WHAB’s 1924 Brick Schoolhouse RDWC

I use avidemux and put that video on gootube. err youtube. Avidemux is a free video editing software it’s pretty easy to use.
cost: 0$


Thank you, @JoeCrowe! tup

I downloaded it. I’ll give it a go! It looks interesting…

Thank you again!


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Just one question, if you don’t mind, please.

Using the start and stop markers; Am I cutting the parts I want to keep or the parts I want to remove? I don’t find that explanation.

Edit Add: I found the information. 5 Ways to Edit Video With Avidemux - wikiHow


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Okay. That’s done.

Now how in hell do I make it a Mpeg4 file?

I tried several times - even followed the Wiki help - and it insists on saving it as an MKV - whatever the F that is!

This should not be this difficult. Wholey Crap! unhappytdn spy2|nullxnull

While the video is interesting and I think is actually usable, I have shit to do. Wholey F! unhappytdn

I’ll be back - maybe! winky

Make it a less frustrating day than I’m having! ROFLMAO


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Hey, brother!

I’ll get to that as soon as I get back. I just searched for that information but have not gone through the search results.

I appreciate the assist! tup

Gotta go mow. Or, in other words, to turn a phrase - Don’t Make Hay While The Sunshines! ROFLMAO

I’ll be back in a bit!

Thanks again, my friend!,

Well, that went pretty well…

…until the engine started acting like it’s fuel starved. From nearly full throttle and the mower deck engaged the engine wants to die. I had to quickly disengaged the mower deck and let the engine catch up.

In one small section of lawn - smaller than most residential front yards - I had to do that 30 or 40 times. PullHair

As I said, it was going pretty well, relatively speaking (considering the fuel delivery issue) winky

BUT then, I was trying to at least get those yards in the North end of the property done (Front, Back, 2 Side Yards AND both sides of the road in the picture … out to the corner intersection). Then I forgot the rollover bar was raised and took out part of what looks like a mostly dead tree.

cantlook ROFLMAO

One of the fuel filters is under the floorboard and above the mower deck … the mower deck that’s a BEAR to remove and replace for 1 person. I replaced both fuel filters some time last year. They’re those small crap fuel filters. That’s probably why they put 2 on them - even Kubota knew they are crap when they put them on this tractor. winky

It’s not my tractor. It is my brother’s tractor.

I want to upgrade the fuel filter to a remote fuel filter that is easily accessible to anyone working on it. After hours and hours of research, from that time to this, I found what most folks are recommending.

It’s a Racor 120AT assembly…

I’ve seen them priced from $30 to North of $200. This one is at the $30 range - $29.50. Same fuel filter assembly among the VASTLY wild prices nonofinger

I’m hoping my brother lets my make the upgrade. It needs it!

So, add this to the Must-Do list winky I’m not even going to try using it on my yard, until the filters get changed. It’s 2 or 3 times the size of the yardS I just struggled through.

When it first happened last year my brother didn’t believe what I was telling him about the engine wanting to die. He concluded I didn’t know how to operate it! ROFLMAO. That is until the licensed repair shop told him the fuel filters were clogged and needed to be replaced. ROFLMAO

Now, where was I? ROFLMAO

Make it a great night! tup

Edit Add: replaced $130 to North of $200.




Thank you, brother! smoke Thank you so very much! tup

Edit Add: Thank you, TOO, @JoeCrowebeercheer

You rockon - no doubt!,

After much PullHair and the help of some friends, @Oldjoints and @JoeCrowe …It got done!

Thank you @Oldjoints, and @JoeCrowe! smoke

And, again, this video was unintentional.


Well, now that it’s converted to a format MPG will accept, it’s too large by a few Mega Bytes. 10.1MB’s to be exact!

To be clear, I’ve got other things that NEED done - and here I am PullHair As I venture out to reduce the size of this mp4 file and keep it a mp4 file - or any of the other acceptable formats (which I don’t even know is possible), I know the Reservoir is low and needs attention! PullHair

I’m now going down this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQq0fgNuttQ Rabbit Hole!

