WHAB’s 1924 Brick Schoolhouse RDWC

When I zoom in on the pics it almost looks like bugs, eggs and holes where they been digging. That said I am not knowledgeable when it comes to bugs, I have been very lucky so far.


I sometimes see a single thing flying. Sometimes none at all.

They are the older leaves and, specifically the one on the far left was exhibiting signs it wasn’t doing well after being left in the Cloning Machine for FAR too long.

I will look at the leaves farther up the plants. I will pull those 2 leaves and put them on a more stable surface than holding it in my hand while I try and focus in and push the capture button.

I do have something to attend to right now. I’ll be back shortly.

Thanks for the assist, @JoeCrowe and @DougDawson rockon


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Its totally thrips. You can recognize the rasping damage and the black dots are the feces. I think @JoeCrowe uses BT to get rid of them.

I use this meme all the time, but in the image you can see the a thrips larva, rasping damage, and feces. Interesting fact, the singular of thrips is thrips not thrip.


lol, yah I recommend safer’s BTK it kills the thrips in a single application of 3ml per liter of water.

It’ll kill every last one of them, but is safe for humans.


I caught this one on the move. It was on an upper leaf of the plant on the left. The background is my thumb.

Here’s 2 of them on the upper leafs of the plant on the right.

And, yes…I thought the black dots looked deposits left behind by whatever they are.

When I potted them I get some of the potting mix on the leafs…that is the debris I was suggesting it might be.



Still in veg, you can save them brother. Don’t fret, just keep pushing forward. You got this.


yah like doug says we know what it is now, so you can pounce and kill it in one go. You can easily wipe it out, I assure you.


Yeah, thrips are one of the easier garden pests to deal with.


Where would they have come from? I mean, are they just everywhere? Are they ever-present?

I don’t have any Safer BTK here at the schoolhouse currently.

I do have Diatomaceous Earth here. Would that take care of them?

I mean, that is what I have on hand. I can get to town to get some Safer BTK tomorrow.

Thanks, folks! tup,

Is there a chance they are something other than Thrips?

Remember those bugs I had flying around and they turned out to be Leafhopper (or whatever we settled on?) Nymphs? Is there chance that is what they are?

I defer to your expertise.


That looks to be a Canadian thing, for as far as I’ve seen.

Why can’t I find it on Safer’s website? I was hoping to find it there along with a “Buy it now” or 'Buy it from" button.



I think there are different manufacturers in the usa. I think Bonide is in the usa?
Bonide caterpillar and worm killer?

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Why wouldn’t Safer’s BTK not be on Safer’s own website?

That’s curious.



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huh being from canada I never even thought safers wouldn’t sell the btk in the usa. I get it from the grow store or the hardware store. There are no grow stores there that carry it? Not safers, but a different version.


Here it is…


Perhaps @ReikoX can offer up some advice on some USA products, I am also in Canada.

Edit: LOL, looks like he just did. That dude rocks.


I’m not sure I ever knew where you reside, friend.

I’ve search up one side and down the other and I don’t find Safer’s BTK anywhere here in the States.

I could spend the rest of my life looking for Safer’s but a different version. I just spent a good deal of time looking and there are literally thousands of like products.

I do sincerely appreciate the assist! tup But, you might as well have said - get you some Pixie Dust! winky

Maybe Moon Dust - at least it does actually exist! winky

I appreciate ya, man! (you are a man, right?) ROFLMAO


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It seems to be called Safer’s Catapiller/Worm killer here.

Monterey B.T is another brand, same stuff.


hah hah yah deep down inside I’m a man. They’re calling it safers caterpillar and worm killer in the usa it’s OMRI certified. It’s just btk by another name.

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