WHAB’s 1924 Brick Schoolhouse RDWC

Arizer needs some attention!

Bag be sticky!!!

On the list it goes!!! winky ROFLMAO

volcano tup,


New Gear arrived…

Vivosun SPB613 (for Reservoir), Vivosun QMAX660 (for Controller Bucket), 12 Frienda Mini Hygrometer Thermometers (for Curing) and a 5 Pack 60ml Syringes (for not spilling relatively expensive pH Down crazy)

I’m going to Drain, Clean and Refill the Ebb & Flow System (except for buckets themselves) in my accidental FOUR hour window between 10pm and 2am feedings - and put the new gear back in a clean home!

That Vivosun SPB613 is a BEAST! Way overkill but, the one that had a come-apart was not available when I bought this one. That’s the 1 inch barbed fitting on the top…gets larger as you go lower on the fitting!

That Vivosun QMAX660 has its intake on the bottom where it needs to be to get the most fluids out of the system. It says as low as 5mm (0.19685 inch - a little more than 3/16ths inch).

The Mini-Hygrometers are obviously something I hope to reach!

The 60ml syringes are to prevent me from trying to pH adjust the laminate flooring and not the nutrients! ROFLMAO I hope they work in that regard! 2 tablespoons equals about 30ml (29.57ml to be exact), 1/2 the capacity of those syringes.

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Oh, I forgot.

My Brother okay’d the Racor Fuel Filter/Water Separator Upgrade.

He’s 4 years out of warranty. He didn’t know that until I told him.

Dude said “Don’t screw it up” to a 25+ year Aircraft Mechanic. To the dude that made things that fly - in the air - with humans in them! Some of those things that I helped make fly were 60+ years old at the time. Rebuilt like new!


On the way!

Due in Sunday, so they say! winky

I’ll get back to work on the golf cart tomorrow and prepare for the tractor upgrade.

Oh, I may reschedule that Drain, Clean, Refill thing…my stomach is fouled up! It has been for several hours. I was hoping it would have subsided by now - it hasn’t! Sour Belly! frown

Well, I hope you’re all making it a great night regardless my Sour Belly! winky

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Hey all! :wave: posted in another thread but really wanted it here, too

Grove Bags. Grove Curing Bags…

I have never used them. I have read a bunch. I have seen a bunch about them.

They sound and seem like the future of curing.

According to what I have researched, once regularly dried, whatever method you use (as it looks right now, for me, I’m probably going to dry them in the grow space. It’s the only space I have any real control over and that is limited! winky ), you pop them in the appropriately sized Grove Bag, put it or them in a cool dark place and forget it. Your bud will cure in the bag maintaining a RH of 58%-62%.

I bought TerpLoc Half Ounce w/Window, TerpLoc Ounce Opaque and TerpLoc Half Pound w/Window on July 14, 2021. I’m pretty sure I saw somewhere that I should expect them delivered by the 18th. I got them today woohoo

When I made my buy they didn’t have 1 ounce bags with the window. Once I trust the bags I won’t need a window. At this stage I think I will find the window useful as I plan to throw a mini-hygrometer in there with the bud just to keep an eye on things.

And, it just hit me a few hours ago. I actually do have some space that is dark and potentially ‘cool’ - under the floor. There is barely enough vertical space for a human to get around under there but I ‘think’ a storage bin with Grove Bags in it ‘might’ provide a long cure solution.

I read that you can actually put relatively undried Cannabis in the bag but you do have to burp them for a couple to a few days, then seal them up. They come with incorporated Ziplocs but they do recommend Heat Sealing them.

@Oldjoints, let me know which ones you’d be interested in, please. I’ll send them right out! tup

For those interested: https://grovebags.com/

Most of what is on their product page is geared to big-time growers and providers - bulk buyers.

You can opt to “Build-Your-Own Variety Pack”. That’s what I did. I’ve read a few threads here on Grove Bags and shipping has come up a lot. I paid $13+ for shipping and, again, I got the bags in 2 days.

There is a lot of information on the site, specific to the Grove Bags, and information like Customer Testimonials.