I’ll be back - maybe winky crazy


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I usually cut the resolution that’s the easiest way. Change the bit rate, something that tosses out some of the data.

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I’ve looked in the Avidemux program. I’ve looked at the file. I’ve looked everywhere and I don’t find “cut the resolution” or change the resolution in any manner anywhere, nor do I find “change the bit rate” anywhere.


Wholey Crap! Why do they do this?!?! PullHair ROFLMAO

Thanks, man (@JoeCrowe)!

I’m adrift,

I had to download ANOTHER program, a Trial version of HD Video Converter Factory Pro.

I reduced resolution from 1080 to 720. It reduced the size from 85+MB to 40MB.

It should be up over there. I’m going to top off the Res first. Trying to catch the 10pm feed.

Thanks again, @JoeCrowe and @Oldjoints! rockon


under the filters you can chose to resize it. Change fps…etc. crop it. and so on.

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Got in under the wire! 3 5 gallons of straight pH’d water, no nutrients.

Started at…

And this…

Next 3 are each bucket that was then added to the Reservoir…

Ending at…


Then, here’s the rootings I recently potted up.

They not doing great but they are doing MUCH better, it seems (I’ve been wrong before! winky) They seem to be perking up - especially the big one (I’m hoping for a Girl. I ‘might’ even host a reveal party in anticipation of a Girl! :partying_face: :birthday: :fireworks: :beers:) ‘maybe some :pizza:’. I am Italian, after all! smokeit2

I’ll get some pictures of the Girls a little later, before they wake up…

I’m going to post that video in a few minutes.

It’s not much - Clear to Cloudy with a Slight Hint of Sporadic Amber.

It’s not much BUT, it is something I don’t believe I’ll ever do again. What a PIA! unhappytdn ROFLMAO

I do hope you’re ALL making it a great night!


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Filters not available, it seems. It’s ghosted.

I do sincerely and deeply appreciate the help - but, damn! That’s torturous!

I believe it’s worse than the Civil War! rolleyes ROFLMAO

Let’s have a volcano and act like the last few hours never happened?!?! Whaddya say?!?! ROFLMAO


It’s up.

I apologize for not being able to post it here. I really would have liked to…

BUT, I don’t want to start a YouTube channel just for one video. I ‘may’ decide later on to make one, but I’m not really keen on the work involved. I have plenty to keep me busy! Whistle winky

Maybe OverGrow can open up their acceptable files? @LemonadeJoe ?


I knew I was forgetting something (I always seem to winky).

I ordered these yesterday…

… and they’re scheduled to arrive tomorrow, they say winky.

Btw, I decided to stick with Vivosun but a Fill pump of a different design.

That other pump needs at least 1 setscrew to prevent it from rotating itself loose.

Vivosun has failed the “24 hour” promise. I have heard not a peep from them.

I am hoping I do hear from them and they provide me with new parts. IF that happens I’ll modify it as stated above and keep it as a backup.

DANG! I missed catching the Girls before Lights On!

When I was going through them yesterday (this early AM) I noticed there is one that is fist size. It’s one of the buds that got Light Burned. It’s so tight I didn’t even try to cut the burnt leaves off.

I’ll take some shots after Lights Off, promise! - IF I’m not buried up in some other adventure!

I plan to jack the golf cart up and check that wiring.

Good morning!

Make it a great day! tup


You have to change the video output to something other than copy if you want to change the output. Then the filters will light up.

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Thank you. I looked at those options but I didn’t see anything to change it to that I would be confident would work without destroying the hours of work I had already devoted to it.

Why not a single button that says “Here is the button you want to push to make this video work on every board” button? winky ROFLMAO

It’s just a straight up time suck!

I do appreciate the help!

Roller over at the other place just taught me how to upload it that does not require the viewer (the person) "Download"ing to watch it!

There’s a few instances of it over there now - him posting it, my reposting his post, them me succeeding at it! woohoo ROFLMAO

You don’t have to download it now!

I need a damn volcano! winky,


Just a test to see if C&P’ing the viewable file there will work here.

This is just a test!


There’s got to be a way to streamline this process. My goodness!

Nope, no worky!,