WHAB’s 1924 Brick Schoolhouse RDWC

No noticeable change with the Rabbit Hole. It is a very low amperage charger so I actually expect it to take a while for it to charge the system.

Something keeps nagging me, though. When availability of the cart was first mentioned I was told that they thought the kids that had been driving it around ‘may’ have ripped wires out from the underside, possibly from running fast over dirt mounds.

When the transfer was made, there was no mention of it. Just that the floorboard is having a problem on the drivers side.

IF after 48 hours I don’t see any signs of improvement, I’m going to jack it up and see what I see.

They really had no idea that their charger wasn’t working, I’m sure. I’m sure they never once checked the levels in the batteries.

Now, here’s a success story for the day…the Blueberry haul!

Now, what do I do with them! ROFLMAO

In all my years I think the six or so I’ve wolfed down in the past 2 days are the most Blackberries I have ever eaten. I don’t have any recollection of ever partaken of the fruit previously! ROFLMAO

Really, what do people do with them? Beside Blackberry Cobbler - I’m not baking a pie! I’ve nothing against pies, it’s just that I don’t have any experience making them AND the oven still needs some work. The oven valve still needs to be R&R’d.

I could search on what to do with them but I’m really curious as to what you regular, experience Blackberry noshers do with them!

keep it clean! ROFLMAO


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I just eat them from the cane. There’s so many in the prairie in out backyard. But we collected some last Sunday and made syrup for our pancakes. Delicious! And easy.

As for those batteries, Trojans are nice! I want some for my PV panels, but can’t afford them yet. They definitely need maintenance, and you gotta check specific gravity in those suckers at least once a year. Glad you got to the before they all were toast. I bet you’ll have luck if the carts wiring is intact.

Good luck friend


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No prairie but, they are over here,
:green_heart: :seedling:


Pancakes! Man I haven’t made a pancake in a long time! I have a Flat Top Griddle now and never thought of pancakes! Stupid Thought Process Machine! ROFLMAO I lived off of pancakes for a time.

Easy, quick and yes, delicious - syrup with the right amount of Real Butter melted in between and from above! :drooling_face: winky

Man. :drooling_face:

The entire package was bought from auction. Pretty much as it is (except the spray tank) but surely included the batteries. I hope they’re not damaged. I’ve seen worse but, it’s never good to charge one up with low fluid levels. They boil and overheat, start off-gassing…not good.

It hasn’t ran in around a year, maybe a little more. I’ll look around for a SG tester. I don’t recall seeing one past trips through there. IF I need to get one I will.

Thank you, @Rhino_buddy … all the best to you as well! tup


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I took all 3 tools up to the loft to espy Trichomes. In an effort to give the USB Microscope another try. I did get it to work. I had to hold my phone in one hand and push the microscope in to it. A Bud Sandwich! The screen on my phone got the sauce! ROFLMAO

But, I think only a few good still shots are there. I’m still trying to send them to my phone.

But, something has distracted me.winky

By accident I must have hit the “Record” button. Totally by accident. I was setting up for still shots the entire time and I thought I was taking still shots. I heard the Shutter Close every time. It’s what I made sure to do!

However, some of the it MUCH better than the still shots. It’s 5 minutes long. There are some dead spots. The last 3 minutes or so is just blackness. I don’t know how it edit the dead spots out of it.

I’m going to try right now.

I did not try the other 2 remaining tools. I thought I got still shots that looked good when I snapped the shutter! I did leave them up there where I will.



You should have a “trim” function in the menu of your phone app that lets you pick a starting and ending point on any video you make with your android phone.

  1. Display the video in the Gallery. Do not play the video; just have it loitering on the screen. …
  2. Choose the Trim command. Touch the Action Overflow or Menu icon to find the Trim command. …
  3. Adjust the video’s start and end points. …
  4. Touch the Save or Done button to save the edited video.

But this site will probably not let you post a video from your phone. It would be a resource hog. It’s not like posting a YT video where you are using their bandwidth. On all the sites I operated I didn’t allow it.


Never knew that

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Thank you, @Oldjoints !

I couldn’t figure it out on my phone (before your post above).