The Grove Bag Story - John Grover (founder):

They just started a Q&A feature on their YT channel. The first video was posted yesterday:

Grove Bags’ Presents TerpLoc “Encyclopedia Bag” Ep1: Heat Seal? Empty Headspace? Lifespan of bags?

I’m not going to do a side-by-side test, I’m barely setup up to possibly getting a harvest into one of the bags at this point.

I don’t have a Heat Seal machine and am unlikely to buy one…but, a cheap one goes for about $30, so who knows, I just might! winky

I did buy some Half Pound bags in hopes! winky tup

I haven’t done a whole lot today. Still babysitting Sour Belly :frown:. But I think I can get through the Drain, Clean and Refill process tonight - I ‘think’.

I hope you’re all making it a great night! tup

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Been lurking on your thred @WhiteHotAfterburner , really been enjoying it. Tried to join MPG when @dequilo split for there but didn’t work out due to a particular user. Glad to see you still kicking around here.

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Thanks for peeking in, @DougDawson.

I thought I saw you over there? Anyway, they’re gone, man!

Overgrow was my original home. I would have joined sooner had I known it was up and running again. I learned a lot and met a lot of great people there!

MPG is my adopted home. I am a loyal person. MPG was there when Overgrow no longer was. Been a member on MPG for 12 years. I’m a loyal person. All of my OG friends were there.

Thank, man! Glad to have ya!,


Drain, Clean & Refill - Installing New Pumps - Flower Day 63…

Got around to doing what I said I would do the other day. IF I could have done it sooner I would have. Sour Belly SUCKS!


Drain, Clean, Refill and Install New Pumps, both the Fill pump and the Drain pump. Flower Day 63…

Btw, I’m pretty sure I found out what happened with the other Drain Pumps. It looks like the Low Level OFF Float Switch in the Controller Bucket wasn’t working properly. The pumps kept running when they should have been switched off! :frown: I didn’t put 2 & 2 together until the other day - no wonder that second pump was blazing HOT!

Here’s what remains of my first Vivosun Fill Pump, the one that had a Come-Apart in the Reservoir frown

I took the Res out and gave it a Bleach Solution Scrub Down in the bathtub again!

Putting the new BEAST of a Vivosun Fill Pump (a differently designed one - which, btw, can be used remotely!)

I meant to leave it out knowing I was going to do a complete Nute Mix in the 40 gallons for the 1st time.

Then, I have been using the BEAST of a Paint Mixer Blade!

I’ve been using it sparingly. In High Gear it’s just WAY TOO powerful. Whether in Forward or Reverse gears it requires a Two-Hand hold. It will literally pull or push your operating hand around. I left the Fill Pump and the accoutrements out of the Res because this thing (the small paint stirring too, but to a lesser degree) will suck everything in the Res around the mixer blade in short order! I wrapped up the Temperature Probe once and nearly one of the air hoses once. Not I just take everything that’s loose in the Res out before putting either mixer in there. Lessons learned! That’s my Ice Hash mixer! winky tup

Mega Crop Part A…

Mega Crop Part B…

Bud Explosion…(that’s the forced cross-ventilation I mentioned previously. It’s not a gentle ventilation! biggrin ).

40 gallons of sweet, clean wonderful! winky

I put each part in the Res separately and mixed them thoroughly separately then mixed them again when all the components were in the Res.

I included the below picture because how Part A goes into the Res (or bucket), it always sort of clumps up on the surface, sort of suspended in oxygen bubbles?

After the Nute mix it was time for pH adjustment, with the 60ml Syringes. *I’m hoping to get to a point where adjusting the pH is a measured function, instead of dripping/spilling pH Down all over everything and everywhere! :winky: *

Starting with…

And after, 5 or 6 Tablespoons (I think it was 6) I’m hoping to get to a point where adjusting the pH is a measured function, instead of dripping/spilling pH Down all over everything and everywhere! winky…ending with…

Then E.C. bouncing between 2.0 and 2.4 = 2.2 (1100ppm on 500 scale).

With that done I also did a diluted Bleach Scrub of the Controller Bucket - then sucked it all out with the Battery Powered Transfer Pump.

