WHAB’s 1924 Brick Schoolhouse RDWC

Hey there Oldtimer! wavy


There is a good bit of property here and I’d rather not have to walk it IF I can get around that winky

It’s SIX batteries.

This new one is a bad one, not a project, so to speak.

Thanks for stopping by and adding to the discussion.

It is my pleasure making your digital acquaintance! tup


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Awww man that is super shitty! How does that even happen?! The blades look busted off too. Sorry to hear this man, hope you can rig up something to save you until it can be replaced. I would be demanding an explanation and hopefully they send you a better model if possible. Maybe even 2, to have a backup.


Thank you! :grinning:

I appreciate the warm welcome, only wish it was under better circumstances…

Nonetheless, I’m really glad to be here and looking forward to seeing more of your crazy adventures.

It would be fun to have a golf cart at my house, just afraid I would never be able to pry my kids hands off the wheel :laughing: they destroyed their power wheels years ago. Luckily it only needed 1 battery.

The pleasure is mine. I really enjoy the level of detail and effort you put into your posts.


It’s actually a pretty neat feature of the pump. You can point the output fitting in several directions to suit your needs.

However, that does seem to be a very easy way for it to come off in operation.

I had been thinking of a way of locking it in the position I needed but had not yet devised a method of doing that just yet.

I was actually planning on devoting some time to it very soon.

I couldn’t afford to have it fail on me.

Oops! urlate

You’re welcome. I, too, wish it were under better circumstances…but, it is what it is! winky

Thank you for the kind words, friend!



Well, I did find a pump I had forgotten I had.

Two problems, though.

I don’t have an output fitting for it - I broke the original one a long time ago.

And, IF I can find a fitting for it, I’ll have to adapt it to the 1 inch Fill hose I have in there now, or reduce the size back to the 3/4 inch hose/fittings I had in there before I upgraded to 1 inch, or go back to a 1/2 inch setup. And, it only has a Max Head Height of 6-1/2 feet. It is a bit more than 6-1/2 feet to the Controller Bucket unhappytdn

I have tried all the water pump fittings I have and none fit this one. I’m going to go scrounge another potential source to rig something up BUT it would be really nice to have something to get there in…something like a golf cart! ROFLMAO

Part II winky I couldn’t post the above when I wrote it. I had to reboot my computer. In the meantime I went to the hardware store

I went to the Hardware Store (my brothers garage winky)…

I searched high and low. I came away with this potential…(the 2 barbed fittings is what I had already).

None of what I grabbed would work…I couldn’t find anything to work with the pump above.

I grabbed the water pump from Cloning Machine II.

With this…

…I was able to cobble together this…

And that cut off end barely fit in the 1 inch hose but I got it to fit.

It’s in place, just in time for the 2am feeding.

But, it’s barely gurgling out of the 1 inch hose in the Controller Bucket.

I’m hoping it will do until I can either get parts for the Vivosun pump OR I can buy another pump from somewhere else. I have already decided on a replacement pump for the Drain side but I haven’t pulled the trigger on it yet. I will have to very soon! Maybe 2.

At least the Girls will get some food in between now and then. I was already pondering how I was going to hand feed them

I got the pump in place and barely had time to adjust the pH. It was 5.9 when I got the pump in place and adjusted to…

I added 5 gallons of pH’d water to the Reservoir. Just pH’d water to dilute the E.C… It had crept up to an E.C. of 3.0. That is a E.C. reading of 2.8.

I think I may find something to eat now winky.

Time for a volcano, I’ve earned it! biggrin

Good morning!

Make it a great day! tup



Here ya go bro:

The only problem I foresee for you is that room a/c’s require an exhaust to the outdoor. I know you don’t want to put holes in those walls, I didn’t want to either so here is how I solved that problem.
There is only one window in my garage and so I used that to port my exhaust’s to the outside by using 6 inch exhaunt lines from the back of the a/c’s to the window. To hide what I did I built this cabinet in front of the window and also used this cabinet for intakes to my hid’s (the rectangular squares up top with filters).

You of course don’t have to build a cabinet or go to the extent I did. But I also needed that cabinet to store all my canna related stuff and for intake ports for my lights.
If you can’t use the a/c’s it’s no biggie to me, I was just trying to help and give you a great deal as I know your finances aren’t that great.


Glad you got that figured out. It is at times like this I am glad I have 4/5+ hydro shops within 12 miles of me

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I can certainly use them, my friend.

Thank you for the images. The model #'s are very helpful.

I won’t belabor my financial woes, but you’re absolutely right on that point. I appreciate the consideration.

I have windows on both sides of the building I can vent out of. IF I have to run a hose or two across the floor to get to a window but I’m okay with that to get some cooling wonderful for any Girls I may produce!!! winky IF I run one up in the loft, which is very likely, I can vent out the attic and then out the eaves.

I’ll get started on my car as soon as I get the golf cart out of the way. I have to go to town tomorrow and I’ll get some distilled water then.

Thank you, brother!



