What are your latest seed purchases? Post those new packs & purchase info here

I know right?
This is one of my favorite threads on the site. Not sure why really but I like seeing what people choose to aquire for thier preferences and this thread has opened my horizons to breeders I did not know of before.



Yeah we had a thread like this on ā€œThe Seed Depotā€ before that site went down. It was called ā€œThe Seed Collectors Thread.ā€ It was actually started on Rollitup but the admin/owner was complaining and bitching at us for talking about Seed Drops at places other than his paid sponsorsā€¦ but his paid sponsors were shit. Iā€™m not going to buy Seed packs from Greenhouse or Bomb seeds from some shady place in the UK and get all excited about it. He didnā€™t understand why. Clearly the guy wasnā€™t an enthusiast. This was so many years ago though. They donā€™t seem as anal nowadays over there.

So me and my friends moved to another forum and he actually BANNED me for a while over it. His claim was that I was recruiting for a competitorā€¦ but the two forums werenā€™t really that similar. The Seed Depot had a diverse community of connoisseurs who preferred genetics made in the USA. They stocked a couple of the Euro breeders but not really. The Seed Depot was based in Spain but had a lot of American made seeds. The Seed Depot was a Storefront with a forum attached to it. Rollitup is just a general forum that has a very diverse community but a lot of newbies and folks that chit chat about things like politics. They were two different worlds.

That SeedDepot in its heyday was one of my favorites of all time. Just a bunch of junkies talking about how to get their next fix. We would stalk the drops and sometimes crash the seedbanks websites when the drops happenedā€¦ thatā€™s how successful the thread was. Unfortunately the owner JB was a crook and heavily promoted cryptocurrency transactions and when bitcoin took a diveā€¦ he pulled the plug and stole our money right after one of the biggest and most successful Seed drops he ever hadā€¦ 303 Seeds out of Colorado dropped their Bio-Fuel, Bio-Chem, and a few others. Everyone wanted those seeds. 303 sent a lot of packs that all sold out in a few minutesā€¦ not one single person who bought a pack from JB got what they paid forā€¦ he went a step further and found a way to make fraudulent charges on the credit cards of members too. I had a nearly $2K charge from someplace in Spain right before Christmas on my Mastercard. Luckily I made a fraud complaint and got it all back. I was a co-moderator of the sites forumā€¦ had nothing to do with the business end of thingsā€¦ but man when that site went down, I felt a lot of wrath from othersā€¦ Just because I was somehow affiliated.

Anywayā€¦ sorry about the rant. But I agree with your assessment of this thread. Iā€™ve learned everything I know about Cannabis on Forums. When I was a complete noob and bought my first magnetic ballasts and tent, the very first thing I did was grab some Greenhouse White Widow and World of Seeds Colombian Gold because the Internet told me that those were two of the most potent strains of all time. A little trial and error and a successful harvest laterā€¦ I ran into ppl like Subcool and I think he was laughing at me in the Breedbay chat room regarding my strain choices. He steered me to a much better direction. Iā€™ll never forgetā€¦ when I was asking him for bloom/flower and harvest tips he said to me one of my favorite quotes of all time.

ā€œDonā€™t be afraid of the Fade.ā€ -Subcool

Then I picked up Space Queen F2 from him, Agent Orange, and Jackā€™s Cleaner II. It was like discovering a whole new world. Months later I bought a pack of Bodhiā€™s Purple Moonshine. I knew nothing about Bodhi other than what people said. Things likeā€¦ ā€œHeā€™s the real deal.ā€ Then I started following and getting to know his style and work. All those trans-continental Seed excursions he used to make were impressive. That and all the themes of spreading good karma that all seemed to have an artistic theme with a hint of Buddhism or Tibetan flair.

Some of the most valuable knowledge and best friendships Iā€™ve made were from and with people in threads like this.


Iā€™d never bothered to look up Azul Runtz, assumed it was blue cookies x Runtz, but itā€™s a Runtz x bbm, making this a BX with blueberry muffin as the crutch. I hold that HSC BBM cut and love it, so thought this would be a fun hunt. I was meh on Runtz as a grower, white Runtz I loved, very nice plants, but didnā€™t keep either too long.

Itā€™s an outstanding choice and she adds a lot of what Runtz lacks, yield and resilience to name a couple. Anyway, blueberry Runtz (Bruntz, BBMR?) here we come! :crazy_face::joy:


Purpulator (Purple Urkle x Legend Orange Apricot BC1). Coolio clone (Cap Junky x Caps Frozen Oranges)


Damn that purpulator sounds nice.


Just got home from VA to these! Thanks Shoe! :fire:


GLG arrived, wanted more rhubarb freebies and fems- then added another mothers milk cross, and then had to have the train wreck x appy and then it kind of ended up like this :slight_smile:


sky lotus :heart_eyes:


My haul from 2 different places have more in the way. I really gotta stop buying seeds, but it makes me happy!


Just got this smoking ass deal from a true friend and OG sponsor! The one and only @JohnnyPotseed :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:, please donā€™t hesitate to purchase your beans from this guys huge inventory! You will be very happy :blush:! :ok_hand::+1::facepunch::sunglasses::wink::peace_symbol:



This was what I got for 420 sales. Also got a dla 5.3 in the mail


From RSC. Light reflection on the Syrian, but it is 10 seeds (bogo).


Nice scoop!
Whereā€™d the jabbas stash and chem kesey come from?



I found the Jabbas on the seed source website. Was a little reluctant to buy ancient seeds but figured id take a chance. the Chem Kesey was a freebie they threw in, was super stoked for that one


So Iā€™m currently studying abroad in Florence and passed by a vending machine full of cbd flower and suchā€¦. Inside were seeds! For 20 euros and out of pure curiosity I had to snatch it up.


I also got afghan mix from them! A fun weed gacha game haha


I just grabbed this and the cookie dawg and the platinum ice (oreoz /Mac1) x Platinum Lemon Cherry Gelato! Lmk if anyone has grow any of these

Iā€™m actually clearing some room in my fridge. A lot of duplicatesā€¦ some triplicatesā€¦ even quadruplicates if thatā€™s a real word. I went way, way overboard on seeds the last couple of years. Anyone who wants to see what Iā€™m willing to part with can shoot me a PM. A ton of Bodhi and Strayfox stuff on that list.

One day when I went to add a few things that came in the mail, I noticed I was running out of room. That was a big wake up call. :rofl:


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