You are correct sir, you win a cutie doll…… :woman_teacher:

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Hey, Joe!

Yes, they were doing fine. I suspect the mix was too hot for them, besides the space being especially warm as well.

I only potted them once they had developed roots. That’s why the 2 are still in the Cloning Machine II, they are just now getting developed root structure.

Here are those 2 plants, the larger one first.

But, I see they have probably been in the machine a tad bit too long now. Some parts of some of the leafs are yellowing.

I’m sure IF I leave them any longer in the machine they will surely die.

Thank you for your questions, sincerely. You always have me thinking along with your reminders! winky



Actually, I do have one corner open for use. The only corner available.

It is the corner where the Propane Fireplace (heater) is. That corner and above it are completely open for use. It is probably one of the hottest corners, though. It’s just to my left shoulder and is as hot as I am sitting here (88F currently - no decimal number, only whole numbers).

Btw, the Girls upstairs have conditioned air. The Rooting plants and the Reservoir have forced cross-ventilation.

I have neither in this corner! frown biggrin

Yes, I have actually referred to my A/C in particular as a dehumidifier.

I learned that when I was building Air Conditioners. Some large enough to walk around in. Some of what we built were specifically used in indoor pool areas to keep the humidity in check.

Thanks again, so much, my friend!,



I’m not sure the little one will make it. Its roots were not nearly as developed as the larger one. In fact, it looks like it was on its way to dying.

But, I’ll give it a go for as long as it cares to.

I gave them both a big drink after this picture.

Also, I salvaged what I could off the first trash water pump. I kept the cord (it’s a pretty long one, comparatively). I have something in mind to use it on, I think. I have a couple really old Torchiere Lamps…one I know has very old wiring. I could use it there until I can get a antique style power cord for it.

I kept the 1/2 inch outlet fitting and their feet. Not sure what I could ever use the feet for, but you never know! winky

I’ll strip the other one when I come across it winky

Good morning, everyone!

Make it a great day! tup



Those curling up leaves tell me those clones are heat frustrated. Don’t try to over compensate by watering, as you will only rot those young roots. The little one is probably toast, the other one is doubtful in 90 degree heat.
Your best bet is to water as normal and what happens is what happens. Unless you solve that or give them to someone not dealing with that kind of heat. If they were bigger plants well rooted they would stand a chance. As it is… not so much. But you never know plants are hardy and one or both could come out of it.
And btw you can come get those a/c’s anytime and if you don’t have the funds owe me until you can afford to do so……
I paid $375 for each of them one is about 4 years old and the other is like brand new as I bought it at the end of last year and only used it for one grow. I will sell you both units for $200, I think that is very fair……


Oh wow thanks for the heads up. They have been cranking up the central air here. So I’m fine… for now.


Gotchyah, in those cases if they start to fade I just add a few drops of nutrient. Just a tiny splash to get them pumping when they are clones.


We’re in the middle of a huge storm right now, relatively speaking. A little over 1-1/2 inches through today and more tomorrow.

The internet and satellite have been down several times - they’re both down right now as I am composing this message. I don’t think the post is going to go through.

I find it odd that they both going down at the same time when they’re 2 different satellite providers - HughesNet and DirecTV. They’re both going down at the same time for about the same duration.

$200 is more than fair! Thank you so very much!

Can you tell me what brand and model are so I can research them and get prepared to receive them, please?

Also, I have one issue that will prevent me from coming for them right away and that is Low Oil Pressure Indicated in my car. It is a problem I’ve been concerned about for some time.

The gauge needle starts fluttering wildly at idle. At the RPM, at that MPH, in the picture, it should be at least 50 psi. disregard the “Service Engine Soon” light, it’s the Air Pump (formally known as a Smog Pump) that doesn’t effect proper operation of the engine.

I thought it might be a Oil Pump problem but, after hours of research it ‘may’ be as minor as a $0.87 part (it may have been a little more winky). I’m hoping that’s what it is. An Oil Pump, a good aftermarket one, could cost about $130.

Besides the cost, replacing the Oil Pump requires removing most of the engine parts forward of the front of the engine block.

I discovered that most of these low oil pressure problems in these LS motors are most likely an O-ring on the Oil Pickup Tube in the Oil Pan. The oil pan ‘may’ have to come off. I have seen some folks just loosen most of it, leaving loosened bolts in the rear, and tip the front down to get at the oil pickup tube.

I’m pretty sure it is still circulating oil through the engine but I’m not entirely sure.

And, until I get the O-ring changed out it ‘might’ still be the Oil Sending unit.

I have been provided with some space, with an actual hard surface, to work in…instead of the gravel driveway.