No Hydro stores around here at all. The nearest one I know of is about 40 miles away, others are a little farther away than that - several. Luckily, or unluckily depending upon ones perspective winky, I am in that town pretty often. I’m using a scheduling break in those trips to get that work done on my car. :crossed_fingers:

Thank you, @G-paStup,


I contacted Vivosun regarding their pump having a come-apart. When I sent it (from their website) there was a notation saying they’ll get back to me in 24 hours.

Speaking of “parts”. I can’t find ANY. Not aftermarket parts or from the manufacturer - NONE frown That’s weird!

I did find a Vivosun Motor Housing for sale on Ebay from a private seller - just the housing, nothing else! ROFLMAO It sounds like they had a come-apart worse than my come-apart! ROFLMAO

I have since my come-apart come up with at fix to prevent that from happening in the future. winky

I did ask Vivosun in the “contact” I made asking IF they’ll send me replacement parts - then I asked IF this was covered under warranty.

Btw, that exact pump is not available for sale at this time. I suspect a supply chain hang-up!

Still bearing down on that Rabbit Hole of a Golf Cart.

First, while I was doing a general clean-up of the top of the batteries - not a full clean-up - I noticed some bulging in 2 of the batteries. That’s never good! I’m not going to do a full service until I know I can get even some movement from the cart - I’m not about wasting time.

Supplies…the empty cells (they were all like that) and realizing I won’t have enough to fill the cells completely. The gallon was nearly 1/2 empty after just the first 2 batteries. I did get all the cells covered with distilled water - 1 gallon just wasn’t enough to fill them. I’ll have to get another gallon and top them off.

The cells are covered at least. I put it back on the charger. I will go check it in several hours.

Then, the Inofia HD161A Dehumidifier came in woohoo. The instructions say you have to let it set upright for 24 hours confused2

I’ll get to that as soon as I can.

Bending over that battery bank killed my back!

Then, garden (only partially started) I can pick from. Just Tomatoes and Blackberries - a BUNCH of Blackberries. The third and forth pictures are showing fruit trees that were planted this year.

Then, Flower Day 58…

pH of 5.8.

E.C. of 3.0

Will take them down a tick or two.

These pictures are from last night. The last picture trying to show the Girl in the back left corner (Southeast corner). I shot them in the dark. Using the headlamp with the Green light doesn’t play well with pictures as you’ve seen. It’s not a very good shot. She goes to the ceiling.

I have not yet been back in there to cut the Light Burned leafs out. I’ll try and get to it as soon as I can.

My back really is killing me. Bending over like that for any amount of time F’s me up! I was over those batteries for about 1-1/2 hours.

Imma gonna volcano

I hope you ALL are making it a great day! tup

48 ,


I’m really sorry your having a crazy amount of pump problems man. :sleepy:
Looks like you got a nice supply of bud coming your way though!


Yeah, I am too, thank you - sorry about the pump problems, that is! winky It sucks on ice! Had I not had some extra pumps - and currently not needed elsewhere, where they were being used - from previous systems the Girls wouldn’t be getting any nutrients at all. frown

I can’t replace it for at least a few days frown.

And, yeah, I’m hoping to! I could use it!

This is what I’m working on. The Commodore and Tangie Ghost Train.

The 2 on the right are unopened 1/8ths. I don’t remember a time I’ve been this low on the Ganja.

I haven’t checked for trichs in a while. Maybe I should put that on the schedule! winky They actually may be done and I just don’t know it! ROFLMAO

Thank you, my friend, sincerely! tup



I am betting the td x c-99 are very close to being finished if not there. The raspberry cough will be another couple weeks.


Thank you for that, brother!

I will check them soon.

How do you check for trichs?

The USB or Bluetooth Microscopes (might be WiFi, I can’t remember) are a pain trying to use it to check for trichs on a plant still residing in its soon former home winky

I was hoping the microscope would make it easier to use standing up next to a plant. Hopes dashed! crazy

Thanks again, my friend!,

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Does anyone have a Harmonica Harness!?!?

That should work as a Mobile Microscope System (hands free smartphone planted on your chest).

Sounds like a winner! rockon ROFLMAO


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I use a jewelers loupe. They are cheap and do a good job showing trich’s
Some phones do a decent job if you use the photo function and zoom it in all the way….


My Galaxy Note 20 Ultra is supposed to have 50x zoom.

I don’t have a bunch of time using it but the few times I did ‘try’ it it did zoom in but it was pretty unidentifiable. Again I don’t have much time on it.

I was going to say I don’t have a loupe. There’s been one in my toolbox forever - and I forgot it! ROFLMAO

I’ll give that a go - I never thought of it and it’s not more than 10 feet away from me! ROFLMAO

Thanks, man!,

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I shake so it is a little hard. As long as I don’t need to take a photo, I can see them.


I use an x-acto to get a sample bud or piece of leaf to investigate. Once you have a piece on a stable surface and everything else is stable it’s easier.

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I thought about that. I was curious when no one mentioned it. Granted I forgot I had a Loupe that’s had a shadowed (cut-out) home in my toolbox for decades. So, there’s that!

The human brain (Thought Process Machine) is a funny machine! winky

I’m in the middle of something right (Tea at the moment winky) now but then I’m going to go up and give them all a go!

Thank you! tup,

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