Just the Drain Pump in place BUT also, the Low Level Float Switch that failed, that burned up the 2 other pumps…the bottom right switch. Going to have to keep on eye on it! I’m pondering how to resolve it IF it happens again - I’m thinking Petroleum Jelly ‘might’ work.

Then this…

I tried to get a picture of the plant on the right side of the space. I was in the shadow and thought that might prevent HPS images - failed!

But, I tried to show the last picture the other day when I was in there trimming - I took a picture of it that day and forgot to post it! ROFLMAO That is a bud that has grown in to and above the Light Cage. I tried to remove it the other day and couldn’t. It’s fully enmeshed in to the Chicken Wire! ROFLMAO Still reaching for the Sun, down below it and to the Left! biggrin

That same day when I was snip, snip, snipping away one snip went ZING! I hit one of the Yo-Yo lines! ROFLMAO I tied it back together but I never got the recoil strength back. I even rewound it as best I could.

I just monitored the entire Fill and Drain process (well, the 2am feeding, 2 + hours ago now!) and everything is working as it should. In fact, they’re both working better than what they replaced. That Drain Pump gets the nute level down below the level of the Feed Lines - there used to be about 1 inch laying in the bottom of the bucket! Now it’s about 1/4 inch! Nice!

Gonna rollitup Large Loretta. Someone asked me how Large Loretta smoked. I told them I had hardly even looked at her since I hung her up to dry. It’s still NOT “Dry”. No ‘snapping’ branches. Well, I’m about to smoke her right NOW! :roflmao: Rolled up in a joint, even (since smoke was mentioned!) :roflmao:. This ones for you, bro!

Good morning!

Make it a great day! tup



Looks like the nutrient levels are doing good now, I haven’t had a “holy crap, Batman” moment when reading the meter. :wink:

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Hey bud, you did see me there. But every time I logged in I got messaged my Karma had decreased and ugly PM’s so I just stopped going. The negativity did not seem worth it. Anyway really cool to see you and I see what you mean by them being gone. Going to have to go back to exploring that site as it seemed really cool.

Really nice setup you got goin on, clearing a spot on the grass to sit down and watch. Have an amazing day man.

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Thanks, man!

Yeah, I’m still not sure how the E.C. got so high. I was bumping the recipe a bit but I don’t think that explains why it went off the rails and exceeded to capacity of the meter making me think the meter wasn’t working properly! winky


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What causes an individual to devote that much time to negativity is a puzzler.

Just so you know, he titled a picture “Doug WHAB” (may be paraphrased winky) associating me with the negativity he was heaping on you. You can see I wasn’t having any of it! winky He was beefing with you (for whatever reason) and tied me to it.

And, in all honesty, I avoided you because of his negative opinion of you. I should not have done that. I apologize. I just don’t have the time for Internet Drama.



Don’t give it a second thought bud. I don’t blame you for not wanting to get into the drama, I feel the same way. Just nice to see you around again. Happy Growing :v:

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Confused, is there a lot more, lol, and this is the rest? looking great!!

What I had hanging was what was left of a recent harvest of one plant. It is now in jars curing. I still have 4 more plants ready for harvest and then I will get a break for a few months.

1 Oz jars curing:


I found me another Rabbit Hole to go down! ROFLMAO

The NEW Rabbit Hole AND Flower Day 69…

I typically mow my end of the property. For the past couple of weeks I’ve been mowing all of it.

Last week the mower started acting up as it had done in the past. Wanting to stall, wanting to die. In the past it was the Fuel Filters.

Last mowing season I changed both of the fuel filters, it may have been the mowing season before last season.

One is UNDER the floorboard and ABOVE the mower deck. Horrible engineering! You have to remove the mower deck, then crawl under the tractor and the FIRST fuel filter is between the frame rails AND above a skid plate under there that also has to be removed. Since I changed the fuel filters the last time I have been researching modifying the system to a Remote Fuel Filter that you wouldn’t have to get under the tractor at all to check or change the filter.

I found some scrap to make a mounting bracket out of.

I accounted for everything. No interference with the Front Loader and above the bottom of the Frame Rail (to prevent ground contact).