I was able to partially figure it out on my PC. I can run my phone apps on my PC.

But, it turns out I was trimming out the parts I wanted to keep and kept in the parts I wanted trimmed out! ROFLMAO

I didn’t know that about posting video on sites.

I have seen plenty of videos here but I did not take notice of where they came from ie YouTube…etc.

IF I can’t post the video here I’ll try and get some still shots off of it.

Thank you, again, my friend! tup



Okay. I’m part way through editing. I’m not sure how to join the 2 pieces I isolated.

Question: How do I rejoin the sections I want to keep?

The first two examples are the pieces I trimmed out (those times are seconds) and want to keep. The last one, the 5:43 video, is the entire video I am trying to trim the dead spots out of.

Thank you, whomever, in advance!

I did just try to upload the original 5:43 video - just as a test - and, you’re right, @Oldjoints. OG2 only accepts “authorized extensions: jpg, jpeg, png, gif, pdf” files."



For those interested. MPG did allow me to upload it. But, it is as a “Download” file 49 seconds long. It is a 19.33 MiB file.

It is my file. I did upload it. It isn’t 'buggie". Nothing wrong with it.

For those interested, it is there.



Let’s slow the roll and figure out what you are trying to achieve.
Are you trying to show trich shots to determine whether the plant is ready for harvest?
I went to mpg and downloaded the video you posted.
The video showed cloudy trichs, some clear but no amber ones. So you could harvest now but if it were me I would wait about a week and harvest then from what I could see in the video. Depends on the type of high you want. The cloudy trichs show they are mature, the more amber the more indica for that strain.
If you wait a week you can make a place to hang and dry the plant and be ready for that process.


Hello friend.

No, I wasn’t trying to determine if it is ready to harvest. My apologies for the confusion.

In fact, I meant to include the words Trichs are “Clear to Cloudy” as a pun on a weather forecast. I forgot to. :flushed:

I’m going for extra ripe, brother! winky I’m an Indica man! biggrin

Btw, there is about another 2 minutes of video I still haven’t figured out how to stitch them back together - yet.

Thank you for asking for clarification.

Make it a great day, my friend! tup



I in no way was intending to do this this morning.

I was up there trimming leaves, the Light Burned and others, and decided to measure out the space for the Oatey Drip Pan. 24x24. That’s a lot of space to make in an already small space!

I needed to move some things to see IF I could make enough space. When I saw that I could create the space needed it just happened!

No more babysitting the small drip pan I had under the Air Conditioner catching drips that was not going out through the Drain Hose. I’ve been siphoning it dry at least once a day, sometimes more - sometimes I missed it and soaked the floor under the loft frown

While I was there anyway, I removed the Lenovo Dehumidifier and installed the new Inofia HD161A Dehumidifier.

It’s already dropped the humidity by 5%.

I will add some blocking and get that Drain Pipe plumb.

Good morning!

Make it a great day! tup


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Editing a video on your phone is very basic as you only have a trim function. If you want to edit further you will need a video editor. There are many free ones online.
The TDxC-99 is not Indica dominant so you are only going to achieve so much in that respect. Be careful as there is a fine line between amber trich’s and over ripe which loses potency fast.
And the raspberry cough will need a good cure before ingesting as the true flavor doesn’t shine through until cured properly.


I will try again on my phone. I didn’t understand how the trim tabs worked. Once I did it on my PC, I understand it better.

Yeah, I’m not aiming for Chocolate Brown Trichs winky A good mix will be great! A good cloudy to amber mix.

When I first got the microscope, I checked some of the store bought I have under it and I’ll be dipped in dog doo if I saw any amber trichs. So there’s that…

Have you used those Grove Bag, @Oldjoints?

Thanks, man!



Nope haven’t tried those bags. If you do let me know how it goes…….

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I just bought you some winky.

1 ounce bags with window are out of stock


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You bought me some? I would try one to see how well they work. I have an area I use for drying, you don’t so save them for yourself.
I will try one to see what type of job they do though……

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After a few days of trimming I only have a small amount drying now: The rest is in jars:


These are curing bags, as I understand it.

Here’s the owner, Mr. Grover…