But, a golf cart is in my way. I mentioned it earlier that I had gone down the Golf Cart Rabbit Hole. I’m still in that hole.

I can’t get my car in the space until the golf cart exits that space. I’m working on it.

I’m hoping to get that done in the next week, barring any unforeseen circumstances.

I apologize for the length of the message, but some extra information was needed.

I’ll post more about the Rabbit Hole in few, when I can…sketchy connection!

Thank you, brother! tup



The storm has subsided, at least for now.

I’ve also been away receiving a tractor and trailer that’s been out on loan.

The Golf Cart Rabbit Hole…

It started with a flat tire. That thing has been leaking the entire time I’ve been around the cart.

I took it to a shop I was told it would cost about $6 to fix. It was $16 biggrin.

The bath…

The fixed tire AND a tire plug kit for the future! (that’s the old rusty nail that was in it in the top of the rim in the picture)

The cart. An Electric E-Z-Go. No data card anywhere that I have found. It has a full Diamond Plate body on it that I can’t find nowhere else. It looks like it may have been part of a school or golf course maintenance fleet.

The battery charger that came with the golf cart seems to have quit working. I took it apart and bench tested it to my abilities (admittedly lacking in that area). But, there is power going in. Power going across the onboard fuse (I was hoping it was just that fuse) but not going out the charger plug that plugs in to the cart.

I bought a charger for it ($78?).

I put it on the charger for a full day and I got the accelerator peddle to click but nothing more. I bought a charger above that is a 2 amp charger. The old charger was an 18 amp charger. There was another charger I could have bought that was an 18 amp charger but it was another $100 more than what I spent. I just thought by using the 2 amp charger it would just take longer to charge. I was okay with that.

Well, after that day on the charger and I wasn’t seeing much improvement I started digging in to the Golf Cart Battery setup. I check some voltages across the system and they were all weak.

I popped the cover off of one and I realized the Electrolyte levels were low - very low. I checked a couple more and they are low too.

I don’t believe they ever checked the Electrolyte levels. Supposed to be yearly maintenance from what I have found. They’ve had it about 4 years.

Now, I still have to get some distilled water and put it back on the charger and hope that’s what the problem is. I’m hoping the batteries aren’t bad now. I’m hoping they’re not destroyed by now. They’re Trojan T105 batteries. It’s over $1000 to replace them.

At least I have the tractor back here in case I have to drag the golf cart out of the space I need to work on my car! woohoo

I failed to mention in my previous that I have all the parts and materials to get the O-ring changed out. And I have the materials to change the oil (something I’ve been putting off knowing I’d have to dump the oil out to change the O-ring) and to change the spark plugs and spark plugs wires.

Changing out the #8 spark plug on an LS in a Camaro body is a son-of-a-gun. It’s tucked way back under the dashboard. I have read that a person can remove the Fuel Injection pack and something else on the passenger side of the engine to get access to that spark plug. I have not tried that myself - yet!

The last time I had them changed was when I was hauling a trailer back from Colorado to Missouri and my car was having a tough time running - it had about 70,000 miles on it at the time. I had a mechanic along the way (somewhere in Kansas) replace the plugs. It cost $200 for a “tune-up”. Most of that cost was for replacing the #8 plug.

Now, a new problem just arose.

That output fitting on the Vivosun Water Pump came off again. PullHair I’ve been out so I don’t know how long it had been like that. The 10pm feeding time started and I noticed the level in the Reservoir was not going down. Something was wrong. I pulled up the Fill hose and only that output fitting attached to the hose came out. The motor was in the bottom of the reservoir running. I tried to put it back on while it was still running more than a few times and every time I set it back down in the Reservoir it almost immediately came off again. I waited until the Drain cycle started and got a better look at it and I saw one of the locking tabs was bent outward. I looked at another one and it wasn’t there. I don’t know what happened BUT I have to go fix it NOW! I’m not sure how - yet winky

That’s it for now winky



Hey WHAB, cool golf cart :slightly_smiling_face:

Some interesting pics of the inner workings there. Hope that battery isn’t fried, wish you the best with those repairs and hope things don’t keep messing up for you. Although it does look like it keeps you pretty busy :grin:

To me, it always feel like the minute I’m done one project, 5 more pop up outta nowhere :laughing: I feel your pain.


Well, from bad to worse!

It looks like the new (purchased 06-01-2021) Vivosun water pump must have had a come-apart while I was away and I wasn’t there to catch it.

It and I am fucked!

Except for the pump in the Cloning Machine II I just emptied, I’m fresh out of water pumps frown.

I’ll try and piece something together but I’m unsure how that is going to go.

Vivosun is closed until Monday frown
