What are your latest seed purchases? Post those new packs & purchase info here

Now, I’ve got to shake down the rippoff artist breeder known as Con****seur and get my $300 back.
I’m fully prepared to put that fool on blast after I send him another email and wait for his response.


I’m in a similar situation. I ordered seeds with a relatively well known breeder on December 6th… I sent him a Paypal payment directly. He was making public posts talking about his economic woes and said he didn’t have enough money for groceries, etc… so I bought some packs from him. Its now February 4th. On Wednesday February 7th, it will have been 9 weeks since I paid this guy… I have reached out twice and said… “Hey guy… still haven’t gotten anything.” His last response to me was January 20th, about 2 weeks ago… he said :he was going to the post office and “I’ll give you a shout tomorrow” which of course he never did.

Now this guy I am talking about… he is in Canada… so I do know that mail can take longer to reach… although when I purchased seeds from him, I thought he was in the USA… I never asked, but he never told me either. Most of the mail back and forth I have made to Canada usually has only ever taken a week or so… couple of weeks at most. A friend of mine said he once had mail come from the same guy that took a couple months… I don’t know why my mail experiences with Canada would be any different that his. Even when you look online it says that most mail is delivered from Canada to the USA in 7 business days. So why is my mail taking months instead of days to receive? That I don’t know.


I sent and recieved some Canadian post recently, took about a week.
I hope you get your order.
I wonder if there is a thread here on bad seed vendors - who not to use?
My guy is a member here, not a regular though.


I’ve had some in a week, others in 6. It’s been hugely variable for me.


before christmas mail was moving pretty fast , after christmasnot so much.
I mailed out a few orders over the christmas season and all but one US letter arrived in 2 to 3 weeks. Got mail from same province in canada that i am in (BC) and it took 10 days to go a distance I could drive in 8 to 10 hours LOL
I don’t take paypal so i know @MonsterDrank can’t be referrring to me but I had to check my order list anyways LOL


Nope! No one on here.

Oh really you know who I’m talking about? I’m not one to usually call someone out in public unless they really deserve it… and I generally like to avoid posting negativity… but I tell you what… if we end up going over 3 months, I might feel a little differently.


If they aren’t on here I must be mistaken. Good luck though!


@monsterdrank I have some great pics of the dawgfighter,that was made with Mike’s keeper starfighter cut.good stuff!


I got some of what I thank are your Shishka seeds in the last batch I was sent @SHSC-1 . Nice little gem. I’ll take a pic, see if it’s you. Got some @JohnnyPotseed genetics too in the same batch. A couple other hand written picks


I feel relatively complete now, like finishing some great project.
We’ll see how long it lasts. :grin:

Connoisseur Genetics

Sorry, Connoisseur for thinking that you were trying to rip me off.
It’s probably not very easy growing, breeding and running a seed bank at 100% by yourself from the black market.


This is an epic mail day.

This is what Ohms seeds gave me for buying and shipping him that Purple Unicorn pack on my own dime. He obviously really appreciated it

I originally told him I wanted something Grape Fun Dip related as Grape Fun Dip (The original) was a past long sold out release… he currently has Grape Fun Dip crosses in the test phase now. He said he didn’t have any labels printed yet… but I said I didn’t care about that… Just surprise me… and Wow did he! He sent me a pack of the original Grape Fun Dip (Black Light Fantasy x Kushmints) as well as these other treasures. “The Dip” is what he calls his personal Grape Fun Dip Keeper. So he sent me some handwritten labeled packs… and he also said that the pack of Grape Fun Dip (The original) was the last pack he plans on letting go ever again. I didn’t know Ohm Seeds or anything about this guy when that original pack was released… so I otherwise would have never had a chance to get these. I feel extremely lucky.

Speaking of Black Light Fantasy…

That’s my third Black Light Fantasy pack and fourth Black Raspberry. The Blueberry Snow I’ve never seen come up for trade/sale so I scooped that too. The guy threw in the Black Raspberry to my surprise… I think because I also bought this next Strayfox pack off him…

That’s my second Cakefighter… the RSSC Cherry AK47 x Wedding Fuel was a gift from RSSC. I recently sent him a couple things… he sent me this. It’s one I knew I wanted the second I saw it.

Also these came…

This package from Badger that has some of his re-made Subcool/TGA work was one I was real excited about but honestly it was a little stressful dealing with the guy directly. I paid him and weeks went by and nothing would show up… I had to message him about it several times and each time it was “In the mail.” One time he said it was returned to him and re-shipped. He did make up for it with a free pack of Dawggone Sour (Stardawg x JTR). Ultimately I would do business with him again but just know that it might take longer than usual. That’s okay I guess… as long as they arrive…

Speaking of which… Tomorrow will be 9 Weeks since I ordered from a certain Canadian breeder who’s order is slower than molasses creeping down the backside of a three toes sloth’s ass. I messaged him yet again the other day… I said… “Still nothing.” & Guess what he said to me… The mail was returned to him… and he swore he’ll re-ship right away. This is now the second time I’ve been told this in the last couple weeks lol. Never ever have I been told this before in all the years of Seed Buying… I’ve had seeds sent to the complete wrong address other than what I’ve provided (Exotic Genetix) but never ever been told it went out and came back and now it’s going out again. Is mail harder for some people than others? I don’t know. I will keep an open mind and I’m anxiously waiting the arrival of this Canadian mail that will likely have been going on Three Months by the time it actually gets here. Three months is a long time. That’s like an entire Season lol.

Last but certainly not least…

Jack the Ripper!!! From @ix3u!! Sick! I only grew Jack the Ripper once… it made me break a sweat and made the heart pound outta my chest. It was some strong stuff.

Okay that’s all for now. I’m super psyched about all of these arrivals and was happy to show them off.
Bodhi, Strayfox, RSSC, Ohm Seeds, and TGA stuff all in the same day… that’s like all my favorite guys right there. Epic day.


I’ll admit I’ve lagged in getting to the post office more than once. Always tracked. Never a problem…


Yeah me too… but not months. lol


Got a couple new packs


Bangi Haze is awesome! Congratulations :partying_face:

Pz :v:t2:


Ooh! What’s the bubbashine cross? Was that an auction win? Or something they had in stock?

I wasn’t even aware bodhi made any crosses with the bubbashine as the female.


Bubbashine x Kashmir, it was just a guy selling some awesome packs on IG.

First time I had seen that pack up for sale so I jumped.


That was smart. I felt the same exact way when I saw this pack surface in November.



Nice find! Never seen that one before either. I hope you get something good from it! Tag me if you do a grow log here please.

I need to start using Instagram more. Seems like that’s where so many of these cool packs of seeds come from now-a-days.


Did you grow any out yet? If so, got any pics?
Find any good bubbashine phenos?

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