I had it all done…

I had it neatly tucked out of the way…

But, when I got it running and turned the steering wheel hard left, it hit the relocated fuel filter!

I had to redo the work. I had to notch out the scrap metal mounting bracket.

With that job done TWICE winky , it was time to put that PIA mower deck back on…

So, even though it took twice as long as I thought it would…it was done. Neither I, nor anyone else, would ever have to get under that damn tractor to change fuel filters ever again.

It was going really well - until it wasn’t!

The tractor was running the best I had ever heard it run. I started mowing and about 1-1/2 hour in it hiccuped. It did it a few more times. Then it started doing it pretty regularly. The entire time I was puzzling over what could possibly be wrong. Once I got done struggling through another 1-1/2 hour just trying to get through this cut, it died. I started it, it died.

After it died I looked down and saw this… That’s NOT supposed to be there! Only 2 wheels per side, please! ROFLMAO

It already had a wheel that is broken at the weld. That front right wheel has been broken off since I have known this tractor, and that goes back to Colorado. I asked where the wheel was a few months ago with the intention of fixing it, welding it back on. They didn’t know where it was. I was looking for something else and found it in a pile of refuse, old propane tanks and such. I tied it to the tractor just to have them both together at the same time for whoever got around to fixing it. It’s another instance of poor design. The wheel is only supported on the one side and the forces these wheels see are going to break them off.

I have fixed a wheel on it in the past…a broken axle, last moving season. That looks like what happened here. Using it with just 3 wheels wasn’t a good thing, but it’s not my machine.

After I saw that, I just got off the tractor and called it a day. Only about 1/2 done! frown There is a wire feed welder here. Gonna have to read up on the unit to see how to use it. From memory, I think the gas should be set at 7psi. Going to have to verify that, though…it’s been a while.

This is where I left it!

I just bought a Lift Pump. A Fuel Pump by any other name. The Lift Pump is right next to the Fuel Pump I just relocated so I’d never have to get under that damn tractor every again…frown

I’m going to try and get the tractor back near the garage, but I won’t have the new fuel pump until the 28th, according to what they’re telling me confused2

That puts me a day behind on starting the work on my car. frown I forgot I have an appointment later on today…then I’ll start on my car.

Anyway, here’s…

Flower Day 69…

pH is…

E.C. is bouncing between 2.8 and 3.2 = E.C. of 3.0 (1500ppm on 500 scale for those that use those numbers).

I thought I had a least a few minutes to take pre-Lights On pictures. It came on early confused2 I got a few shots in before it went ugly HPS! winky I like that second picture. It’s showing the buds without focusing on any one of them. Nice effect!

The plants on the left side are ones that I tied back away from the Light Cage pretty well. That’s working. Most of those buds are growing down. Even though they’re tied up and back, the like pointing down winky

Then, those rootings I potted. Three are doing very well. That one that was struggling the worst still is. I am going to uppot those 3. Not today, though.

Make it a great day! tup

Time for a volcano,


Just looks like the top of that small clone died off, it should regenerate. What are the strange marks on the leaves? Is it a thrip attack?

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I don’t see anything on the plants. I just examined the plants with my naked eye, on top of the leaves and beneath them. Nothing scurried off or flew away.

I’m not exactly sure which strange marks you are referring to, my friend. The yellowing on the edges of some of the leafs? The spotting on the lower leaf on the plant in the back right?

I’d be happy to respond if you care to clarify?


right there on the leaves. White marks?


I don’t have a clue. I specifically looked at those leafs before I responded to your original query. They are not visible to the naked-eye. At least not my naked-eye winky

I got the T Takmly WiFi Microscope on them. It is something. I have no idea what, though.

Those are all from the top of the leafs. The tan color looks to be debris, to my faulty naked-eye winky.

Any ideas, @JoeCrowe?



It looks like some kind of bug bite marks and turds! Not sure what the debris are. I suspect some kind of small winged insect made those marks. not sure which one. Probably a flying one, you should try and catch one and image it. On a yellow sticky or something. Is it only on the old leaves, or do you think the insect is multiplying?